Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1165: Fairies come

On the next day, all members of the aristocratic sects who received invitations from the four largest families went to Kunlun Mountain to watch the justice trial.

Of course, the four great families are not particularly impressive among all the sect families. The core figures of the few transcendent families are not going to go, but they will send the younger generation to watch.

As for the sect family with similar status to the four major families, there must be a more important person leading the group.

If it is a family with a very average strength, it will almost move in full swing.

The Kunlun Mountains, which are usually steep and beautiful, and rarely visited by people, are in constant flow today.

As the day lighted up, many family members had already arrived in Kunlun Mountain.

With the passage of time, more and more people came to Kunlun Mountain. In an open area in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountain, thousands of people from all major families have gathered.

Everyone's position is also arranged according to their strength and seniority.

The one standing in the front, slightly fat, with long hair and shawls, full of beards on his cheeks and chin, and wearing a robe, is the first Xiu Nian master in Shaolin Dharma Academy.

Perhaps it is a Buddhist disciple who embraces compassion. Although Master Xiu Nian has outstanding martial arts and a rough face, there is a soft breath exuding all over his body. If viewed from behind, his hands are gently wrapped around his waist, standing in all poses. Somewhat feminine demeanor.

The ancestors of the four great families stood side by side with solemn expressions.

Seeing that people are almost there, Nan Batian bowed his hands to everyone, "You have worked hard and come from a long distance, Nan Batian remembers it. This time I invite you to come here to ask everyone to be a witness, by the way, to judge the recent rise together. A thief of ."

Nan Batian pointed to Nan Fei, who was building a snowman not far away. "My Nan Fei Nan Fei, I am the Grand Master Heng Lian at a young age. I must have heard of it, but please take a look at what Nan Fei is like now. , All of this is given by the evil thief!"

In fact, Nanbatian didn't want to bring Nanfei here, but Nanfei was a very important witness.


The snowman piled by Nanfei looked a bit like Lin Tiancheng. He carefully looked at the snowman in front of him, and called his father with a smirk on his face.

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads.

A young Heng Lian master like Nan Fei has a boundless future in the future, even if he surpasses Nan Ba ​​Tian one day.

Li Xian stepped forward, the cuff of his right hand was empty, and a bitter smile appeared on his face, "My Li family is based on the sword technique of piercing the clouds. How can I, Li Xian, who is not good at learning, was cut off by a thief in Jiulong Mountain. , Is now a useless person."

Li Xian is also a great master who has been famous for a long time, and many people have compassion on their faces.

Master Xiu Nian Bodhisattva was heart-hearted, he closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, unable to bear to look at Li Xian's miserable situation.

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly, "You don't need me to say more about the thief making trouble in the Xiao family compound?"

The incident in the Xiao Family Courtyard is a rare occurrence in a thousand years, because it is so terrible that even people with status can't help telling it to others. Therefore, all the heroes present have heard of what happened in the Xiao Family Courtyard. thing.

Someone looked at Xiao Feng with understanding.

Someone said, "Brother Xiao, don't say anything, I'll be clear in my heart."

There is also humanity, "I won't talk about what happened to the Xiao family in the capital. In the Jiulong Mountains, the thieves did not want to do anything to harm the innocent.

Master Xiu Nian also thought of what happened in the Xiao family compound that he had heard about, and raised his hand to recite Buddha, "Amitabha."

Next, it was Mu Shitao's turn to complain about Lin Tiancheng's insult to Mu Qingqing, but Mu Shitao did not follow the plan.

There was a look of shame on his face, "Everyone, the various actions of the evil thief are endless, and this thief is powerful and cunning. Over time, it will inevitably become a major disaster in the world. Yu Gong, I am waiting to restore justice to the world. Yu Si, in order to avenge my hatred and shame, I have to talk about the murder of the evil thief! It is just because this thief is difficult to deal with, I waited for helplessness to do the disgraceful thing of taking hostages. Come."

The faces of Xiao Feng and others also showed shame.

Some people advise, "Since it is to help justice, how can it be dishonorable?"

Someone agreed, "This thief is not condemned, can he let him pretend to be a monster and harm the country and the people?"

A somewhat relieved expression appeared on the faces of the four giants.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"It's from the Jade Girl Palace."

"Why are the people from the Jade Girl Palace here?"

Many people turned their heads to look around, with surprises on their faces.

Among all Xiwu sects, the Jade Girl Palace is an alternative existence.

There are all women in the Jade Girl Palace. Twenty years ago, it was okay. Although there is little interaction with other schools, the Jade Girl Palace is also a member of the Xiuwu League and occasionally participates in activities organized by the Xiuwu League.

However, during an event, the successor of the Palace Master of the Jade Girl was secretly in love. I don't know who got it with him. It is said that he has a big belly. In a rage, the master of the Jade Girl Palace withdrew from the Xiuwu Alliance. Since then, the Jade Girl Palace has no contact with the outside world.

Don't underestimate the Jade Girl Palace, although the martial arts are all women, the martial arts are quite powerful.

Especially the Palace Master of the Jade Girl Palace is even more powerful.

There was a flower-picking thief who was powerful in martial arts and had a higher light power. He did evil everywhere. Many sects and families joined forces to hunt down to no avail. Later, the flower-picking thief swelled his self-confidence and went to the Jade Girl Palace to plot a crime. The grass on the tomb is already tall.

The six women, all dressed in white, face to the sky, wore long swords on their waists, and lined up on both sides.

The person in the middle, also dressed in white, with the tulle side, she is petite and exquisite, and others can't see her face, but no one dares to look down at him.

Wherever the people of the Jade Girl Palace went, everyone let go.

Even the original high-status people, the arrogance on their faces at this time has been reduced a little.

The palace lord of the Jade Girl's Palace is gorgeously crowned the world, and I don't know how many people are secretly watching the woman whose face is covered by Qingsha.

It is said that when the flower-picking thief was sealed by the palace lord of the jade girl with a sword, he saw the face of the lord of the jade girl, and he laughed and laughed outright when he died.

Only Master Xiu Nian was still a compassionate look.

His cultivation is also deep, and he has not expressed interest in the Palace Master of the Jade Girl.

The Big Four didn't dare to neglect, and the people from the Palace of Chaoyu Women greeted them.

Nan Batian clasped his fists, "It's a trivial matter. I didn't expect to be a fairy who would come in person. It shows that the fairy's heart is alive and righteous, and his heart is for the common people in the world. It is really a model for my generation."

The Lord of the Jade Girl Palace did not speak.

An entourage had a cold expression and bowed slightly to salute the four giants, "The palace lord came to Kunlun to enjoy the scenery and snow, and there is no other meaning. However, the palace lord is hard to get to the palace once. No matter what happens today, I hope that it will not be bloodied and picturesque. Kunlun."

The purpose of the Big Four is Lin Tiancheng's resources, and, in front of so many people, they have to show their benevolence.

As long as Lin Tiancheng handed over the resources obediently, they would not take Lin Tiancheng's life immediately.

Nan Batian said, "This is nature. Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Pagoda. If the evil thief knows his mistake and can change his mind, I will naturally not embarrass him."


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