Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1124: Chaotianzi

The people in Wanghai Pavilion shared several police cars and went to the police station.

After a short period of adjustment, Qing Jiwen's mentality became more relaxed. At this time, when Lin Tiancheng was in front of him, he really didn't dare to hold it very much, but he started to hold it a little bit in front of several seniors.

He took out a cigarette and lit it with a careless look, "Look at you guys, is it wrong to report drug use? Usually you pull two to five to eighty thousand dollars, but now it's just doing it. It’s a good thing, everyone is so scared?"

A group of people have identities, mainly because the helm at the time would take the initiative to find Lin Tiancheng, which is really scary.

By now the helm had already left, and everyone gradually relaxed a lot.

After all, all of them came from a family of noble families, and the elders in the family were basically able to speak in front of the helm, and Qing Jiwen made a lot of sense. They just suspected that Lin Tiancheng was taking drugs and reporting drug use was correct.

Zhang Weifeng smiled and said, "I'm afraid there is nothing to be afraid of. I didn't expect that the kid should have such a big face and alarmed the helm. As long as he does not provoke us in the future, we should not have the same knowledge as him."

Someone nodded in agreement, "He doesn't provoke us, why should we provoke him? But if he provokes us, isn't he doing the same? So many of us are still afraid of him?"

Someone said, "You said, did the helm really go to see him deliberately? Is it because of his instructor status?"

After hearing this, everyone felt a little uneasy.

If the helm really went to see Lin Tiancheng because of this incident, it was enough to prove Lin Tiancheng's ability and the helm's expectations of Lin Tiancheng, if it was really because of this, I am afraid that Lin Tiancheng could really fight against them.

At this moment, Zhang Weifeng heard the phone ring, took a look, and immediately showed a real relaxed smile on his face, "I know the reason."

Everyone looked at Zhang Weifeng with curious eyes.

Zhang Weifeng said, "It's just an instructor in the district and not the chief instructor of the entire army. How could the helm meet him because of his status? Haha, let alone the instructor, the military commander's birthday, you see if the helm will go."

Qing Jiwen said, "Selling less, what is going on?"

Zhang Weifeng smiled and said, "Lin Tiancheng is a doctor. The old man at the helm has complained about his body these past two days, and he was diagnosed."

All the stones in everyone's hearts fell to the ground.

That's it!

The reason why the man at the helm went to see Lin Tiancheng today was not because Lin Tiancheng was a talented person, but to express his gratitude.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

There are so many major doctors in the Health Bureau, and Lin Tiancheng is just one of them. This time, fortunately, he was diagnosed with the old man's condition. There is only one Chinese medicine doctor. For the Republic and even the Health Bureau, one more is not much, and one less is a lot.

Qing Jiwen said, "I thought he had what kind of identity, look at it, this time it is his luck, next time it will fall into my hands, so I will teach him how to be a man in minutes."

At this moment, the police car stopped suddenly.

Qing Jiwen frowned, "Isn't it there yet, why did you stop?"

Seeing that several young and old daughters changed their expressions, Qing Jiwen glanced outside the windshield, and his expression was also quite difficult to look at.

All police cars were stopped. All police cars walking in front got off and were being inspected by men in black suits. Next to each police car, there was an explosive search dog, and under the guidance of the armed police, they excitedly searched for explosions. jobs.

what happened?

It's already so late, and there are big leaders coming out to work?

Thinking that the police station was not far ahead, Qing Jiwen felt a little bit in his heart, and his heart could not help beating fiercely.

Others also thought of a possibility, and all of them turned pale-if that were the case, I am afraid that the helm took the initiative to go to Fumanlou to see Lin Tiancheng. It would definitely not be because Lin Tiancheng was diagnosed with the father's condition. Simple.

Everyone hopes from the bottom of their hearts. The scene before them is a misunderstanding. It may really be the one from the Political and Legal Committee who came to the police station to guide the work.

The police car that Lin Tiancheng and others were riding in was also subject to inspection.

Lin Tiancheng was not afraid of the shadow leaning. He thought it was just a process. What he didn't expect was that Yi Zhimo was stopped. The four men with flat heads formed a wall of people to block Yi Zhimo's face. Everyone's expression was particularly solemn, and his body was full of momentum.

Lin Tiancheng was not too surprised.

The life safety of the helm could not tolerate any loss. Among the group of people, only Yi Zhimo had no official or family status, and it was not surprising that he was stopped.

After the inspection, the convoy moved forward slowly with a speed limit of 20 yards and drove into the police compound.

Seeing the red flag car that had appeared in Fumanlou before, it had been parked in the police station compound, and everyone's illusion was vanished.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, everyone’s eyes are full of unspeakable horrors.

The expressions of Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng had also changed extremely hard to look at, and sweat was already on their foreheads and cheeks.

The door opened, and everyone bit the bullet and got out of the car.

Sun Liancheng had known the situation a long time ago, but he did not heal the panic in his heart because of the passage of time, but the pressure in his heart was increasing. After getting off the bus, Sun Liancheng's legs became weak. Thanks to one of his men's quick eyes and hands, he caught Sun Liancheng in time, and Sun Liancheng did not collapse to the ground.

Bai Fengcu was like a middle-to-late cancer patient who had just received a fierce radiotherapy. His face was pale, and his spirits were extremely weak.

Not to mention Qing Jiwen and the group, even members of the "National Blade", when they saw the familiar Hongqi car, they were all shocked.

At the same time, they also feel proud from the bottom of their hearts.

Sun Liancheng was basically in a state of paralysis. Under the guidance of the political commissar, the urine test of Lin Tiancheng and the transcript work of Qing Jiwen and others were carried out in an orderly and synchronous manner.

In less than half an hour, Lin Tiancheng got the test result, so naturally he did not take drugs.

When Lin Tiancheng came to the courtyard, a bodyguard opened the door of the Red Flag sedan, and the helm sat in the car and waved to Lin Tiancheng with a smile.

After Lin Tiancheng got on the car, the convoy quickly left under tight protection.

The matter is very important. The police department wants to make notes for Xu Ziman. The doctors in the hospital will not help Xu Ziman to conceal him, nor dare to worry about Xu Ziman's identity, and frankly stated that Xu Ziman is pretending to be unconscious.

The scene of Lin Tiancheng riding in car No. 1 happened to be seen by Xu Ziman who came out of the hospital. This time, her fragile heart really couldn't bear such a blow, and she covered her heart with a look of pain on her face.


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