Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1110: Whose home

Carbon monoxide is too insidious, even if Lin Tiancheng possesses 360 antivirus, he might be able to say that, he does not intend to pity Xiangyu.

An Tian stepped back, "You really can't kill me. A gentleman can't chase after a word, you said it yourself."

Lin Tiancheng said, "You did not agree with my proposal at the time."

An Tian said, "I just didn't agree at the time, but I reserved the right to agree at any time, and now I have agreed."

Lin Tiancheng was a little speechless.

I have to say, there seems to be some truth in what An Tian said?

More importantly, Lin Tiancheng now only has 6 electricity. It is just when the electricity is scarce. If he must pay a tooth for a tooth, it will not do him any good. On the contrary, he may rebuild a strong enemy on Hong Kong Island. Punish An Tian for an hour and still charge it up.

It doesn't matter whether An Tian will kill Lin Tiancheng in the future.

This is the rule of the game that Lin Tiancheng agreed from the beginning. If he died in An Tian's hands, his skills were inferior to others, he could recharge the battery once before he died, seeking a truth from wealth and wealth.

Slightly pondering, Lin Tiancheng recognized An Tian's words.

The next hour is an indescribable hour.

This is the second time Lin Tiancheng and An Tian are really together.

The first time, it was Lin Tiancheng's appearance that changed his face to Xiao Yun. At that time, An Tian was quite uncooperative, and occasionally bad contact occurred, and there was not a lot of charging.

This time, Lin Tiancheng is exercising his own power, so he won't have so many worries, and all his skills are displayed.

Finally, Lin Tiancheng was charged with 10 more batteries, and the total battery capacity rose to 16.

The matter has developed to this point, An Tian no longer sticks to small details in front of Lin Tiancheng. Lin Tiancheng's punishment for her was over, she did not leave immediately, but after taking a bath in the hotel, she lay back on the bed again.


An Tian didn't plan to go home. She was a little worried that Lin Tiancheng would be silent as soon as she left. She would follow Lin Tiancheng and try to create opportunities for revenge.

After all, Lin Tiancheng and An Tian had a good time together. Seeing that An Tian didn't want to leave, Lin Tiancheng moved his mouth, but after all, he didn't say anything.

For Lin Tiancheng, the power bank is of course the more the better.

Hong Kong Island has an inch of land and a lot of money, densely populated, no matter how luxurious the hotel opens, there are almost no large-bed rooms in the Mainland.

Lin Tiancheng and An Tian lie together, and there will inevitably be physical contact.

Don't open Lin Tiancheng's power bank too many, in fact, there is very little time to be together. Therefore, after coming and going, Lin Tiancheng has some ideas.

An Tian did not agree.

Finally, after friendly communication, the two finally reached an agreement-this time An Tian can cooperate with Lin Tiancheng, and An Tian has an immunity.

What made Lin Tiancheng a little regretful was that he was not fully charged this time.

Before dawn, Lin Tiancheng was awakened by the phone ringing.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked. Calling at this time, could it be that the people of the three big families have taken some insidious measures?

He picked up the phone and saw that it was Xia Jisheng who was calling, he was relieved, "Old Xia."

"Tiancheng, please come to the capital as soon as possible. Where are you?" Xia Jisheng's voice was urgent.

Lin Tiancheng asked, "What happened?"

"At that time you will know."

Lin Tiancheng didn't ask any more, with Xia Jisheng's kindness to him, no matter what, Lin Tiancheng would attach great importance to it.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Tiancheng got up and got out of bed, and said to An Tian, ​​"I have a very urgent matter to leave, so I can't sleep with you."

An Tian grabbed Lin Tiancheng's arm and said, "I want to leave when I'm full?"

"I really have important things."

Regardless of whether Lin Tiancheng has important things, An Tian will not allow Lin Tiancheng to leave like this - she has another immunity.

Lin Tiancheng had no intention of arguing with An Tian, ​​and directly restrained An Tian.

After waiting for almost ten minutes on the hotel rooftop, a military helicopter landed on the hotel rooftop, and after Lin Tiancheng boarded the plane, he headed for the airport directly.

At the Beijing airport, a convoy was waiting to greet him.

The Hongqi sedan that Lin Tiancheng was riding in was driving in the middle. There was a police car in the front, two armored vehicles in the front and two armored vehicles in the front and two in the back of the police car.

In less than an hour, the convoy stopped at the door of an alley where there was an armed policeman on guard. Only the Hongqi sedan that Lin Tiancheng was riding in turned into the alley.

Both sides of the hutong are all old-fashioned buildings, with small courtyards in front of every house, and some courtyards are interspersed among them.

The capital was originally called a city that never sleeps. At this time, there is a lot of traffic and people, but inside this alley, it is strangely quiet, like a world of its own. If it were not for the knowledge of the journey along the way, Lin Tian Chengdu could not believe that this would be the capital.

"Chief, you only have three cigarettes today. If you smoke one and one less, do you still smoke?"

"Puffing......" A hip-hop old naughty voice sounded.

"Chief, based on your current physical condition, avoid fishy and fishy, ​​let's bear it for two days."

"I don't eat meat, and I don't eat other people's. I eat my own retirement salary and allowance..." the voice of a hot-tempered old man.

Lin Tiancheng's heartbeat speeds up vaguely, and the residents here seem to be unusual.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng saw an old man with white hair and a kind face in an open courtyard in front of him, wearing reading glasses, reading an English newspaper.

With Lin Tiancheng's current state of mind, Rao couldn't help but trembled.

It's him!

The former helm of the Republic!

It is in his hands that the Republic endures humiliation, keeps a low profile, and vigorously develops the economy and people's livelihood, which laid a solid foundation for the rise of the Republic today.

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath and sat with his **** full of piety.

He has already seen that the people who live in this alley are all dedicated to the Republic and made outstanding contributions.

I don't know who the person I am going to meet today will be?

Finally, the Hongqi car stopped at the gate of a courtyard house.

A guard trot forward to open the door and salute Lin Tiancheng, "Please show your ID."

Xia Jisheng was standing in the yard. When the guards had verified Lin Tiancheng's identity, he waved to Lin Tiancheng with a solemn expression, "Tiancheng, come here soon."

Beside Xia Jisheng, there was an elderly woman with a dignified dress, a calm temperament and a kind complexion.

When the woman saw Lin Tiancheng's first glance, her eyes were a little confused, and she did not speak.

When Lin Tiancheng saw the woman, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng recovered!

How similar does the woman in front of me seem to the current helm?

Whose home is this here?


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