Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1153: Incomprehensible style

Luan Jingzhu is the goddess in the hearts of all the men on the construction site. Seeing an old man want to take Luan Jingzhu away, that's fine. The fiery temper has already rushed towards the old man.

The people who came to Jiang'an were from the Mu family.

Jiang'an is Lin Tiancheng's back garden, and it is most likely that something will go wrong, so Mu's family came. Mainly the Li family, the Xiao family, and the three major families in the southern family, who suffered a lot when they were in conflict with Lin Tiancheng before, and this hard bone has to be eaten by the Mu family.

Because of this, all those who come to Jiang'an are Huajin masters.

So is the old man in front of me.

Under normal circumstances, if it is an ordinary person, no matter how many people come, it does not make any sense in front of the Huajin master.

It's just that today's situation is a little different. The old man is a good Huajin master, but his goal is just Luan Jingzhu. If he takes out other lives, the Mu family will be very passive.

The world is still the world of the party!

At this moment, the old man threw a rat-in-law, did not want to kill, and was unable to suppress it with **** means. As a result, he was surrounded by hundreds of people.

In particular, the security team on the construction site is obviously well-trained and pays special attention to Luan Jingzhu. Everyone is like a big enemy, and they have to get guns.

The old man knew very well in his heart that this security team was obviously deliberately arranged by someone deliberately to protect Luan Jingzhu.

A gun is fine, if there are too many guns, the master of Huajin can't stand it.

The old man is also very smart, knowing that this group of security is difficult to deal with, and thinks that as long as the security is solved, the other mobs will be scattered.

However, he underestimated Luan Jingzhu's weight in everyone's hearts.

Although no one dared to touch Luan Jingzhu, when sleeping at night, as long as he thinks of a certain picture of Luan Jingzhu in his mind, he can do it himself.

More importantly, many of them have deep feelings for Luan Jingzhu, and they are not afraid to sacrifice for Luan Jingzhu.

There is no way, the old man can only rely on strong physical defenses to run rampant in the crowd and bite the bullet to break through.

Two minutes later, the old man led Luan Jingzhu to a **** road, but was also shoveled several times, leaving a scar on his body.

Fengcheng, Tiancheng Group Building.

Tiancheng Group is undergoing rapid development. Wang Mengxin is the actual helm of Tiancheng Group. He wants to control such a large group, and he has grown from nothing in a short period of time. From there to big, Wang Mengxin is under pressure.

More importantly, relatively speaking, Wang Mengxin’s academic qualifications are not very high, and it is even more difficult to manage such a large group. Even if her family used to be in business, and Luo Shaoqing and others helped to provide advice, she still felt step by step. Struggling.

Wang Mengxin never left the company before ten o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, the secretary is off work, and Wang Mengxin is reviewing information in the office.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and a disciple of the Mu family in Jingcheng appeared in front of Wang Mengxin.

Wang Mengxin looked up at the other person, "Wait for five minutes."

The Mu family disciples didn't expect Wang Mengxin to be so calm, and some worried that the mantis would act on Wang Mengxin after catching the cicada or oriole.

Wang Mengxin said, "Don't worry, no one knows that you are here. If you want to kill me, you can do it. If you want to use me to threaten Lin Tiancheng, just wait for me to hand over the job."

The Mu family disciple hesitated, if Wang Mengxin was willing to cooperate, he did not want to do it.

Wang Mengxin is already calling.

"Mengxin, something?" Luo Shaoqing's voice rang over the phone.

Wang Mengxin said, "Brother, I'm going to Tiancheng's place. During this period of time, I may not be able to deal with group affairs. It will take you hard."

Luo Shaoqing readily agreed, "Mengxin, you worked too hard, you really should take a good rest, rest assured, I will be there early tomorrow morning."

After the call, Wang Mengxin stood up, "You can go now."

The Mu family disciples admire Wang Mengxin’s courage a little, and he has a joking smile on his face, “It’s true that Lin Tiancheng’s strongest internal helper is indeed well-deserved. With your courage, as long as you cooperate obediently, I will never be embarrassed. you."

Cloud City.

An Jin master of the Mu family sneaked into the courtyard where Lin Tiancheng's family was located silently.

It was late, but the lights were still on in Lin Tiancheng's home.

In just over a year, Lin Tiancheng has changed so much. While Gong Suyun and Lin Sihai are proud of Lin Tiancheng, they are also a little frightened.

At any time, anywhere, the rise of one person inevitably means that the vested interests of the other party are damaged, and Lin Tiancheng's rise will never be smooth sailing.

Last year, because of Lin Tiancheng's affairs, Lin Tiancheng's family suffered a deliberate car accident. One can imagine how many crises Lin Tiancheng has encountered along the way.

Fortunately, since Longhushan people bowed their heads in front of Lin Tiancheng, Jiang An finally returned to peace.

However, this night, the tranquility of the river bank was broken again.

The Mu family master stood under the shadow, staring coldly at the light revealed by the window of the neighboring house.

At this moment, the Mu family master's complexion suddenly changed, turning his head and looking in another direction, he drank coldly, "Who?"

"I have a pot of wine, which can kill the people of the world." Before the person arrives, I hear it first.

A few seconds later, a man with a beard pulling scum, a long hair with greasy hair sticking to his shoulder, holding a large hip flask in his hand, staggered out.

Master Yang Xiaopeng, who has not fallen for a thousand cups, has returned from a wandering trip.

After he made a promise and returned to the river bank, he silently stood by Lin Sihai and his wife.

Yang Xiaopeng did not come from a family sect, but was extremely talented. This time he went out for a wandering trip, and his drinking volume has improved a lot.

He has already planned, when he will find a chance to compete with Lin Tiancheng, if he can drink Lin Tiancheng down, he will bid farewell to the river bank and live a life like a wild crane.

This kind of life for Lin Tiancheng to look after the house, for his Master Yang Xiaopeng, is really a little overkill!

The Mu family disciples also felt that Master Yang Xiaopeng was a master, but it didn't matter, he was mentally prepared.


I saw a disciple of the Mu family drew out a soft sword, "My friend, I am Mu Bai from the Mu family in Beijing. I want to invite Lin Tiancheng’s parents to visit the capital. Can it be convenient and leave a name? Thank you very much."


Master Yang Xiaopeng burped, "Fighting and killing, and losing the beautiful scenery of the good day, it is better to put aside the glitz of the world, you and I drink and admire the moon, sing the wine and chant a few poems, wouldn't it be more enjoyable?"

Where would Mu Bai drink with Yang Xiaopeng? Lin Tiancheng's parents were extremely important in the plans of the four ancestors!

With a flick of his wrist, the soft sword in his hand pierced towards Yang Xiaopeng.

"Uncomprehensible style!"

Master Yang Xiaopeng let out a cold snort and greeted the opponent's sword light.

The more he drinks, the more powerful he gets.


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