Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1161: Fair duel

Hearing Nan Batian's words, the pressure in Li Xian and Xiao Feng's hearts dropped sharply.

Xiao Feng said angrily, "Brother Li is invincible in the cloud-piercing swordsmanship, but the thief cut off Brother Li's arm, and also plundered all the resources of our three major families. His heart is sinister, and his heart is vicious. ."

Li Xian nodded, "My Li Rufei and Xiao Feng are married, you love me, and we have a match made in heaven, but the wicked thief is going against the sky, relying on his strength to make trouble in the Xiao family compound. Xiao He, the head of the Xiao family, swept his face."

Nan Batian concluded, "If Lin Tiancheng really obtained the ancient relics, when he enters the realm of supernatural powers, the Republic will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe. I am waiting for this bad strategy, also for the sake of the world and the stability of the country. "

Xiao Feng had his hands behind his back, and his justice was awe-inspiring, "I don't want to be as desired, but I want to be ashamed. As long as I can prevent the catastrophe from happening, what if I will bear the eternal infamy?"

The Big Three walked over to Wang Mengxin and others.

They cannot wait, nor dare to wait.

If Lin Tiancheng is really a tortoise with a shrunken head and does not come to Kunlun, then a year later, the four big families will really be destroyed.

Bowed his head to Lin Tiancheng and let go of the hostages?


Under the sign of the three giants, the process of coercing Lin Tiancheng to appear officially began.

Xiao Yun, a genius who had not been born in the Xiao family for a hundred years, hated Lin Tiancheng deeply. He took the initiative to ask Ying and said that there was a way for Lin Tiancheng to show up.

Xiao Yun directly had a video call with Lin Tiancheng.

The video was switched on, Xiao Yun showed a bit of sullen pleasure on his face, "Lin Tiancheng, do you know where this is?"

Lin Tiancheng's face was gloomy and did not speak.

Xiao Yun said, "The first young man on the river bank, the king of Shenshi, can turn his hands for the clouds and cover his hands for the rain in Beijing. You are so magical. I think, if you give you twelve hours, you can definitely get to Kunlun Mountain. Right?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "If you let them go, I can return the resources of the three great families in full."

Xiao Yun said, "My understanding is that you rejected my suggestion."

After Xiao Yun stopped talking to Lin Tiancheng, he set up the phone on a rock, and the camera was facing Wang Mengxin and others.

His face was full of pleasure and hideousness, "Some of you are Lin Tiancheng’s best friends, some are Lin Tiancheng’s women, and Lin Tiancheng’s loyal dogs. Okay, I will let you see Lin Tiancheng’s true face and see if Lin Tiancheng will For you to enter Kunlun."

Xiao Yun's eyes swept over Wang Mengxin and others, "I just asked Lin Tiancheng to come to Kunlun. Lin Tiancheng did not agree, so I will kill one person. Moreover, from now on, every twelve hours will be set. When I am young, I will kill another person."

Xiao Yun was very happy.

Although he was not facing Lin Tiancheng at the moment, he could feel the torment that Lin Tiancheng had suffered.

The lips of Wang Mengxin and others were all black and blue, and it was difficult to see the change in expression, but everyone raised their heads high.

What is united efforts? As it is.

No matter how bitter the cold wind is, it can't boast of their beliefs.

Even Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi are holding hands.

The two are scared, but more fearless. They are the simplest at this age. They coincide with the beginning of love. When the love in their hearts comes, they will ignore it, and they can dedicate their lives to love without regrets.

Xiao Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Mengxin, "You, you are the helm of Tiancheng Group. You have known Lin Tiancheng since Lin Tiancheng was in college. I will kill you today."

Hearing that Xiao Yun had chosen Wang Mengxin, the others felt nothing relaxed.

From the screen of Xiao Yun's phone, it can be seen that Lin Tiancheng's face was gloomy and was about to drip, and he was yelling hysterically.

Xiao Yun shook his head again, and stretched out his hand to point to Xia Sisi, "It's a shame to stay in the world to talk about love at such a young age, it's you."

Wang Zimeng grasped Xia Sisi's hand tightly, and Xia Sisi struggled to free herself, and took two steps forward.

At this time, Qian Laifu suddenly came out and tried his best to squeeze a smiley face, "This young man, your purpose is to show Shao Lin. They are all Lin Shao’s close friends or confidants. If you kill them, Either one of them might irritate the hatred in Lin Shao's heart even more, causing Lin Shao to break the jar, and Kunlun Mountain will not come."

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Xiao Yun looked at Qian Laifu suspiciously.

A Mu family disciple introduced, "He is a dog next to Lin Tiancheng."

Qian Laifu said, "Yes, my identity is not the same. I am just a dog next to Lin Shao. If you kill me today, you can show your determination and demonstrate, but it won't make Lin Shao mentally break down. Maybe Lin Shao just Will come to Kunlun Mountain."

Qian Haoming's voice shuddered, "Dad."

Money Laifu ignored it.

If everyone is doomed this time, what is the difference between dying early and dying all day?

Besides, he believes that Lin Tiancheng will definitely enter Kunlun!

If Lin Tiancheng can turn the tide, hehe, then the Qian family will be terrible. If Qian Haoming is willing, Qian Haoming will definitely join Luo Shaoqing and others, and become a core member of Lin Tiancheng's team. If Qian Haoming's ability is limited, he will only enjoy the blessings in the future.

Shen Wansan also walked out, and he nodded to Qian Laifu, "Mr. Qian, last time in the Qiao family compound, you were fighting for your fate, let me come this time."

Shen Wansan was the richest man in Yuncheng for a long time. He made his fortune early and his aura was very strong. At this time, he could keep the clouds light and windy.

The three of Shen Wansan and Hu Feiwen Guohua met Lin Tiancheng earlier than Luo Shaoqing and Yang Ye and others. The three of them also formed a small group by themselves, which could be regarded as the iron triangle around Lin Tiancheng. However, Shen Wansan's son, Shen Tao, had not enough friendship with Lin Tiancheng.

Today is not what it used to be, it is already very difficult for Shen Tao to have a deep friendship with Lin Tiancheng!

Just say that this time, Qian Haoming was arrested, and Shen Tao was fine.

Shen Wansan's age is already old. If he can preserve the glory of the Shen family for fifty years with this old face, then Shen Tao will be able to preserve it for a hundred years.

A radish and a pit, he is willing to give up his current position in Lin Tiancheng's heart to Shen Tao.

Qian Laifu said, "Mr. Shen, don't fight with me. I can survive when I was in the Qiao's compound. It is already a profit."

Seeing Qian Laifu and Shen Wansan behaving like this, people in the four major families were very satisfied.

They knew very well that the more Qian Laifu, Shen Wansan and others valued love and righteousness, the more likely Lin Tiancheng would come to Kunlun Mountain.

Xiao Yun said, "I don't think you need to fight anymore. I will give you a chance to fight fairly. Just the two of you will fight on the spot with bare hands and no equipment. In the end, only one person will survive. I will give you half an hour. Time, if you have not divided your birth and death, then you two will die together."


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