Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1120: Like to conquer the strong

Everyone knows that Qing Jiwen is spitting blood, but Qing Jiwen's words are not leaking. There is no problem in reporting drug abuse.

Seeing that Mu Hongzhuang was about to make a call, Zhang Weifeng didn't care. He took out his mobile phone and called to report, "Sun Ju, my friend saw someone in Fumanlou who seemed to be taking drugs, Wanghaige."

Zhang Weifeng hung up after speaking.

His family is related to the police department. He personally called the leader of the district bureau to report, and the police department will definitely take action as soon as possible.

The local and military regions did not intervene. If Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng must be killed and see Lin Tiancheng taking drugs, Lin Tiancheng would definitely do a urine test.

Although Lin Tiancheng did not take drugs, he could just explain it afterwards. After all, this kind of thing, not to mention that someone reported it, even if not, the police department conducts a surprise inspection, and everyone is obliged to cooperate.

Today is Lin Tiancheng's birthday.

Mu Hongzhuang glared at Zhang Weifeng and dialed Mu Feng's phone.

"Why did you call me? Aren't you with Tiancheng?" Mu Feng sounded particularly good.

Mu Hongzhuang said, "Dad, today, instructor Lin’s birthday, we celebrated his birthday in Fumanlou. Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng ran over to provoke trouble and asked instructor Lin to drink. When instructor Lin did not drink, they called to report instructor Lin’s drug use. The people from the anti-drug squad should be on the way."

Mu Feng's tone was serious, "Let Tiancheng answer the phone."

Lin Tiancheng answered the phone, "General Mu."

Mu Feng said, "Tiancheng, what the **** is going on, I haven't heard of you having a festival with them."

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Bai Fengchiao meaningfully, "I met Bai Fengchiao here today."

Mu Feng knew it at one point, "I understand, Tiancheng, don't be impulsive, if the anti-drug team goes, cooperate throughout the process."


Because of his status as a soldier, Lin Tiancheng would naturally not act rashly, and he could not deliberately make things difficult for Qing Jiwen and others.

Soon after Mu Feng hung up, the phone on Zhang Weifeng's body rang.

Zhang Weifeng picked up the phone and saw that Mu Feng was calling, his smile was still light, he answered the phone, but his mouth was very sweet, "Uncle, why did you think of calling me."

Mu Feng said, "Wei Feng, this is the case. Lin Tiancheng is a soldier in my hand. I can still trust his character. I'm sure he can't take drugs. Are you wrong?"

Zhang Weifeng said, "Uncle, Qing Jiwen and I of course believe you, but he is taking drugs and not only the two of us have seen him, but also other people. The reason why I called to report is to give Lin Tiancheng an innocence. Uncle, you can rest assured, no There will be something."

Mu Feng knew that there would be nothing else, Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng did not dare to go too far.

However, today is Lin Tiancheng's birthday. It was originally a matter to take Lin Tiancheng for a urine test and make Lin Tiancheng's birthday not successful.

If it was normal, Mu Feng might take a stronger action to intervene and directly take Lin Tiancheng away.

Not today!

The helm is already on the way to Fumanlou, letting the boss take a fuss. It would not be good if the boss felt that Mu Feng was suspected of covering Lin Tiancheng.

Mu Feng couldn't tell the story about the boss going to Fumanlou, not that he wanted to deliberately hide Zhang Weifeng-this is the country's top secret.

Don't say that the boss made a temporary intention to go to Fumanlou. Even if it is an itinerary that has been made long ago, it will all belong to the country when it is not necessary.

Mu Feng said, "Wei Feng, you still think thoroughly. Even if Lin Tiancheng is an officer, if you are really suspected of taking drugs, it is really necessary to cooperate with him for an inspection."

Mu Feng finished talking and hung up.

Looking at Lin Tiancheng's eyes, Zhang Weifeng became more and more disdainful.

The daughters and daughters who entered the private room with Qing Jiwen and others also showed some contempt and disdain on their faces.

At the beginning, everyone heard that Bai Fengchu had suffered a big loss in front of Lin Tiancheng, and thought how much face Lin Tiancheng had, but so. Mu Feng just called to ask.

Qing Jiwen looked at Lin Tiancheng with the same look at trash, "Didn't you recognize the old general Jiang An Luo Dafa as a godfather, then give your godfather a try."

Luo Dafa is not in good health, why would Lin Tiancheng bother?

His face was as deep as water, he didn't say a word, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

This Mu Feng clearly knew that he had entered the boss's field of vision. Why did he lose the chain again at a critical time? Is it because you have a relationship with the military and you have to let Qing Jiwen and others do whatever they want?

This time I suspected that I was taking drugs, so I had to cooperate in a urine test. If I suspect that I was killing someone next time, should I cooperate in the arrest?

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng had no power to fight back, a daughter was a little impatient, "Shao Wen, I told you not to come down earlier, just a soldier who cares about this kind of person, and it will make others laugh at you."

Qing Jiwen wished that Lin Tiancheng had some strength-he likes to conquer the strong!

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng is not an enemy of his own tricks, Qing Jiwen is also a little lacking in interest, he said, "Sun Ju should come in person, and wait for him to come and make a simple on-site transcript."

Lu Ying, Ran Dongye and others looked at each other and got up one after another.

As long as Lin Tiancheng gave an order, regardless of his conspiracy, they could break it with their fists if they came out alone.

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "Sit down."

Lu Ying also knew Lin Tiancheng's worries, and could only sit down angrily, but everyone's face was full of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Xia Xue said, "Don't go too far, the helm has made an appointment with Lin Tiancheng for dinner today."

Qing Jiwen looked at Xia Xue with a surprised look, "What did you say?"

"The man at the helm made an appointment with Lin Tiancheng for dinner today." Xia Xue said.

Qing Jiwen suffocated a smile, "Heavenly face, why isn't the helm?"

Xia Xue said, "Lin Tiancheng, he refused, at that time..."


Before Xia Xue finished speaking, Qing Jiwen couldn't help laughing again.

A group of young and old ladies also shook their heads again and again, with a very speechless expression.

Qing Jiwen only posed a small problem for Lin Tiancheng, which made Lin Tiancheng unable to resist, and his skills were so poor.

Xia Xue protects the people eagerly, all such lies are made up?

In fact, let alone Qing Jiwen and others, even members of the "National Blade" have a bit embarrassed expression on their faces.

Xia Xue was fainted in a hurry, there was indeed something to say about this.

A person who rarely sees Xia Xue's beautiful appearance is a little tempted. He glanced at Xia Xue and said kindly, "A little familiar, you are Xia Jisheng's granddaughter, no matter what occasion you are in the future, don't make this kind of joke again. "


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