Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1176: Don't be too selfish

For Li Xian's performance, Mu Shitao and Nanba Tian Xiaofeng were not surprised.

When Lin Tiancheng single-handedly suppressed Li Xian and others in Jiulong Mountain, they all bowed their heads. At the time everyone admitted their mistakes, but Li Xian did not. He sincerely stated that he did not make a mistake but a crime.

Li Rulong quickly stepped forward and grabbed Li Xian's arm, "Ancestor."

Li Xian lifted Li Rulong with one hand, and he woke up, "You let me go, I will wake myself up today."

"Flap! Pop..."

Li Xian continued to fight.

Xiao Feng was also ashamed. He sighed heavily, "The reason why the Xiao family has come to this day is to blame myself. I also hope that Shao Lin can lift up his precious hands and give the Xiao family a chance to reform."

Nan Batian called Nan Fei, "Nan Fei, come over and see your dad soon."

Nan Xiaochuan's face turned into pig liver color, but the ancestor spoke, he didn't dare to say anything.

Nan Fei agreed and came to Lin Tiancheng happily, "Dad."

Lin Tiancheng reached out and touched Nan Fei's bald head, "Good boy."

Mu Shitao looked around, "Okay, the resources have been taken away by others, I will leave Kunlun now. I hope you will also make your plans early."

The people present are not stupid. Everyone thinks that the resources are the least likely to be in Yi Zhimo, but Lin Tiancheng and Mu Shitao are highly likely.

It's just that whoever is good is reasonable.

Mu Shitao, Tang Jidi, Master Xiu Nian, and Yan Beifan, the four of them have already hug each other, and the others dare not speak.

The disciples of the Mu family and the Tang family had already opened the way for Lin Tiancheng.

Master Xiu Nian raised his hand to recite the Buddha and walked in the forefront. Tang Jidi and Yan Beifan guarded Lin Tiancheng. Queen Mu Shitao.

Under the guard of the four masters, Lin Tiancheng took Ling Yuanshan and the others to leave Kunlun smoothly.

The fly in the ointment is that Lin Tiancheng did not fully charge Yizhimo's body. After today's consumption, the total power is still 22.

After arriving in the capital, Lin Tiancheng first comforted the weak.

Wang Mengxin, Ling Moqing, Luan Jingzhu, Xia Xue, Xia Sisi, and Wang Zimeng sat opposite Lin Tiancheng, silent.


Lin Tiancheng glanced over the six girls one by one, "Do you have any ideas?"

The incident this time brought Lin Tiancheng a great touch. Although people in Xiwu will not harm the innocent, you are relatively speaking. This time, Mu Shitao will attack the people around Lin Tiancheng. Will there be others next time?

If it weren't for iCloud to show off, Lin Tiancheng would be more fortunate in Kunlun Mountain.

In order to prevent any accidents, Lin Tiancheng felt that maintaining the status quo is an unwise choice. For the sake of their own safety, either everyone is happy to be together, or it is easy to get together.

Luan Jingzhu was a little uneasy, "Brother Cheng, I am the one who caused you."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "It’s not you who hurt me, it’s me who hurt you! You have also seen what happened in Kunlun Mountain this time. It doesn’t mean that you can turn the danger to the bait every time. To ensure everyone’s safety, I’m here. There are only two roads in front of you."

Everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng with expectant eyes.

Lin Tiancheng said, "One, sever the relationship with me, I will find a way to help you hide your name, and I will give you a fortune that will ensure you have a safe and secure life."

No one spoke.

Of the six girls, some of them are Lin Tiancheng's women, and the remaining few have a good impression of Lin Tiancheng, and no one wants to leave.

Lin Tiancheng said, "The second way, become stronger! You can become strong like me!"

Wang Zimeng's eyes lit up, "Can we?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded affirmatively, "As long as you are willing, as long as you give me enough time, I can definitely make you all become masters of internal strength."

Wang Mengxin asked, "Did you really get the resources of the ancient ruins?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I have my way, but now you don't have to make the final choice. If you are willing to give yourself a chance, I will take you to the military area. When you know how to improve your strength, you can make the final decision. "

Wang Zimeng asked, "Is Xiaoyi here?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded, "Li Xiaoyi and Sister Fei are here."

Wang Zimeng raised his hand, "I don't have to wait anymore, I have decided now to become a master."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Lovely, don't make rash decisions. To become a master, you also need to overcome difficulties and cooperate fully."

Wang Zimeng said, "As long as it is not beyond the scope of my ability, as long as I can do it, there is no problem."

Lin Tiancheng stopped explaining, and looked at Li Rufei and others with questioning eyes.

Finally, Wang Mengxin said, "Let's talk about it when we go to the barracks."

Lin Tiancheng took out his cell phone and dialed Mu Feng's number.

"Tiancheng, it's great that you are fine!" Mu Feng said with joy.

Lin Tiancheng said, "General Mu, it's like this. I have six people here who are willing to join the'National Blade'. I have conducted a preliminary check on their talents. I don't think there is a big problem. Do further verification, is there any problem?"

Mu Feng said, "Of course there is no problem, just ask if you have any requirements."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I will go to the military region later and let the members of the'National Blade' wait for me at the training base."

Lin Tiancheng was also a little worried.

Of course he hopes that Wang Mengxin and others will all join the National Blade. In this way, Lin Tiancheng's great troubles can be saved. All of them are members of the National Blade and are like sisters. Lin Tiancheng can treat them equally in principle. .

However, Lin Tiancheng felt that Luan Jingzhu and Ling Moqing might be okay, and other people might cringe after knowing the process of improving their strength.

As for Ling Yuanshan and others, Lin Tiancheng couldn't get them to join the "National Blade". First of all, Lin Tiancheng didn't have so much power to help them improve. Secondly, the mountains that Lin Tiancheng laid down also needed the protection of Ling Yuanshan and others.

Hearing that Lin Tiancheng was going to the barracks, Mu Shitao, Master Xiu Nian, Tang Jidi, and Yan Beifan had to protect themselves anyway.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Everyone, I won't be in any danger in the barracks."

Yan Beifan didn’t agree, he shook his head, “Lin Shao, if you’re unacceptable, among the five of us, Lin Shao is currently the weakest and is our key protection object. No matter where Lin Shao goes, we I can't worry about it."

Mu Shitao also said, "Yeah, Lin Shao, those people in Kunlun Mountain are not fools. They will definitely suspect that the resources are still in your hands. Facing the ancient ruins, even Master Xiu Nian is greedy..."

"Amitabha, sin and sin!"

After Mu Shitao and Master Xiu Nian repented, he continued, “I don’t think it’s surprising that even a strong man in the hidden world appears. I don’t think it’s too selfish to be a man. Even if Lin Shao doesn’t consider your own life safety, Think about it for us."


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