Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1152: Get well soon

Even though Xia Xue still couldn't find that feeling, her depressed mood was brighter.

She has already figured it out clearly, where are so many lovers in the world finally getting married? Moreover, she is still unrequited love.

When he came to the entrance of the Xia’s courtyard, Hu Yidao stopped, "Xue, I heard that your sleep was not very good during this time. Promise me not to think any more, and go to bed obediently when you go home. Wake up tomorrow morning and remember to eat. breakfast."

Xia Xue said, "Okay. You also have to rest early."

Hu Yidao stood under the street lamp, his handsome face filled with domineering tenderness, "Do you think I will leave before you enter the door?"

Xia Xue was already a little overwhelmed with Hu Yidao's enthusiasm, and hurriedly lowered her head before turning around and leaving.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a shameless appearance walked out of the black shadow ahead, blocking Xia Xue's path, "Are you Xia Xue?"

Xia Xue looked at each other warily, "Who are you?"

The man said, "We met in the Xiao family compound, come with me."

Instinctively told Xia Xue that the other party had a bad intention, and she said, "Why should I go with you? I'll talk about something tomorrow."

The man sneered coldly, "It's up to you."


At this moment, a domineering voice sounded.

It's a shame!

He looked at the man with cold eyes like a knife, and the breath of an overbearing president exuded all over his body.

According to his visual observations, the man is less than 1.7 meters tall and does not look strong, and he himself has been exercising for so many years, often practicing Sanda and archery. He can easily hang each other one-on-one. .

Xia Xue understood how terrifying the people of the Xiao family were. She looked at Hu Yidao with a slightly frightened look, "Doctor Hu."

Hu Yidao looked at Xia Xue with a gentle gaze and apologized, "Xue, I'm sorry, I scared you, but to deal with this kind of garbage, it's useless for you to speak softly with him."

After speaking, Hu Yidao gently embraced Xia Xue’s shoulder with one hand, and looked at the man coldly, “I don’t want to scare the girl, where did you come from, where do you go back, and talk to your Xiao family after returning home. Soon, I will come to visit tomorrow."

When Hu Yidao reported his name, the man was slightly surprised.

Hu Yidao, the name is very martial arts, is it a good swordsman?


The man increased his vigilance, his body tensed and put on an offensive posture.

Seeing a bit of tension on the man's face, Hu Yidao felt more confident. He was not eager to do it, but said, "Xue, you close your eyes. It will be fine soon."

Seeing this moment, Hu Yidao was still calm, and Xia Xue felt a sense of inexplicable steadiness while nervous.

She closed her eyes obediently.

Hu Yidao still didn't rush to do it, he touched the inside of the handbag with one hand.

The man thought that Hu Yidao was about to take a weapon and became more vigilant. Instead of acting rashly, he took a step back.

Hu Yidao took out a purse from his handbag, took another thing out of the purse and threw it at the other party.

The man dodged and found that what Hu Yidao had thrown out was banknotes. He asked, "What do you mean?"

"Wait and go to the hospital." Hu Yidao said.

"court death!"

The man was successfully angered by Hu Yidao, and with force under his feet, like an arrow from the string, he shot at Hu Yidao.

Hu Yidao is still very shrewd. He has also fought before, and he has learned Sanda and is well versed in street fighting skills. He suddenly kicked the opponent under the crotch.

It's a pity that Hu Yidao didn't even know what Ming Jin was, and the other party was an elite disciple of the family of Xiwu.

Hu Yidao slapped his yin leg, but he just lifted his leg, and before he became powerful, he suffered a heavy kick on his lower abdomen.

Under the huge impact, Hu Yidao's body was kicked into a U shape, his feet lifted off the ground, and he flew out towards the back.

The attacking power of the opponent surpassed Hu Yidao's imagination, and instantly broke the bottom line he could bear. Hu Yidao's brain center was also filled with fear in an instant, and he couldn't control his body functions well. He was incontinent when he urinates. Up.

Flew a full five meters away, and Hu Yidao fell to the ground.

In fact, this is because the other party is afraid that Hu Yidao is a master with a knife and dare not make a full shot. Otherwise, Hu Yidao would die on the spot.

As soon as the other party made a move, he knew that Hu Yidao was just an ordinary person, and he didn't want to have extra branches, so he took Xia Xue and left.

Xia Xue thought that the person pulling her was Hu Yidao, and she thought it would be better soon.

She opened her eyes and realized that Hu Yidao was already lying on the ground.

When the man brought Xia Xue to Hu Yidao's side, Hu Yidao's overbearing presidential demeanor disappeared. He curled up and looked at the man with pleading eyes, "Don't kill me, I won't say anything about today." ,I do not know anything."

Xia Xue felt cold, and suddenly she didn't feel so scared anymore----If there weren't things like this happening today, it would be the most terrifying if she and Hu Yidao really got together.


Under the care of a group of big men on the river bank, Luan Jingzhu's parents no longer farm in the countryside, but contracted a canteen on a large construction site.

It is summer vacation now, and Luan Jingzhu is also helping on the construction site.

Workers on construction sites usually see few women. Even if they are, they are married and married, and women working on construction sites, even if they are somewhat attractive, will be completely polished before long.

Luan Jingzhu came to the construction site, wondering how many people's eyes were surprised.

Fortunately, the security guards on the construction site took extra care of Luan Jingzhu. There was a person who tried to plot against Luan Jingzhu and was beaten to the hospital and called the police. He was going to go to jail. Later, Luan Jingzhu forgave him softly.

After that, the people on the construction site no longer dared to overdo it, but some people would express their affection to Luan Jingzhu through proper channels, but even if that was the case, they would be interviewed by the security guard.

People on the construction site usually rest early.


An exclamation cut through the silence on the construction site.

Many people heard Luan Jingzhu's voice, and the lights came on one after another. I don't know how many people rushed out of the simple work shed.

In fact, by the time these migrant workers rushed out, a dozen security guards, all holding equipment, rushed towards the place where Luan Jingzhu lived.


Soon, a thin old man walked out of Luan Jingzhu's room, and Luan Jingzhu, who was over a hundred catties, was easily clamped under his arm with one hand.

One of the security guards' pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately said, "San Mao, get the gun. Si Mao, call Brother Yi quickly."


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