Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1119: Urine test

Mu Hongzhuang also saw that Qing Jiwen was not at ease, but it was reasonable for Qing Jiwen to toast a glass of wine for Lin Tiancheng's birthday.

The wine in Wanghai Pavilion is Feitian Moutai, and each bottle comes with a matching cup, only the size of an adult's finger.

Because the capacity of the wine glass is very small, people who can drink usually don't use it, but Lin Tiancheng and the members of the "National Blade" drink, they use small glasses.

If you drink with this kind of cup, even if everyone respects Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng will fill the cup one by one, and there will be no more than one bottle in two circles.

However, Qing Jiwen made it clear that he wanted to treat Lin Tiancheng. He directly picked up a glass, filled it up, and said to Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Shao, I respect you."

After talking about Qing Jiwen, he drank it all.

Lin Tiancheng stood still.

Although the glass is not very big, there are three or two in one cup. Qing Jiwen and a group of people, men and women add up to more than ten, if one person respects Lin Tiancheng a glass of wine, Lin Tiancheng will drink five catties. He doesn't drink a lot of alcohol, no matter how good his physical fitness is, he will be drunk.

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Every electricity is hard-won and can save lives at critical times. Of course, Lin Tiancheng will not waste electricity to check and kill alcohol.

When Qing Jiwen saw Lin Tiancheng not raising his glass, his face became a little gloomy, and he didn't smile, "Why, don't you give me face?"

He wanted Lin Tiancheng not to give face, and then he taught Lin Tiancheng to be a man in front of all the girls. He wanted to show everyone that the so-called Jiang’an No. 1 Young Master is no different from ordinary people in front of him, maybe his domineering Can attract a few women.

As soon as Mu Hongzhuang was about to speak, Yan Shishi smiled, "You guys are huge, we girls don't dare to drink like this, Lin Shao, I declare in advance that you can drink white wine, and we girls will drink water with you later. Don't be surprised."

Although Yan Shishi's voice was a little bit awkward, the self-confidence exuded in the words was obvious. Her words basically set the tone for all women and could only drink water with Lin Tiancheng.

Qing Jiwen was upset, but didn't say anything. After all, Yan Shishi’s identity would not be any worse than him. What's more terrifying is that even if it is quite similar to Qing Jiwen, who doesn’t want to happen with Yan Shishi What is it.

In the case that Yan Shishi is not too much, if Qing Jiwen does not give Yan Shishi face, as long as Yan Shishi says something, many people will be willing to help.

In Qing Jiwen's group, the number of men and women is almost the same. After Yan Shishi excluded all women, only 8 men remained.

With eight people, each one has a glass of wine, Lin Tiancheng needs to drink more than two catties, even if he doesn't drink a lot, he is still not drunk due to his physical fitness.

Furthermore, Lin Tiancheng also noticed that Yan Shishi was kind.

Lin Tiancheng's expression calmed down. He picked up a glass and filled himself with a glass of wine, and said something like, "Thank you, I hope you will take care of you in Beijing. If you have the opportunity to go to the river bank, as long as I'm here, I will definitely help you."

Lin Tiancheng drank it in one shot.

For the remaining seven men, another person offered Lin Tiancheng a glass of wine.

Next, Yan Shishi had another drink with Lin Tiancheng with water.

Xu Ziman also toasted Lin Tiancheng with a glass of water, but at this moment, she had no celebrity demeanor, and she was very cautious when toasting.

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Although she is also with a young man now, she has self-knowledge that people are just having fun with her, and she will leave obediently when she gets tired of it. Of course she dare not put any airs in front of Lin Tiancheng. .

As for the other daughters, they did not use water to respect Lin Tiancheng.

If they respected Lin Tiancheng wine, they would only respond to Qing Jiwen's call to repair Lin Tiancheng. Since Yan Shishi has come forward and the toast fails, of course they will not really respect Lin Tiancheng's water. In their hearts, Lin Tiancheng's face is not so great.

After the toast, Qing Jiwen did not leave. He stood for a while and gave Lin Tiancheng a glance, "Why? Not in return for a glass?"

Mu Hongzhuang couldn't bear it anymore and scolded, "Qing Jiwen, what do you mean?"

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand as Mu Hongzhuang, refilled himself with wine, and smiled, "I don’t drink too much. Just now everyone toasted me a glass of wine. I couldn’t drink it again if I replied, so I did this glass. Wine, you are free."

Zhang Weifeng chuckled, "Lin Shao, we toast you alone. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for you to repay everyone with a glass of wine?"

Seeing that Zhang Weifeng's words were already stabbed, Tong Baoer, Zhou Yumeng and others were a little anxious - they knew the identity of Zhang Weifeng and others.

Although Li Rufei got along with them not long ago, with her strong personality charm, Li Rufei has been recognized by everyone. Everyone didn't know how to stop, they all looked at Li Rufei for help, hoping that Li Rufei would stand up and say a few words.

Li Rufei just shook her head slightly.

She knew very well that as long as it was a ‘National Blade’, no matter who stood up to help Lin Tiancheng speak, it would only stimulate Qing Jiwen and others more.

After all, so many women gave Lin Tiancheng a birthday, which in itself is a matter of hatred.

Seeing that Li Rufei was not in her head, Zhou Yumeng only thought that Li Rufei did not dare to offend Qing Jiwen and others. She stood up and made a smile, "Today, instructor Lin is the birthday star, and the oldest birthday star. You can drink whatever you want."

Zhang Weifeng turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yumeng, "Can the birthday star not give everyone face? Then I will invite Lin Shao to dinner on my next birthday, so I can ask Lin Shao to kneel and drink?"

Hearing what Zhang Weifeng said so badly, Lin Tiancheng put down his wine glass and said, "I will not drink this wine. You are not welcome here."

Qing Jiwen said indifferently, "Then don't celebrate this birthday."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Weifeng, "Wei Feng, when we entered the box just now, I seemed to see the birthday star taking drugs. For the sake of the stability of the capital, should this kind of thing be taken seriously, or should I take him for a urine test? ?"

Zhang Weifeng’s home is related to the police department. He nodded, “Assembling a crowd to take drugs is suspected of committing a crime. I’ll call and ask.”

Mu Hongzhuang's face showed a bit of coldness, "I'm looking for something, right? Okay, I will stay with him to the end today."

After speaking, Mu Hongzhuang picked up the phone to make a call.

Qing Jiwen looked innocent, "Hong Zhuang, you can't say that. I just saw that he seems to be taking drugs, and the effects of drug use by soldiers are even worse. However, anyone with a little conscience will not ignore this situation. Yes. Besides, those who are clear about it will be clear, if there is no drug use, it does not matter to have a urine test."


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