Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1166: Exploring Kunlun

The seven members of the Jade Girl Palace won the snow in white, with fluttering clothes, and did not leave.

Generally, people in aristocratic sects only dared to peek at the appearance behind the veil of the Palace Master of the Jade Girl, although they could not see clearly.

There are also a few juniors in the detached family sect, and there is no such great pressure. Among them, the young man in Qingshan, with a folding fan in his hand, looks at the Palace Lord of the Jade Girl with a smile, his eyes are full of the evil charm and confidence of the domineering president.

The Big Four negotiated softly, and the disciples in the family brought all the hostages out.

Yesterday, Wang Mengxin and others all had thin clothes, and their cold faces turned purple. Today, almost all the hostages wore thick warm clothes.

Seeing that the hostages had not been abused, the uncomfortable emotions of all those who came to watch dropped sharply.

Xiao Feng glanced at Wang Mengxin and others, with a shame on his face, "You are the people of the world. The reason why you have a relationship with Lin Tian is also deceived by him. It is said that you should not be involved in it, but I will wait. I was also forced by helplessness, but I still hope to understand."

As he said, Xiao Feng bowed deeply to Wang Mengxin and others.

Many people were moved.

The members of the martial arts family are absolutely superior to ordinary people. Xiao Feng, as the head of the Xiao family in the capital, actually gave this great gift to a group of ordinary people.

Master Xiu Nian raised his hands to recite the Buddha, "Amitabha, goodness, goodness!"

Xiao Feng said again, "Don’t worry, everyone. Our goal is Lin Tiancheng, the villain. We will not embarrass you. When the villain is judged justly, we will arrange for the disciples to send you home.” At this time, Xiao Feng’s eyes fell on Xia Xue's body-among all the hostages, only Xia Xue did not have winter clothes to protect against the cold.

He quickly took off his cloak, walked quickly towards Xia Xue, wrapped the cloak around Xia Xue, and gave Xiao Yun a gloomy look behind him, "What's the matter? Where's her warm winter clothes? Didn't he tell me earlier? If you pass you, they are ordinary people and cannot withstand the severe cold in the mountains."

Xiao Yun explained, "Ancestor, there are clothes, but she refuses to wear them."

Xiao Feng snorted coldly, "Why don't you wear them? I told you very clearly that they were the help we invited over, not the so-called hostages. You should try to release your kindness and respect."

After saying that, Xiao Feng increased his tone, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you take off your clothes?"

Xiao Yun immediately took off his coat and put on Xia Xue, Xia Xue did not resist.

Although in front of the predecessors, Xia Xue and others did not excuse.

Yesterday the Big Four held a meeting with them and promised that no matter what the result is, they will not harm Lin Tiancheng's life, but they need their cooperation to denounce Lin Tiancheng's evil deeds, some can be infinitely amplified, and none can be fabricated out of thin air.

People from the four major families will be rewarded for those who perform well.

Of course, Wang Mengxin and others would not agree, but they all knew that Lin Tiancheng would come to Kunlun, worried about Lin Tiancheng’s life, and finally reached an agreement with the people of the four major families—the people of the four major families did not take Lin Tiancheng’s life, they did not Arguing without explaining.

This performance of Xiao Feng welcomed the respect of many people.

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the air ahead.

Those present were all masters, and it was obvious at a glance that it was Lin Tiancheng who came with an eagle.

Flying to the sky near the crowd, Costin gliding at a low altitude, Lin Tiancheng jumped off Hai Dongqing's back, and his eyes quickly passed over Wang Mengxin and the others.

Seeing that everyone except Qian Laifu was there, Lin Tiancheng felt a little relieved.

He stared at Mu Shitao, his face was full of anger, "Mu Shitao, you have no faith!"

Mu Shitao's expression sank, "What do you mean?"

When other people heard Lin Tiancheng say this, they looked at Lin Tiancheng with doubts.

Lin Tiancheng said, "I have given you the resources you want, and you promised me to release the hostages, why not let them go?"

Mu Shitao was taken aback, this joke is not enough!

He immediately said, "Bold thief, bloodshot, you just ransacked the resources of the Li family, Xiao family, and Nan family. What does it have to do with my Mu family? The reason why I want to judge you in Kunlun Mountain is just to help Justice is still in the world."

After speaking, Mu Shitao said humanely to Li Xian, "Brother Li, the thief has already appeared. To prevent the night from dreaming, I will take him down as soon as possible."

Li Xian and others were not in a hurry.

They also knew that Lin Tiancheng was likely to sow discord, but Mu Shitao did indeed go to Lin Tiancheng, in case what Lin Tiancheng said was true.

Besides, today the four giants invited to help masters are strong and many, they are not afraid of Lin Tiancheng's escape, let Lin Tiancheng say a few words does not matter.

Xiao Feng coughed lightly, "I understand Brother Mu's feelings, but even if the thief is inexcusable, he should have a chance to argue. It's better to let him finish his sentence and the world heroes who save us laugh at our unfairness."

Nan Batian is already asking, "Lin Tiancheng, we don't wrong you either. You said you handed over the resources to Mu Shitao, is there any evidence?"

"Dad..." At this moment, a joyous voice came. It turned out that Nan Fei saw Lin Tiancheng.

Nan Xiaochuan was embarrassed, "My son."

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand to stop Nan Fei from rushing towards him, "Son, Dad has something to do now, you play first, and you will talk later."

After saying that Lin Tiancheng also bowed his hands to thousands of people, "Everyone, today the Kunlun Mountain master is like a cloud, if I am really wicked, even if Lin Tiancheng has three heads and six arms, I will only be obedient. But, can you let me explain things clearly? The whole story?"

Originally, Li Xian and the others had negotiated, not giving Lin Tiancheng a chance to speak, and arranged for the hot-tempered people to do it directly. But because Lin Tiancheng said that the resources were given to Mu Shitao, they did not immediately do it.

Lin Tiancheng said again, "It's true that people from the four great families came to me not because I ransacked their resources, but because I accidentally discovered a relic of an ancient school two years ago and got it. Inheritance in the ruins."

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's shocking remarks, there was a commotion among the crowd.

The Big Four didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to play the cards according to common sense, and they definitely couldn't let Lin Tiancheng talk about the following things.

Nan Batian snorted coldly, "At this time, he is still deceiving the crowd.

Li Xian said, "This thief has no repentance, let's go together!"

Many masters immediately jumped out.

However, at this time, many people are not happy anymore.

A powerful humanity, "Four Patriarchs, I can't wait to listen to your one-sided words, and you are not afraid of shadows, so why not let him finish?"

"Could it be that the four Patriarchs did something wrong?"

As soon as Young Master Qingshan received his folding fan, he was full of domineering spirit. He looked at Lin Tiancheng with a peaceful look, "Don't worry, I am waiting in Kunlun Mountain to help justice, not to kill the innocent. You keep the matter in detail. Speaking carefully, I will be the master for you when I wait."


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