Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1160: Towering Kunlun

Mu Shitao became unhappy again.

He didn't get angry and said patiently, "Lin Shao, I obviously have a good intention to help Shao Lin tide over the difficulties. I just said that my Mu Shitao's death is not regrettable, but the Mu family's inheritance cannot be broken. III The great family is determined to obtain the resources in the hands of Lin Shao, and it must also kill Lin Shao. If the Mu Family helps Lin Shao, it will inevitably fall into an unprecedented danger."

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "If the Mu family gets the resources, will they not be in danger?"

Mu Shitao said, "I have already arranged to select some of the Mu family's extremely talented disciples, and retreat to practice after obtaining the resources, while the others will use their heads to prove the prosperity of the world."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I'm afraid Patriarch Mu will be disappointed. I haven't got any traces of the ancient Xiwu sect."


Mu Shitao frowned, adding a little emphasis, "Lin Shao, people from the three major families have taken control of the hostages. In a few days, Lin Shao will go to Kunlun."

Mu Shitao knows that he is moved by emotion and reasoned, “If you don’t go, you will fall into Lin Shao’s unrighteousness. The three great families take advantage of the situation. Then Lin Shao is really punishable by everyone. If all the sects of the family should treat Lin Shao Starting, the world is so big, where is there a hiding place for Lin Shao? Go, Lin Shao must be dead."

Speaking of this, Mu Shitao's emotions became a little agitated. He stood up and said, "Lin Shao, now the Republic is suffering from internal and external troubles, and demons are in charge. I and others who practice martial arts should **** the peaceful development of the Republic. The power of one person is finally returned. It is limited. As long as Shao Lin shares the resources with the Mu family, when my Mu family's strength reaches a higher level, the world will be upright!"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Patriarch Mu often says it is useless, I don't have any resources."

Mu Shitao looked at Lin Tiancheng with an incomprehensible look, "Lin Shao, I don’t think you should be such a person. The resources of the ancient relics are compared with the relatives and friends around you and the great rejuvenation of the Republic. Is it more important?"

After a pause, Mu Shitao said again, "Besides, you can't use an ancient relic by yourself, and sharing it together will not affect you."

Lin Tiancheng said, "No."

At this moment, Mu Shitao's wolf ambition is clearly revealed, and it makes no sense for Lin Tiancheng and Mu Shitao to continue talking.

Wang Mengxin, Ling Moqing and others are in Mu Shitao's hands, and it doesn't make any sense for Lin Tiancheng to leave Mu Shitao.

Mu Shitao saw Lin Tiancheng's inexhaustible haircut, and became angry. "Lin Tiancheng, it seems that you are going to sacrifice those relatives and friends. I didn't expect you to be a ruthless and unrighteous villain. I have to look back at your true face."

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "Your goal is me, right? As long as I don't throw myself into the trap, what can you do to me? With my progress in martial arts, within one year, I will gain magical powers. If you dare to hurt them Anyone who has a vellus hair, after one year, I will repay it a hundred times."

Mu Shitao was obviously agitated.

Lin Tiancheng was in front of him, and endless resources were in front of him. At this moment, Mu Shitao was like a desperate person with huge debts on his back, facing a full-loaded money transport truck.

However, although Mu Shitao was lustful, he did not lose his mind and did not dare to work hard after all.

With a cold snort, Mu Shitao walked away.

Walking out of the hotel, Mu Shitao took out the phone and dialed the number of Li Xian, the ancestor of the Li family. "Brother Li, Lin Tiancheng called me and asked me to meet him. He made it clear that I cannot bring other people, and I hope things go well. Solved it, and risked the danger to go alone."

Li Xian is also fine, knowing that things may not be that simple, but he doesn't point it out, but rather blames it, "Brother Mu, the villain is the peak of the transformation realm, and the methods are endless, you are too dreamy!"

Mu Shitao said, "I have a hostage in hand, and I am not afraid of him."

Li Xian said, "How did you talk about it?"

Mu Shitao said, "Simple, I want him to share all the resources with us, but what he meant is to give me one-fourth of the resources, let me betray you, reconcile with him, and rescue the hostages."

Speaking of this, Mu Shitao laughed at himself, "Ashamed, I didn't expect that in Lin Tiancheng's heart, I would be a villain who seeks to profit only."

Li Xian said, "Then he was wrong."

Mu Shitao said, "He asked me to bring you a sentence, he will not go to Kunlun, he will gain magical powers after one year, he let us let us hostages obediently, otherwise, after one year, we will kill all the four big families. , Annihilated our thousand-year heritage. The growth rate of the evil thief is indeed terrible. Brother Li made the decision early.


Towering Kunlun.

Kunlun Mountain in the Republic has a prominent position as the ancestor of ten thousand mountains. The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the ancestor of Chinese dragons, which shows its status.

Kunlun Mountain is not so famous. Clouds and mists in the mountains are full of weather. Yuxu Peak and Yuzhu Peak are wrapped in silver over the years, forming Kunlun's June snow-reflecting wonders.

Because of the steep Kunlun Mountains, there are rare human traces in the deep mountains, and occasionally a few people come and go in a hurry, also from martial arts.

This time, people from the four great families are preparing to give Lin Tiancheng a grand trial in Kunlun Mountain.

Li Xian, the ancestor of the Li family, immediately had all the hostages concentrated on the side of Yuxu Peak after talking to Mu Shitao on the phone.

Yuxu Peak has a high altitude and extremely low temperature.

Right now, the autumn tigers in the south have not yet passed. Even if the capital is sunny, Wang Mengxin and others are almost all in singles.

People in martial arts are naturally not afraid of this cold, but ordinary people will be in danger of life if they do not have professional protective measures in this temperature.

Even Qian Laifu, the big fat man, was trembling in the cold wind, not to mention several women such as Wang Mengxin and Xia Xue.

Among the four major families, no fewer than fifty elite disciples surrounded Wang Mengxin and others, all with their weapons in hand, staring at Wang Mengxin and others.

The ancestor of the Li family, Li Xian, the ancestor of the Xiao family, Xiao Feng, and the ancestor of the Nan family, Nan Batian, stood not far away with serious expressions.

In fact, although people from several major families are superior, they also abide by certain codes of conduct. They usually do not do all kinds of evil, nor do they harm the innocent.

Seeing the people in the world shivering in the cold wind, the hearts of the few people are still a bit unbearable.


There was a loud noise in the mountains.

Li Xian turned his head and looked. It turned out that Nan Fei was building a snowman, but because the pile was not good-looking, he smashed one head in angrily. Because he didn't have a good control, he smashed the snowman to pieces and smashed a piece not far in front. The bluestone was torn apart.

For such a scene, everyone is not surprised.

Nan Batian immediately seized the opportunity, and he coldly snorted, "I fly south from the southern family. I have an extraordinary talent and a great master of horizontal refining. Over time, I will inevitably grow into the pillar of the southern family. Even if I surpass me, it is possible, but The evil thief Lin Tiancheng beat Nan Fei into a mentally retarded one."


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