Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1177: I hope there is no war in China.

The words of Mu Shitao were sincere, and Lin Tiancheng couldn't find a reason to refuse.

As for disconnecting from Mu Shitao and others, and giving Mu Shitao and others freedom, Lin Tiancheng would never even think about it-he now needs Mu Shitao's protection.

Soon, under the **** of Mu Shitao, Yan Beifan, Tang Jidi, and Xiu Nian masters, Lin Tiancheng took Wang Mengxin and others to the military area.

Hearing that Lin Tiancheng was about to inject fresh blood into the "National Blade", Mu Feng was very happy and went to the gate of the military area to meet him in person.

"Tiancheng, you are here." Mu Feng was always so emotional when facing Lin Tiancheng.

His eyes swept over Wang Mengxin, Master Xiu Nian and others, feeling a little weird in his heart.

Lin Tiancheng said that there might be six people joining the'National Sword' this time, and there are six women he brought over, so obviously the six women in front of him who might join the'National Sword'.

It seems that any member of the ‘National Blade’ with extraordinary talents is a great beauty?

Is talent really related to appearance?

Lin Tiancheng briefly introduced the Tang and his class, "The Tang family, the first Xiu Nian master of the Shaolin Bodhidharma Academy, Mu Shitao, the head of the Mu family of the Beijing hermit family, and the Northwest Yan Jiayan Beifan."

Everyone greeted Mu Feng one by one.

Mu Shitao smiled, "General Mu, fate, we were a family five hundred years ago."

That's what Mu Shitao said. Mu Feng naturally listened to it for the first time. Five hundred years ago, there was really nothing in the family. There is now a saying that all human beings are the same ancestor, one man and one woman, and they created the human race.

Because Mu Feng had already explained, the members of the'National Blade' all waited for Lin Tiancheng in the small courtyard.

Lu Ying, Xi Wenqian, Tong Baoer, Zhou Yumeng, Ran Dongye, Mu Hongzhuang, Li Rufei, and Li Xiaoyi, all eight people have their own beauty and beauty.

Tang Jidi's mind had been on the ancient ruins on Lin Tiancheng's body, but his eyes were a little straight at this time.

Even Master Xiu Nian flashed an imperceptible surprise in his eyes.

There were originally eight, but now Lin Tiancheng has brought six more. For women like them with natural beauty, it is not easy to gather 14 people at once. Master Xiu Nian is a bit dazzling.

Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng know Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi and greet them when they meet. Xia Xue and Xi Wenqian are best friends. Wang Mengxin, Luan Jingzhu and Ling Moqing also know Mu Hongzhuang. Avoid the embarrassment when the two parties meet.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Mu Shitao, "The conditions in the barracks are relatively difficult, and you may need to overcome them."

Mu Shitao said, "I am not afraid of hardship."

Tang Jidi said, "For those in the martial arts, the food, style, and drink are not commonplace meals. Young Master Lin doesn’t care about us. As long as Young Master Lin doesn’t leave the courtyard, from now on, the four of us will be responsible for guarding this courtyard. Suspicious people never want to come in."

Tang and the fourth person looked at each other, turned and left, and began to implement their guard duties.

Mu Feng said, "Tiancheng, then I won't bother you. I think all you bring with you are craftable materials, and strive to achieve zero elimination."

After Mu Feng left, Lin Tiancheng organized a forum with forty girls.

He was in business, with a familiar expression, "Some people have known each other a long time ago, and some are not very familiar. Let me introduce myself first. Lu Ying starts first."

Lu Ying got up and saluted, and said to Wang Mengxin and others, "Hello everyone, I am the captain of the'National Sword' special forces team, Lu Ying, if you enter the'National Sword', I will be responsible for your daily training. Everyone has anything or needs. You can find me."

"A member of the'National Blade' team, Mu Hongzhuang."

"A member of the'National Blade' team, Tong Baoer."

"The'National Blade' team...reserve, Li Xiaoyi..."

Although Li Xiaoyi is still a reserve team member, it is enough. At least Wang Zimeng and Xia Sisi have a lot of admiration to see Li Xiaoyi's eyes.

After the introduction of everyone, Lin Tiancheng said to Lu Ying, "That's right, the six of them are also willing to join the'national sword' to strengthen their bodies and defend their home and country. I have verified their talents and there is no problem in improving their strength. It’s just that you also know that the way I improve my strength is somewhat special. Now it’s up to you to introduce it in detail."

Although the old players of the'National Blade' have long accepted the way to improve their strength, they still feel a little embarrassed in front of the new players.

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "Why, this little thing can't be done?"

Lu Ying said, "No, it's just..."

Lin Tiancheng interrupted in a deep voice, "What's not just, your mental consciousness? If you find it difficult to accept, okay, please answer me, do you need to inject any new blood into the "National Blade" from now on. Eight people can carry the backbone of safeguarding the sovereignty of the Republic? As long as your answer is affirmative, everything will be fine."

Lu Ying's scalp was numb.

The current ‘National Blade’ is very strong. They believe that the ‘National Blade’ has a lot of room for growth, but if they are to take up the role of safeguarding the sovereignty of the Republic, they are still not enough.

Lin Tiancheng's tone slowed down slightly, and his words were earnest, "Comrades, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and you still need to work hard. For the great rejuvenation of the Republic, you are not afraid to throw your heads and blood, why are you afraid of little things?"

Tong Bao'er spoke for Lu Ying, "Instructor, you have misunderstood the meaning of the captain. She is mainly worried about your body."

Lin Tiancheng stood up and said sternly, "Personal honor and disgrace, what counts in the face of national interests? I hope there is no war in China, so why not turn back the young man?"

The members of the'National Blade' are in awe.

Lu Ying said, "Instructor, I was wrong."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Lu Ying, I can understand your feelings, but compared with the crisis in the country, nothing else is really worth mentioning. I tell you, Wang Mengxin and the others are all good seedlings. Every single person left behind, The Republic’s defense force will increase by one point. Whether they can stay or not depends on your efforts."

Lu Ying saluted, "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Lin Tiancheng nodded, and glanced at Wang Mengxin and others, "Next, Lu Ying will discuss the details with you. I will still say that, leave it freely."

After a pause, Lin Tiancheng said again, "Sister Xin, come with me."

Among all the girls who knew Lin Tiancheng, Wang Mengxin was the only one who gave Lin Tiancheng too much help before Lin Tiancheng had a human body.

It may be out of respect, or the early image of Wang Mengxin's little pepper gave Lin Tiancheng some psychological shadows. Lin Tiancheng has no confidence in Wang Mengxin's voluntary stay. To be on the safe side, he feels it is necessary to talk to Wang Mengxin alone.


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