Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1125: Family Law or Criminal Law

After finishing the transcript at the police station, everyone was unwilling to discuss countermeasures, and all of them looked ugly, and rushed back home the first time.

The helm attaches importance to Lin Tiancheng to this extent, and whether they can pass this level is no longer what their identity and ability can solve.

Bai family.

The old man Baiheren has stopped.

After such a long time, although he occasionally thought of Bai Yunyi, he also gradually came out of the grief of losing his grandson.

The deceased has passed away, life still has to go on, but Baihe people have retreated from the treatment of the vice state, and naturally can afford to let go.

In fact, sometimes Baihe people would think that the Bai family's bowing head in front of Lin Tiancheng might not be a bad thing.

Bai Fengchu has ambitions and more than tactics, but the layout is not enough. With the retired Baiheren, it is difficult to give Bai Fengchu a bright future.

This time Bai Fengcu and Lin Tian made a deal, and Lin Tiancheng was still merciful after all. The foundation of the Bai family is still there, and it can keep the next three generations wealthy. If Bai Fengchu offends a cruel character, perhaps the Bai family will fall from the clouds to the bottom in one day.

Hearing the knock on the door, Baihe said humanely, "Who?"

"Grandpa, me..." Bai Feng's young voice trembled.


Hearing Bai Feng's young voice was wrong, a faint ignorance surged in Bai Heren's heart. He put on a piece of clothing and got out of bed and opened the door.

Seeing Bai Fengchu's face was sallow, and the whole body seemed to be drained, Baiheren's heart sank, "What happened?"

Even now, Bai Fengchu dared to conceal a little bit, and told the original story of what happened in Fumanlou.

Hearing the helm personally went to Fumanlou to see Lin Tiancheng, the old man covered his heart and stretched out a thin old hand, shaking and pointing to the quick-acting Jiuxin pill on the bedside table.

Bai Fengchu immediately took the medicine to Baiheren.

After taking the medicine, the Baiheren became emotional, pointed their fingers at the white phoenix chicks, gasping loudly, "You, you evil obstacle, didn't you explain to you, don't you want to provoke him?"

Bai Fengcu didn't explain, no matter how many explanations are now in vain, the most important thing is how to pass this life and death barrier.

The Baiheren did not immediately punish Bai Fengcui. He made a decisive decision, "You are still standing here, what are you doing? Get out, get out to find Lin Tiancheng, I don't care what you do. If you can't get Lin Tiancheng's forgiveness, you don't want to go back to this house. , Get out, get out."

Bai Fengchi stood still.

"Don't get out?" Baiheren picked up the crutches and was about to hit someone.

Bai Fengchu bit his scalp and said, "Later, the man at the helm also went to the police station. After the urine test, Lin Tiancheng left in car number one."

Baiheren rolled his eyes and fell with his head raised.

Bai Fengchu hurriedly stepped forward and pinched people, "Grandpa, grandpa, are you okay..."


Zhang Weifeng also rushed home in a hurry.

Minister Zhang sits alone on the sofa in the living room smoking a cigarette, his face is uncertain.

Just now, the people from the city bureau had already given him a report, and the helm went to the branch, only to pick up a person who was tested for urine.

It's incredible!

At the same time, Minister Zhang also realized that this urine test may also be a bit weird, and that a group of people should be unlucky.

What he worries most is whether the people of the sub-bureaus have public rights for private use, and whether the law enforcement is normal.

Seeing the phone rang, Minister Zhang immediately grabbed the phone, "I am."

Hearing that the political commissar of the sub-bureau gave a detailed report on what happened, Minister Zhang thought about it a little bit, and then relaxed.

Someone called to report drug abuse, and the officers of the sub-bureau should be taken out by the police. As for the leader of the sub-bureau to lead the team, it makes sense. After all, Fumanlou is not an ordinary place, and the suspected drug users are not ordinary people. The leader of the sub-bureau is not afraid of power and wants to make peace. The lawbreakers fight to the end.

With the number one sage, naturally, the police department will not be blamed.

As for whether someone lied to the police and had a relationship with the police department?

Minister Zhang said, "Well. I see, let Sun Liancheng not worry. He is not afraid of power and enforces the law impartially without any problems."

Look at the chapter "!正{z版z@"

The branch political commissar hesitated, but bit the bullet and said, "Well, Minister Zhang, it is Zhang Weifeng who called to report."

Hearing this name, Minister Zhang's eyes turned black and he almost fell to the ground, "Are you sure?"

"OK. I wrote it myself."

Minister Zhang hung up the phone, his expression softened and gloomy was about to drip.

At this moment, Zhang Weifeng returned home, his graceful demeanor disappeared, and he looked a little cowered.

Seeing that Minister Zhang's face was not good, Zhang Weifeng felt that his scalp was beginning to numb and his temples were beating suddenly.

"Dad." Zhang Weifeng greeted timidly.

Minister Zhang stood up and said, "I'm back? Come here."

Seeing that Minister Zhang was not furious and his face was calm, Zhang Weifeng not only did not relax, but became even more frightened.

Of course he understands Minister Zhang. If he is angry and cursing, it proves that the problem is not big and there is a chance to reform himself. If Minister Zhang's tone is calm, it is definitely not fun.

Two years ago, a senior in the ministry was reported for alleged bribery and bribery. That person had no choice but to rush to Minister Zhang to pay bribes. At that time, Minister Zhang did not scold anyone, and patiently did ideological work for that person. The next day That person was handled by Minister Zhang himself.

"Come here." Seeing Zhang Weifeng didn't move, Minister Zhang shouted again.

Zhang Weifeng knew that he was about to be beaten. He secretly tightened his muscles and strengthened his physical defenses. He walked over to Minister Zhang with a sad face, "Dad, I, I didn't know who he was."

Originally, Minister Zhang wanted to ask if Zhang Weifeng had taken drugs, but when he heard Zhang Weifeng say this, he didn't ask at all.


Minister Zhang shot like electricity, slapped Zhang Weifeng's cheek heavily, and directly smashed Zhang Weifeng's nose with blood.

Minister Zhang yelled while beating, "I don't know who he is, you can plant and frame him? I have repeatedly emphasized to you, don't know the law and make you behave upright. I didn't expect you to be a ghost..."

Zhang Weifeng's mother ran out and hugged Minister Zhang by the waist, "Don't fight, it will kill you."

Minister Zhang was emotional, "Don't stop me, do you want him to be subject to family law or criminal law..."

Qing family.

Qing Jiwen has realized the weight of Lin Tiancheng in the heart of the helm.

Although he doesn't think the matter will be serious, after all, his father still has the face, but he still feels particularly heavy.

When he came to the courtyard, Qing Jiwen asked a guard, "Xiao Zhao, has the old man rested?"

Xiao Zhao said, "I have stopped, and I haven't told anyone to see him."

Qing Jiwen said, "Then I will come again tomorrow."

Xiao Zhao stepped forward two steps quickly, glanced at Qing Jiwen with a strange look, and said embarrassedly, "Brother Wen, the chief asked you to kneel in the yard."


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