Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1172: iCloud's power

what happened?

Lin Tiancheng felt a little nervous, iCloud has been installed, and it has not brought him any benefits at present, and when installing iCloud, he also prompted that it may bring him very serious consequences.

Seeing Tang Jidi introducing himself, Master Xiu Nian also raised his hand to salute Lin Tiancheng, "Amitabha."

Almost out of instinct, Lin Tiancheng reached out and took Master Xiunian's hand.

Because Lin Tiancheng did not show any killing intent or tendency to attack, and the ancient ruins were probably still in Lin Tiancheng's hands, Master Xiunian did not dodge.

iCloud is continuously on, and Lin Tiancheng has completed the link with Master Xiu Nian.

The thin man who came in with Master Xiu Nian took the initiative to reach out to Lin Tiancheng, "Southern Guangdong Yan Jiayan Beifan."

Lin Tiancheng and Yan Beifan completed the link again.

Only the Palace Master of the Jade Girl Palace was left, but the Palace Master Station of the Jade Girl Palace was far away from Lin Tiancheng, and there was no intention to shake hands with Lin Tiancheng.

Tang Jidi opened the folding fan and shook it gently, "The ancient relics are related to the rise and fall of the entire martial arts world. Mu Shitao should not be swallowed. Lin Tiancheng, you just said that you have a way to make Mu Shitao speak. ."

Where does Lin Tiancheng have any idea? He just wanted to try if iCloud could surprise himself.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tiancheng said, "Presumably you have used many methods against Mu Shitao, and Mu Shitao still refuses to speak, proving that he is also a hard bone, but I believe that as long as you work slowly and think about it, you will definitely think. Come out. It’s just that Kunlun Mountain is not a permanent place to stay. Can you talk about it after going down?

Tang Jidi became a little angry, "Fuck us?"

Yan Beifan is older and has a better temper. He said, "Lin Tiancheng, so many people know about the ancient relics. Given time, it must be passed on from ten to ten. At that time, it will inevitably set off in the rivers and lakes. Bloody wind."

Master Xiu Nian said, "The benefactor Yan is right. Nowadays, foreign masters are like clouds. The Republic is already passive. The appearance of ancient relics is indeed a blessing to China. I hope that Lin Donor will have mercy on all living beings in the world. The republic's martial arts world is rebirth in the sun."

Speaking of this, Master Xiunian scanned the Xia Tang and the few people, "Donor Lin is now considered a member of Xiuwu, and the ancient relics were discovered by Donor Lin. There should be a copy of Donor Lin."

"Really." Yan Beifan nodded.

Tang Jidi and the palace lord of the Yunv Palace also did not raise objections. Master Xiunian was the number one master of Shaolin Dharma Academy and wanted to save face.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Thank you, Master, but I really gave the resources to Mu Shitao. He does not speak now, and I have no better way for a while."

Master Xiu Nian, Tang Jidi, and Yan Beifan discussed it, and finally because Master Xiu Nian insisted, everyone decided to leave Kunlun first.

Tang Jidi said to Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, it’s not that we don’t believe you, but it’s a matter of great importance. We will only give you three days. Within three days, please make sure to let Mu Shitao speak. , These three days may still make you feel wronged."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Understand."

The conversation between Tang and the first class did not evade Lin Tiancheng.

Master Xiu Nian was kind, and couldn't bear the suffering of Ling Yuanshan and others, so he insisted that everyone leave Kunlun first. But because Lin Tiancheng's resources are of great importance, when Tang Jidi asked Lin Tiancheng to be wronged, Master Xiu Nian did not insist.

Tang Jidi was very satisfied with Lin Tiancheng’s attitude. He nodded, took out a jade bottle from his arms and poured out a medicine to Lin Tiancheng, "This medicine is called Gui Jianshou, even the entire Tang Sect is eligible. No more than five people will use this medicine. Of course, there is no cure in the world except Tang Sect."

Master Xiu Nian had heard of the prestige of ghosts and sorrows, although the medicine was not for them, but all of them were still a little bit afraid.

Tang Jidi said, "Because the drug is too strong, there will be some discomfort at the beginning of taking it, but after three days, as long as the antidote is taken on time, it will be safe and sound, will not affect your health, and will not leave any sequelae. If after three days If you don’t take the antidote, you will rot and die from bottom to top. Before you die, you can see all the bones of your lower body exposed."

Without a word, Lin Tiancheng grabbed the ghost and swallowed it.

With 360 antivirus and electricity, for Lin Tiancheng, there is no insoluble poison in the world!

Tang Jidi didn't check whether Lin Tiancheng had taken the sorrow of the ghost, and the sorrow of the ghost would melt in his mouth, just swallow a little.

In order to avoid Tang Jidi's suspicion, Lin Tiancheng did not immediately turn on 360 antivirus.

When the ghost saw sorrow and poisoning, Lin Tiancheng only felt a warm current in his abdomen, and immediately began to spread to the limbs, his whole body was warm, as if he was not taking poison but a big tonic pill.

Feeling a warmth in the nasal cavity, Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that he had a nosebleed.

Tang Jidi was more satisfied.


This is the typical feature of taking ghosts and sorrows!

He was bleeding from his nose, but he still comforted Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, don't worry, the nosebleed will stop soon."

Seeing Master Xiunian and Yan Beifan both having nosebleeds, Tang Jidi was shocked, "Master Xiunian, Senior Yan..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Tang Jidi also felt a warm current gushing out of his nose. He stretched out his hand and his face changed suddenly.


Lin Tiancheng took the ghost and sorrow alone, Tang Jidi, Master Xiu Nian, and Yan Beifan all had nosebleeds! !

Yan Beifan's killing intent rose to the sky, "Tang Jidi, you dare to poison me waiting?"

Master Xiu Nian also took an offensive posture.

Tang Jidi quickly explained, "You two, please listen to me. I definitely don't."

Lin Tiancheng was thoughtful, and immediately, a bit of ecstasy appeared on his face.

He seems to understand why this is happening!


The synchronization function of iCloud is not software sharing, but a bit of hardware synchronization!

In other words, there is no way to synchronize what skills you have learned and what skills you have, but if you are poisoned or injured, synchronization will occur.

This is just Lin Tiancheng's guess, he still needs to verify it!

Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng lowered his head and picked up a sharp stone and patted it on his head.

Tang Jidi, Master Xiu Nian, and Yan Beifan saw that Lin Tiancheng was about to commit suicide, all of them were shocked and ignored their internal strife.


"Want to die? Not so easy!"


The stone hit Lin Tiancheng's head sturdily, and Lin Tiancheng suddenly broke his blood.

At the same time, the heads of Master Xiunian, Tang Jidi, and Yan Beifan also cracked a gap out of thin air, and blood soared.


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