Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1171: iCloud

Although Lin Tiancheng and Mu Shitao are enemies and not friends, at this moment, Lin Tiancheng still hopes that Mu Shitao can break his blood.

Only when Mu Shitao escaped, Lin Tiancheng said that all the resources he got were taken by Mu Shitao to make it perfect. Before everyone found Mu Shitao, there was no reason to embarrass Lin Tiancheng, let alone take Lin Tiancheng's life. .

In this way, Lin Tiancheng's plan was considered complete, and he did not send Mu Shitao to his magical powers for nothing!

However, reality is always cruel!

Mu Shitao just entered the realm of supernatural powers, his realm was not stable, and there were too many masters in Kunlun Mountain. An hour later, Mu Shitao was hit by Tang Jidi's hidden weapon, and then he was beaten up by a group of great masters. Finally was obediently conquered.

Lin Tiancheng knew that Mu Shitao would face torture from everyone. If everyone tried their best and Mu Shitao insisted that he was wronged, then everyone would doubt Lin Tiancheng.

It's time to decide!

Is it charging?

What made Lin Tiancheng helpless was that he was also the subject of close monitoring. In front of so many people, it was still possible to charge Wang Mengxin for a small amount, but it was impossible to charge it up.

Help Nanfei improve its strength?

Lin Tiancheng also has his own concerns. Nan Fei’s memory was slapped by Lin Tiancheng. It is difficult to return to normal, but if Lin Tiancheng helped Nan Fei improve his strength, but in the end he could not send Nan Fei into it. Where is the supernatural realm?

In other words, even if Nan Fei stepped into the realm of supernatural powers, facing a group of great masters in Kunlun Mountain, could he really break the siege?

Lin Tiancheng suppressed his inner anxiety and calmed down.

My biggest reliance is the combination of man and machine. In the apps I have installed, there seems to be nothing that can help me through the storm, but I still have 45 batteries. I wonder if I can find other apps?

Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng opened the app store.

phone? WeChat? SMS?

Lin Tiancheng believes that these applications should only be related to calls and cannot solve his current dilemma.


Logically, after installing the map, Lin Tiancheng would not lose his way anywhere, but Lin Tiancheng was trapped in Kunlun Mountain, even if he was familiar with the surrounding terrain.

Of course, after these applications are installed, they should have other effects, but Lin Tiancheng feels that it is not very useful for him now, so he dare not take risks.

Finally, Lin Tiancheng's gaze fell on iCloud.

Lin Tiancheng knows that iCloud was the first free online computer in the world before, and it could provide anyone in the world with their own online computer. Until a few years ago, Apple officially released the iCloud cloud service, allowing users to use Apple devices. More convenient.

For example, if a person downloads an application on the iPhone, it will automatically appear on the iPad of the same account in real time.

Lin Tiancheng scratched his head.

If you have a human-computer combination and can download other people's things with Thunder download, then can you complete synchronization with other people when you come into contact with other people?

For example, can you share the martial arts you learn with others, and you can also share the martial arts learned by others?

If this is the case, it will be terrible!

Lin Tiancheng can share with this person today, and share with that person tomorrow. It won't be long before he can catch it.

Of course, this process must also require electricity, but the power consumption is not so scary as Thunder download or full upgrade, right?

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng made up his mind and installed iCloud, which consumed 20 electricity, and there were 25 electricity remaining. After iCloud is installed, the next step is to study the functions of iCloud.

It was Ling Yuanshan and others who were with Lin Tiancheng. Even if it was an experiment, Lin Tiancheng would not choose Ling Yuanshan and others.

He also believed that even if Tang and the others didn’t ask Mu Shitao anything, they would not immediately conclude that Mu Shitao was really innocent. There should be a chance for him to have a peaceful dialogue. Then Lin Tiancheng could find a chance. Experiment.

I don't know where everyone's inquiry to Mu Shitao has been, Lin Tiancheng turned on the speaker.

"I really didn't get any ancient relics, I didn't..." Mu Shitao's voice looked weak.

Tang Jidi sneered coldly, "Mu Shitao, it's even harder to speak at this time, no matter what, let you taste this young man's poisonous dragon diamond."


Hearing Mu Shitao's stern howl, Lin Tiancheng felt a little discomfort.

Only Lin Tiancheng can understand, not to mention Tang Jidi, even if it is a public security agency that represents justice, sometimes the methods of torture to extract a confession are unimaginable by outsiders.

Almost half an hour later, Tang Jidi, Master Xiunian, Palace Master of the Jade Girl, and a person of great standing came towards Lin Tiancheng. Nan Batian and Li Xian were not among them.

Lin Tiancheng knew that the four people who came in front of him should represent the most powerful group in Kunlun Mountain today.

Master Xiu Nian recites the Buddha, "Amitabha."

The Palace Master of the Jade Girl said nothing.

Tang Jidi's attitude was very friendly. He smiled at Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, are you sure you handed over the resources to Mu Shitao?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Mu Shitao has entered the Divine Harmony Realm and everyone has seen it with his own eyes. Why, is he not willing to say it?"

Tang Jidi kept silent.

Lin Tiancheng smiled pretentiously and stretched out his hand to Tang Jidi, "Anyway, Mu Shitao has been caught by you, I naturally have a way to make Mu Shitao speak obediently, but I am also a little nervous now. Get to know each other?"

Tang Jidi was not used to shaking hands, but thinking that Lin Tiancheng was a man in the world, he still reluctantly extended his hand to Lin Tiancheng, "Tang Jidi."

As for Lin Tiancheng taking advantage of the handshake to poison? Tang and the first point are not worried. If you want to talk about poisoning and detoxification, who can beat him in Kunlun Mountain?

He also wished that Lin Tiancheng would use a little trick so that he could turn his face immediately.

Lin Tiancheng held Tang Jidi's hand, iCloud turned on.


A harsh sound rang out in Lin Tiancheng's mind, and a prompt appeared on the screen—Warning! An unknown device is detected and continuing to connect may cause serious consequences to the body. Do you want to continue?

At this time, Lin Tiancheng has no way out, anyway, he still has 360 antivirus, if it doesn't work, he will disconnect.

"carry on!"

"connection succeeded!"

Seeing that the total power is still 25, Lin Tiancheng is a little relieved. It seems that the connection itself may not consume power, but it should consume power during the continuous connection.

Lin Tiancheng thought that after the connection was successful, he could share Tang Jidi's skills, such as poisoning with hidden weapons, but Lin Tiancheng didn't add anything in his mind.

Judging from Tang Jidi's expression, Tang Jidi didn't seem to feel anything unusual.


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