Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1121: Ninth Five

Xia Xue's face also became a little embarrassed.

She believes that Lin Tiancheng has not lied, but there is no way to explain this kind of thing clearly. Could it be possible to find the helm to prove it?

Lin Tiancheng won't even explain this kind of thing.

I don't know why, but Bai Fengcu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Although his Bai family is not as good as the Qing family and the Zhang family, it still has a status in the capital. The old man of his family is still alive and can talk to the helm, but the Baihe people have solemnly told him not to Go to provoke Lin Tiancheng.

If Lin Tiancheng really fights with Qing Jiwen, he believes Lin Tiancheng will suffer, but Lin Tiancheng's performance today is a bit abnormal.

He felt a little regretful, and didn't dare to make the matter big, so he said to Qing Jiwen, "If you don't have enough text, let's just forget it, maybe it's really because of us."

Qing Jiwen looked down on Bai Fengchu a little, he said, "Feng Xiao, the officer is suspected of taking drugs, can you just forget it? Are you scared?"

Bai Fengyo smiled dryly.

He thought to himself that he should have been worrying too much. Even if Lin Tiancheng really has some back-ups, Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng are there, anyone who comes over must bow their heads obediently. Zhang Weifeng just didn't even give Mu Feng the face.

Think about it, too, Qing Jiwen is here, isn't Lin Tiancheng the wisest choice to bow his head?

Zhang Weifeng personally called, but within ten minutes, there was a rush of footsteps outside the private room.

Director Sun Liancheng of the Division Bureau personally led the team. He was wearing a police uniform with a gloomy face, and he was full of envy and righteousness.

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Entering the box, looking at most of the people in it, they exuded the noble aura cultivated by the family, Sun Liancheng felt that he was a little uncontrollable in this place, and his expression softened.

His eyes fell on Zhang Weifeng, "Weifeng, who is suspected of taking drugs?"

Zhang Weifeng pointed his finger at Lin Tiancheng, "He, several of us have seen it."

When Sun Liancheng saw Lin Tiancheng's face without fear, and there were so many beauties standing on the same line as Lin Tiancheng, he knew that Lin Tiancheng was no ordinary person.

Of course he knew that drug use was a fiction, and he was a little afraid that Lin Tiancheng would settle the account afterwards, and said, "Could it be a mistake?"

Zhang Weifeng knew that Sun Liancheng was afraid, so he frowned and glanced at Qing Jiwen, "Qing Jiwen also saw it. Of course, we are not sure if he really took drugs, but since everyone has seen it, should he take a urine test? ?"

Sun Liancheng turned his head and glanced at Qing Jiwen. He felt that Qing Jiwen was somewhat similar to a certain leader who used to be on TV before. Then he thought of Qing Jiwen’s surname, and Zhang Weifeng both said that Qing Jiwen was less than Wen. He still didn’t understand. The identity of Qing Jiwen.

He immediately let go of his thoughts.

What else is there to be afraid of with the Qing family?

Furthermore, someone reported that Lin Tiancheng had taken drugs. He took Lin Tiancheng for a urine test, which was also his duty, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Sun Liancheng felt confident in his heart, and his expression became dignified. He turned his head and looked at Lin Tiancheng, "Some people suspect that you are taking drugs. I will summon you orally. Please follow us to the bureau and cooperate with the inspection."

Qing Jiwen said, "You don't know yet, he still has the identity of the military. If, as a soldier, he still has the habit of taking drugs, would we ordinary people feel a little safe?"

Sun Liancheng nodded, his expression even more unfriendly, "Please rest assured that everyone is equal before the law. Anyone who tries to challenge the bottom line of the law will be severely punished. Moreover, I believe that the military camp is not a place to hide dirt. "

Seeing the members of'National Blade' about to move again, Lin Tiancheng said, "Don't move."

With that said, Lin Tiancheng walked towards Sun Liancheng.

Zhang Weifeng took off his glasses, took out the glasses cloth and wiped it, while indifferently said, "Drugs have a very strong hallucinogenic effect. Many drug addicts do not know what they have done afterwards. He has the skill and foundation for the lives and property of the people. Security, shouldn't it be restrained?"

Sun Liancheng nodded, "It is necessary."

Someone immediately took off the handcuffs from his waist, preparing to handcuff Lin Tiancheng.

Mu Hongzhuang couldn't bear it, "Zhang Weifeng, don't go too far."

Zhang Weifeng smiled and ignored it.

Lin Tiancheng stopped and frowned, "This police officer, I am now in normal condition and will cooperate with you in law enforcement. If others suspect that I am taking drugs, should I be handcuffed?"

Sun Liancheng said, "Is it necessary to handcuff, I know in my heart, please cooperate with us."

The person holding the handcuffs went to pull Lin Tiancheng's hand, and Lin Tiancheng tried a little bit harder, and his whole body remained motionless.

Sun Liancheng became majestic and said sharply, "The first warning, please give up resistance and cooperate with us in law enforcement."

Lin Tiancheng remained motionless.

Sun Liancheng raised his voice, "The second warning, please give up resistance immediately and cooperate with our law enforcement, otherwise we will continue to use police equipment."

Lin Tiancheng still did not move.

Sun Liancheng said loudly, "The last warning, please give up resistance immediately and cooperate with the public security organs to enforce the law, otherwise we will continue to use police equipment."

Finding that Lin Tiancheng was not subdued, Sun Liancheng waved his hand, "I order to use police equipment on him and take him away from the uniform."

At this moment, there was another sound of capable and steady footsteps outside.

Immediately, five flat-headed men in black suits and white shirts filed in. All of them looked calm, their eyes were like eagles and falcons, and their will deep in their eyes was as hard as steel.

This is Fumanlou, but when they entered the box, faced with a group of big and small daughters, and there was such a flashy scene, they did not show any mood swings.

Sun Liancheng also realized that the visitor was not easy, and took the initiative to take out his identification, "Police enforce the law, who are you?"

One of the flatheads also took out a red book and showed it to Sun Liancheng. His voice didn't contain any emotion, "Is it clear?"

Sun Liancheng glanced at the unit's name on the red seal, and there was a hum in his head, his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out from the roots of his hair.

Qing Jiwen, Zhang Weifeng and others are knowledgeable, and he knows exactly who these people are in front of him, and he is also honest now.

The two looked at each other, thinking in their hearts, I haven't heard of a big guy coming today. Could it be that a big guy is eating here and seeing his group, so he just came to say a few words? Don't know whether it is the face of the other party or your own face?

Both of them secretly prepared, and they wanted to smile at the first time and greet them actively.

They all stared at the door of the private room, desperately wanting to know who came today.

Soon, someone searched everyone in the private room.

Another flat-headed man with a slightly lean face, a well-proportioned figure, and a small coat over his arm entered the box.

At the moment when he saw the flat-headed man, Rao Yi was Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng, and his heart could not help beating fiercely.

This brother on the road just now is the bodyguard of the Ninety-Five Lord! ! !

This face, no one!


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