Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1132: Which mountain to go to, which temple to worship

Throughout the day today, many people in the ministries and commissions and major bureaus were uneasy.

Suddenly, so many party media spoke out for the soldiers, but everyone with a little political sensitivity smelled unusual signals, not to mention the family members who had a conflict with Lin Tiancheng.

Director Zhang of the Police Department is also very anxious today. It's just that Minister Zhang is a man of principles.

The current social security is quite good, but there are still some lawbreakers who wander on the edge of the law, and the big evils do not commit the small evils constantly. Big cities are better, and such phenomena are still common in the fourth and fifth tier cities.

The police department is launching a new round of crackdowns on crime and evil.

Minister Zhang personally took charge and strategized, and after dealing with the affairs of the day, he would start a video conference with police departments across the country.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Minister Zhang finished his work day and left the office.

His face is much more solemn than during the day.

Regarding Lin Tiancheng, Zhang Weifeng, the son of his family, personally called the police. He was already in a heavy heart. Who knew that he received another shocking news today that the chief would go to the Beijing Military Region for inspection tomorrow.

First, accompanied by a urine test, followed by a news network broadcast, and then almost all influential party media, and now they have to personally inspect.

The will of the helm this time is not unresolved.

"Minister Zhang."

As soon as Minister Zhang walked to the compound, he saw six or seven people waiting in the yard, all of them were key members of the General Administration of Ministries and Commissions, and the director of the Television Bureau greeted Minister Zhang.

Minister Zhang knew why these people came, he nodded slightly, "Get in the car and talk about it."

Although the identity of the people who came here is very high, Minister Zhang is a member of the Supreme Bureau, and he is in charge of the police department. The weight is still heavier than the others. He has no intention of being polite with everyone.

Director Huang got a minibus from the TV Bureau. After everyone got on the bus, everyone's eyes fell on Minister Zhang.

Among the daughters and daughters who offended Lin Tiancheng, Qing Jiwen had the biggest background, besides Yan Shishi and Zhang Weifeng.

It's just that the father of Qing Jiwen and Yan Shishi has already abdicated, and they don't want to be disturbed by such things, so they came to Minister Zhang.

Director Huang said, "Director Zhang, the TV station has received the news that the Chief General is going to inspect the Beijing Military Region tomorrow."

Someone said, "Minister Zhang, you have to make an idea."

Another person wiped the sweat from his forehead, pretending to be a relaxed smile and said, "I almost broke my leg for the unsatisfied thing in my family. I thought it was over like this, but things seem to be something wrong these two days. , I don’t know if I have thought about it too much."

Minister Zhang pondered slightly, "The incident did not cause serious consequences. It was originally not a major issue. However, it is the people in our family who made the mistake first. In this way, I call Lin Tiancheng and we personally talk to Lin Tiancheng. explain."

Minister Zhang was willing to put her down, and the others nodded and said yes.

Minister Zhang glanced at everyone and emphasized his tone a little, "This incident also reflects that our family education is not strict. The meeting made repeated orders, and there should be no lights and blacks. I did not expect that we still made such a mistake. You must quote Thinking of warning, the alarm bell rings."

A leader shook his head, "The guy in my family is so scared that he must not dare to do anything wrong."

The others nodded together.

Minister Zhang had long been able to get Lin Tiancheng's phone number. He took out his cell phone and dialed Lin Tiancheng's number.


Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone was not domineering, full of calm and gentleness, and Minister Zhang immediately had a good impression.

The chief executive really knows people with his eyes.

If Zhang Weifeng has received the attention of the chief, I am afraid that the voice of the phone will be very loud.

Minister Zhang said, "Tiancheng is right? I am Zhang Weifeng's father. Do you have time to have a meal together at night?"

Lin Tiancheng already knew Zhang Weifeng's background, and when he heard Minister Zhang's appointment for dinner, Lin Tiancheng felt a little surprised and flattered.

Thinking that he had an appointment with Qing Jiwen and the others today, Lin Tiancheng hesitated a little, did not dare to neglect, "Director Zhang, how can you ask me, if you really have time, I will ask you."

Minister Zhang noticed Lin Tiancheng's hesitation, "Is there an appointment tonight?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "No."

Minister Zhang said, "In this way, where are you going to make an appointment, I will book a private room to wait for you, remember to pay the bill early."

After speaking, Minister Zhang hung up.

He will still have a strong aura, and of course there will be no pressure to talk to Lin Tiancheng, even if the chief attaches great importance to Lin Tiancheng, he is also a right-hand man next to the general secretary, not to mention that he is also the head of the police department. .

Minister Zhang believes that Lin Tiancheng will not refuse.

In fact, Minister Zhang allowed Lin Tiancheng to socialize first and then went to find him, which was enough to give Lin Tiancheng face.

Lin Tiancheng was on his way to the hotel, he was holding the phone, a little undecided.

Bai Fengchu had already guessed the identity of Minister Zhang, and his heart was beating fiercely again, "Zhang Weifeng's Laozi?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded.

Bai Fengchi asked, "What did you say?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Minister Zhang asked me to tell him the specific hotel, and then he would book a box and wait for my entertainment."

Bai Fengchu was taken aback, "Lin Shao, you can't let Minister Zhang wait for you."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Well. Anyway, I asked Qing Jiwen and the others today, just to make things clear with them, I didn't have a close relationship with them, and I couldn't waste too much time."

In the end, Lin Tiancheng decided not to tell Qing Jiwen and the others about Minister Zhang's invitation to dinner.

He took the initiative to call Qing Jiwen and others for dinner, and then brought Minister Zhang out again. It would be obvious that his attitude was not correct.

Because it was Lin Tiancheng's treat, Lin Tiancheng arrived at the hotel early.

There was no one in the huge triple package.

Of course, even if Lin Tiancheng took the initiative to ask for peace, Qing Jiwen didn't dare to take it too much, and arrived at the hotel ten minutes early.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng already waiting in the box, Qing Jiwen felt more comfortable.

Lin Tiancheng stood up and greeted Qing Jiwen on his own initiative, "Shao Wen."

When Qing Jiwen came, he thought about it. Today's strategy is to make a proper presentation and find a place without embarrassment.

He didn't pick it up, but his attitude was neither lukewarm nor cold, "Lin Shao, how can I let you entertain you? We are the host, so we should invite you."

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "Which mountain to go to, which temple to worship. In Forty-Nine City, it is an honor for me to invite you guys to dinner."

When Lin Tiancheng spoke nicely, Qing Jiwen finally had a smile on his face. He looked around, "It is rare for Lin Shao to invite us to dinner. Lin Shao’s family has a big business. I opened the drink tonight, as if it was robbing the rich and helping the poor, in order to shrink the society. The gap between the rich and the poor has contributed."


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