Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1126: never mind

The situation similar to that of the Bai family, Zhang family, and Qing family has been staged in many families.

There are a total of eighteen daughters and daughters in the Fumanloutian private room. Seven of the daughters and daughters were trained this evening, six people were punished for standing and kneeling, and four were beaten. Only Yan Shishi is a survivor.

The reason why Yan Shishi was not blamed by the family was because she had left a way for herself since she entered Wanghai Pavilion.

When making transcripts at the police station, Yan Shishi also said frankly that she did not see any suspected drug use by Lin Tiancheng.

In addition, Yan Shishi and Mu Hongzhuang are best friends, and the old man in the Yan family counts and thinks that Yan Shishi's problem is not serious.

However, the old man was not overjoyed, his face was still quite solemn, and he said, "Shishi, don't think that you are helping Lin Tiancheng to get out of the siege from the beginning, so you can stay out of the matter. In the eyes of the chief, you are Qing Jiwen's accomplice."

Yan Shishi said, "Isn't it? When I made the inquiry transcript, I also said that I didn't see Lin Tiancheng taking drugs."

The old man chuckled, "Shishi, the chiefs all went to the police station. When you took the transcript, it was strange to say that Lin Tiancheng did not take drugs? Do you think you alone would deny it? In the 18 interview transcripts, at least half of them I didn't see Lin Tiancheng taking drugs."

Yan Shishi is still a bit clever, otherwise she would not have been able to live in Wanmu Forest for so many years.

However, she knew better that her wisdom was far from that of the old man. Although her instinct told her that she should not be affected, she believed in the wisdom of the old man more.

She asked, "Grandpa, shall I find Hong Zhuang?"

The old man shook his head, "What's the use of finding red makeup? You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. With the chief's attention to Lin Tiancheng, communication with Lin Tiancheng will only become closer in the future. You go to Lin Tiancheng, not just to resolve Encounter, it is best to establish a deeper friendship with him."


The old man yawned, "A lot of people will suffer from insomnia tonight. Please explain that the internal reference and newspapers from these two days will be delivered to me as soon as possible."

Everyone thought that things would go down there, but he didn't think so.

When Lin Tiancheng made a noise in the Xiao family compound, the Rockets moved. If he didn't have the permission of the helm, he would not believe that he was only one-tenth smart. I'm afraid the real storm is yet to come.

Yan Shishi agreed and stepped back obediently.

As soon as Yan Shishi left, the old man became vigorous. He stretched out his hand and stroked the beard on his chin, his face full of meaning.

Of course he knew that Yan Shishi was okay, otherwise, it would not be Yan Shishi to come forward, and he would immediately intervene in person.

He asked Yan Shishi to find Lin Tiancheng, but it was a drunkard. Who doesn't like a good person like Lin Tiancheng, let Yan Shishi go over and go with Lin Tiancheng, in case a good thing is achieved, anyway, it won't happen. There is no loss, it doesn't matter.

As for whether Lin Tiancheng has a girlfriend?

The old man in the Yan family is also very open-minded. You love me when it comes to emotional matters. Now it is not a feudal society.

Other people in the family's family are not as calm as the Yan family's old man.

Some people who have a good relationship with each other started to exchange phone calls to discuss how to resolve today's affairs.

After a long period of discussion, everyone reached a consensus-just watch the changes.

There's no way. The people in the family of these young daughters and daughters have status and status, and as long as Qing Jiwen and others insist that they saw Lin Tiancheng taking drugs, there is nothing wrong with calling to report. They will not go and explain to the chief. Right?

As for reconciliation with Lin Tiancheng?

It is even more impossible. No matter how important Lin Tiancheng is by the head, he is only a manufacturable, and they are the true pillars of the country.

Everyone felt that since the chief had released his attitude towards Lin Tiancheng, no one would provoke Lin Tiancheng in the future, and this time the matter should be calmed down.

Of course, strict discipline on the juniors in the family is indispensable.

Northwest sea.

The security bureau meeting room was brightly lit.

Director Cai Yong's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, scanning the group of Zhongnanhai bodyguards in front of him with cannibalistic eyes.

Everyone bowed their heads, and their faces were full of anxiety and self-blame.

"Boom boom!"

Cai Yong continued to shoot the table. Because of too much force, the pen on the table jumped up, "100%, zero mistakes, how did you do it? When I went to Fumanlou, the people in the Wanghaige private room, Without checking all the identities, let the chief enter Wanghai Pavilion?"

No one explained.

The identities of the people in Wanghai Pavilion have been verified, and more than half of them are young and old in the capital. Those people are from the rich and powerful. Maybe some people are perverse, but they will never pose any threat to the safety of the chief. .

Another small group of people were brought here by Lin Tiancheng, mostly soldiers, without any problems in their thinking. There are two more, one is the granddaughter of the great doctor Xia Jisheng, of course there is no problem.

The last one is unidentified, but he has been with the members of the National Blade for this period of time, and has a close relationship with Lin Tiancheng, plus it is just a little girl, everyone thinks that there is no problem, this hidden danger is completely possible. Under control.

However, no one thought that it was the little girl who caused Cai Yong's anger.

Cai Yong took a deep breath, his gaze fell on one of the men, and his eyes showed a little bit of unbearableness, "Xiao He. You will report to the political commissar tomorrow. If you have any requirements, you can meet your organizational requirements. Satisfy."

Little He Gang clenched his teeth, "Yes."

Other people's eyes were filled with unbearable.

But no one will plead.

In a sense, what they shoulder is the entrustment of the people of the entire Republic of Li people, and every task they do cannot tolerate any small mistakes.

In fact, if it were not for the chief to speak, all of their responsible persons would have to be removed.

Who could have imagined that the seemingly innocent, delicate, and poor little girl was actually hidden?

What if the little girl suddenly makes a move in Wanghai Pavilion?

It is late at night.

The Northwest Sea is peaceful and quiet.

In an office in a small building, the helm was talking quietly with a young man at night, with a few hearty chuckles from time to time.

All bodyguards in the open posts and secret posts in the Northwest Sea are highly concentrated, and they dare not relax in the slightest.

Today’s events have sounded the alarm for everyone, and everyone has turned self-blame into strength and put more effort into carrying out the guard mission.


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