Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1133: Recognize younger brother

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng's posture is indeed very low, Qing Jiwen's tone of speech is also much more easy-going.

He is serious. He opened his mouth tonight. After all, even if he was born rich and honorable, Lin Tiancheng is a person who can talk to the helm. If Lin Tiancheng is willing to take the initiative to show his favor, he will be happy to let go of his past and become friends with Lin Tiancheng. of.

Lin Tiancheng nodded to Zhang Weifeng again, smiling.

Zhang Weifeng was almost beaten again after the news broadcast last night. He was a little scared, but because Lin Tiancheng took the initiative to show weakness today and in front of so many people, he still bit his head and stepped forward and patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Shao Lin, you hurt my brother and me miserably."

As for the others, Qing Jiwen and Zhang Weifeng are not as strong.

Some people who have met Lin Tiancheng for the first time, from Lin Tiancheng's attitude of neither humble nor overbearing, can also see that Lin Tiancheng is mainly seeking peace, not bowing his head.

Xu Ziman was also there, she took the initiative to walk to Lin Tiancheng, leaned slightly, respectfully, "Lin Shao."

Seeing Xu Ziman in front of him like this, Lin Tiancheng felt a little weird in his heart.

Once upon a time, Xu Ziman was still a superb film and television superstar to himself, but now he is nowhere to be seen.

Today, Mu Hongzhuang and others are not here, Yan Shishiyan dominates the audience!

She walked up to Lin Tiancheng and glanced at Lin Tiancheng angrily, her eyes filled with waves and amorous feelings, "Lin Shao, is it that difficult to ask you to have a meal."

Rao is the beauty of Lin Tiancheng around the cloud. Seeing Yan Shishi's appearance, there is a ripple in his heart. He said, "If anything, I just don't have time. I will invite you back."

Bai Fengchu also took the initiative to greet everyone.

However, everyone has heard about the fact that Bai Fengchu went to the military area to take the initiative to bow his head. Although everyone was afraid of Lin Tiancheng, they were still upset with Bai Fengchu and ignored him.

Their views on Bai Fengchu were more jealous.

Damn, except for a few people like Qing Jiwen, who is not afraid, why can you put your face down and look for Lin Tiancheng and bow your head? And even to Lin Tiancheng?

Seeing that the people had expired, Lin Tiancheng let everyone sit down.

People number thirty or forty, the triple package is just right.

Lin Tiancheng naturally accompanied Qing Jiwen, Zhang Weifeng and others.

Minister Zhang was also waiting for Lin Tiancheng in the hotel box. When the wine and food were ready, Lin Tiancheng filled himself with a glass of wine and stood up, "Wen Shao, I respect you, I did it, you are free."

Qing Jiwen didn't get up, and suppressed Lin Tiancheng in a vigorous manner, but the master dong showed respect for Lin Tiancheng. He said, "How can I be casual."

After finishing talking, Qing Jiwen drank it all.

Lin Tiancheng toasted Zhang Weifeng another glass of wine.

Zhang Weifeng's identity is not as good as Qing Jiwen. Seeing Lin Tiancheng standing, he didn't dare to sit, but he didn't stand up straight, just raised his hips and had a drink with Lin Tiancheng.

Next, Lin Tiancheng filled himself with wine and looked around, "It is the first time many people have met. With so many people, I can't eat toasts one by one. I have done this glass of wine. What should everyone do? "

Many people got up together.

Including several young and old who had a conflict with Lin Tiancheng in Fumanlou, although they were very reluctant, they still did not withstand the pressure and stood up, with embarrassment on their faces.

When they finished drinking, many people felt a little shocked.

Although Lin Tiancheng lowered his figure and took the initiative to ask for peace, he single-handedly managed to hold the field down in the face of so much money.

Among all the people in the audience, on an occasion like Lin Tiancheng, it is probably only Qing Jiwen who can do so lightly.

For Yan Shishi, if it is a special day, such as her birthday, maybe she can do it too.

Zhang Weifeng is going to be worse.

After a few glasses of wine, Lin Tiancheng did not leave immediately.

What he hopes most is that Qing Jiwen and others will not really have a heart for themselves, so they can leave after just a few touches.

However, the development of the matter made Lin Tiancheng feel a little bad.

zO first B sends a0!

After a few glasses of wine, Qing Jiwen obviously began to show more kindness to Lin Tiancheng, and even started to offer Lin Tiancheng wine.

Zhang Weifeng saw that Qing Jiwen was already toasting, so he didn't dare to hold it up, so he had a drink with Lin Tiancheng.

Later, there were a few more seniors and youngsters who were able to recognize Lin Tiancheng Jiu.

Since they didn't mean to be embarrassed, and their attitude was quite sincere, Lin Tiancheng drank one by one.

Qing Jiwen had all the face and was in a good mood. He took the initiative to relieve Lin Tiancheng, "It's not enough for you to bully Lin Shao."

After speaking, he waved to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, you sit by my side and I will protect you."

Lin Tiancheng stood up with a little apologetic expression on his face, "Wen Shao, this is the case. I still have things to do today. I thought that I had to clear up my suspicions with Shao Wen, so I came here as soon as possible. Quite a lot, can you ask for a leave first?"

Qing Jiwen couldn't help but said, "How can the soldiers have this amount of alcohol, come here."

Seeing Qing Jiwen's insistence, Lin Tiancheng was embarrassed to leave and went to sit down beside Qing Jiwen.

Qing Jiwen naturally became interested in Lin Tiancheng, and then she took great care of Lin Tiancheng. He spent most of the time drinking and chatting with Lin Tiancheng. It was clear that Lin Tiancheng looked at everyone in the audience, the only one qualified to truly Someone who sits on his own.

Qing Jiwen feels better the more he drinks.

He became bold and unrestrained.

Qing Jiwen waved his hand, "Bring the wine glass."

When the waiter delivered the wine glasses, Qing Jiwen poured himself three glasses of wine, and then poured another three glasses of wine in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Then, he picked up a glass of wine and looked around, "I met Tiancheng and I hate it late. Today I drank these three glasses of wine with him. Tiancheng is my brother. In the future, if you dare to stumble my brother, Son, don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people."

After finishing talking, Qing Jiwen drinks three cups in a row.

Then, Qing Jiwen looked at Lin Tiancheng with a warm smile, confident in her heart.

The old man in his family has also retired from the core of power. To put it bluntly, even the young and old of the core of power today, who are younger than Qing Jiwen, will be called Wen Ge when they meet him on the scene.

I don't know how many people look at Lin Tiancheng with envy.

What status is Qing Jiwen? Moreover, although Qing Jiwen has no ambitions, he is still very loyal. Qing Jiwen can't intervene in the real big things, but Qing Jiwen can handle the trivial things of Forty-Nine City.

Lin Tiancheng did not raise his glass for the first time.

He valued love and righteousness, and couldn't do the imaginary and unreasonable set. After drinking these three glasses of wine, he and Qing Jiwen were even brothers.

He still doesn't understand Qing Jiwen's personality.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere in the box became a little more subtle.

To be honest, in addition to Qing Jiwen's a little bit in front of Lin Tiancheng at first, he did give Lin Tiancheng a face later, and now he wants to take the initiative to recognize Lin Tiancheng's younger brother. If Lin Tiancheng refuses, Qing Ji's writing will not look good.


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