Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1123: It's over, it's over

After the helm left, everyone obviously felt relieved, but the heaviness of the mood did not decrease by half.

It's like a person who can only carry two hundred catties on his shoulders, suddenly picking one thousand catties, even if one hundred catties are lost, he will still be on the street.

The atmosphere in the private room is still silent.

Among all the people Qing Jiwen brought, only Qing Jiwen dared to take a look at Lin Tiancheng, and the others no longer dared to meet Lin Tiancheng's eyes.

If the person at the helm did not appear, Sun Liancheng would at best make a transcript of the scene to Qing Jiwen and others, but it doesn't work anymore.

He looked at Zhang Weifeng in despair, "Who saw Lin Tiancheng taking drugs just now? Go to the police station to make a transcript."

No one spoke.

Qing Jiwen pretentiously shrugged his shoulders and squeezed a dry smile, and scanned the group of big and young daughters around him, "What's wrong with all of them? Just now everyone saw that Lin Tiancheng seems to be taking drugs, we report is not Is it normal? We didn't say that Lin Tiancheng must have taken drugs."

Although the matter started because of Bai Fengchu, Qing Jiwen was the one who prodded him. He knew that he could only go through this level.

Zhang Weifeng personally called to report. He also wanted to break through this level, and said to Sun Liancheng, "I saw it."

After speaking, he looked at Bai Fengcu with a cold look.

Bai Fengyo's intestines are all regretful.

Before Lin Tiancheng had no relationship with the helm, the entire Bai family bowed their heads in front of Lin Tiancheng. This time something like this happened. If Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng can pass the test smoothly, everything will be fine. Where else will anyone care about him?

I'm afraid the Bai family will kneel down completely! ! !

It's just that today's matter is caused by him, how can he hide in the past?

Bai Fengchu swallowed her saliva, her face was ashen, "I seem to have seen it too."

Bai Fengchu could have foreseen how tragic his end would be, and he didn't know why, he suddenly began to fantasize.

Didn't Qing Jiwen really see Lin Tiancheng taking drugs just now?

Or, Qing Jiwen didn't see it, but does Lin Tiancheng have a drug habit?

As long as the urine test Lin Tiancheng is indeed taking drugs, the sage at the helm will definitely not protect shortcomings, let alone pursue them.

Under the coercion of Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng, the other big and young daughters had no choice but to express that they seemed to see Lin Tiancheng taking drugs.

Seeing everyone still on the same front, Qing Jiwen felt more relaxed.

His status was already high, and he really only said that he seemed to have seen Lin Tiancheng taking drugs, and it was understandable to report it. This incident did not cause any serious consequences. The helm would more or less give his father a bit of face.

Now that so many people unanimously see Lin Tiancheng suspected of taking drugs, he should be able to pass the barrier smoothly, right?

After the pressure eased, Qing Jiwen began to worry about face again. Although he didn't dare to take Lin Tiancheng into account, he still snorted nonchalantly.

Sun Liancheng didn't dare to be strong against Lin Tiancheng any more, he was completely imposing, he wiped the sweat all over his face with his hands, and looked at Lin Tiancheng with innocent and pitiful eyes.

Lin Tiancheng took the lead to walk outside the private room.

Of course the members of the'National Blade' must go together.


At this moment, a woman's cry suddenly came from the private room.

Everyone turned their heads and looked. It turned out that Xu Ziman could no longer bear the tremendous pressure. The psychological defense line collapsed instantly. She sat on the ground, crying and shaking her head, her eyes were full of fear, "Uuuuu, I don’t know, oooo... I don’t know anything ooh, I'm just an ordinary person..."

A policeman stepped forward to pull Xu Ziman's hand. Xu Ziman did not dare to resist, but he was unable to cooperate, like a puddle of mud.

The police looked at Sun Liancheng with questioning eyes.

Sun Liancheng said, "Take it away."

At this moment, Xu Ziman was crying, and suddenly he covered his chest with his hands, with a painful expression on his face, as if he was not breathing well, "Ah, my heart, my heart hurts..."

Not long after, Xu Ziman rolled his eyes and fell unconscious on the ground.

Lin Tiancheng also knows Master Xu Ziman. Although he doesn't have a good impression of Xu Ziman, Xu Ziman did not act excessively towards Lin Tiancheng today, at least he did not deserve to die.

As a doctor, Lin Tiancheng has his bounden duty to save and heal the wounded.

Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng walked quickly towards Xu Ziman, grabbed Xu Ziman's hand with one hand, and turned on 360 Antivirus.

After a while, Lin Tiancheng released his hand, a strange color appeared on his face.

As a professional artist, Xu Ziman's acting skills are actually not very good, but today Xu Ziman's acting is fine, and he lied to Lin Tiancheng.

Perhaps, acting in life and real acting are two different things, right?

The so-called world is full of movie kings. If you meet those movie kings that you usually meet in life, if they are allowed to walk on the real stage, maybe even Xu Ziman is not as good as Xu Ziman?

Sun Liancheng saw that Lin Tiancheng seemed to be inspecting Xu Ziman, so he asked, "How is it?"

Lin Tiancheng hesitated, did not reveal, "It should be a convulsion and fainting, it won't be a serious problem."

Sun Liancheng personally called the command center, called an ambulance, and left a policeman to take Xu Ziman to the hospital.

After dealing with Xu Ziman's affairs, Sun Liancheng personally led Lin Tiancheng in front, "Be careful, there are steps ahead."

At this moment, Sun Liancheng seemed to be taking Lin Tiancheng for a urine test. He was clearly taking the leader to the unit for investigation.

There is no way, Sun Liancheng knows very well that Qing Jiwen and others may be able to pass through without any risk by relying on the family relationship, but his own end is worrying.

Before getting on the police car, Sun Liancheng's phone rang.

Seeing the call from the bureau, Sun Liancheng smiled apologetically to Lin Tiancheng, "Sorry, I'll answer the call."

After speaking, Sun Liancheng answered the phone, a little impatient, "What's the matter?"

"Director, in an emergency, a lot of people from the Central South Bureau came and brought search dogs. They are investigating inside the branch. All the firearms are stored in the warehouse. The people from the Central South Bureau have taken over the firearms depot. Which leader wants it? To guide the work?"

The voice of the caller was a little nervous and dazed, and there was a little excitement faintly.

Such a big leader came to the sub-bureau to instruct the work. For the sub-bureau, it was still the bride who walked on the bridge. Everywhere it was said that there was face.

When Sun Liancheng heard the words, he buzzed in his mind.

Then, although the person in the branch was still asking him what was going on, he couldn't hear any sound in his ears.

He couldn't be more clear that this was the person at the helm who had to go to the sub-bureau to supervise himself, no, he was accompanying Lin Tiancheng to do a urine test!

There was only one voice in his mind at the moment.

"It's over, it's over!"


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