Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1192: Sword with beautiful woman

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. Lin Tiancheng saw that Yi Zhimo's head was full of blue silk and turned white hair, so he wanted to use Zhuyan Dan to trick Yi Zhimo.

To Lin Tiancheng's disappointment, Yi Zhimo was not impressed by the Zhu Yan Dan thrown by Lin Tiancheng, and the horizontal distance with Lin Tiancheng got closer.

Xiaoqing also glanced back, foaming slightly in her mouth, "Boss, that woman is probably going to chase us to the end of the world, so you can just accept her."

In Costin’s mind, basically as long as Lin Tiancheng has harvested women, they have a good relationship with Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng ignored Costin.

Thinking that when he was in Fengcheng, he escaped from Yi Zhimo with some tricks. He decided to sacrifice his character again. Anyway, it was a hundred meters high in the sky, and Lin Tiancheng was on Hai Dongqing’s back. It's hard to see.

Next, Lin Tiancheng made a series of indecent actions.

Seeing that Yi Zhimo had eaten the weight of the weight, Lin Tiancheng felt that the matter was getting worse.

"Xiaoqing, how far is the nearest coastline from here?" Lin Tiancheng asked.

The oceans on the earth are connected. Tiancheng Group is committed to maintaining the marine environment and has achieved certain results. It should have gained a lot of friendship from marine life. As long as he can dive into the sea, Lin Tiancheng has the confidence to escape into the sky.

Xiaoqing said, "I can't insist on the sea, but there is a desert not far ahead."

"Go to the desert." Lin Tiancheng said.

The living environment of the desert is still very harsh, but Lin Tiancheng has a sea Dongqing, and he can find a commanding height in search of water resources at any time.

More importantly, Lin Tiancheng has 360 anti-virus. In any place, as long as it is something that can be used, Lin Tiancheng dares to eat it.

Now, it depends on whether Yi Zhimo dared to follow Lin Tiancheng into the desert.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng vaguely saw that on the hills a few kilometers away behind Yi Zhimo, there were a lot of black spots flying quickly.

what happened?

Lin Tiancheng's flashlight turned on, but I didn't know it, and I was shocked when I saw it!

Those black spots are all people who practice martial arts, judging from the strength of those people's feet, at least they are masters of the peak strength of Huajin.

After a little thought, Lin Tiancheng understood what was going on.

If Lin Tiancheng competed with Yi Zhimo and others in the Jade Girl Palace, everyone suspected that the resources might still be in Lin Tiancheng's hands. Not only would they not leave, but instead would save Lin Tiancheng's life. Seeing Lin Tiancheng fleeing, of course everyone will not entangle with the people in the Jade Girl Palace.

A group of big masters are all coming for Lin Tiancheng!

The frightening thing is that Lin Tiancheng went to the Jade Girl Palace and did not spread the news. Many people from the sect family realized that they rushed to the Jade Girl Palace. Now tracking Lin Tiancheng's team is better than waiting for Lin Tiancheng in the Jade Girl Palace. The team must be strong.

It is no exaggeration to say that the martial arts practitioners who tracked Lin Tiancheng today, in terms of strength, occupy almost half of the martial arts world of the Republic.

With so many people, it is inevitable that there will be masters proficient in desert survival!

Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to neglect, so he could only work hard, "Xiaoqing, enter the desert sky at the fastest speed, otherwise my life is worrying and you will become a roasted eagle."

Costin cried out and began to sprint with all his strength.

After touching for about an hour, Lin Tiancheng and Hai Dongqing finally entered the desert sky.

Costin couldn't hold on anymore, spread his wings and began to glide freely.

It was so tired that it couldn't keep its balance when it landed, and plunged into the sand dunes.

"Boss, I can't fly anymore, leave me alone, let's meet again if we are destined." After Costin said, he kicked his legs and didn't move.

Lin Tiancheng patted Hai Dongqing's feathers, "Xiaoqing, you just pretend to be dead here, Yi Zhimo should disdain to deal with you, and the group of people behind is not necessarily anymore. When Yi Zhimo leaves you, you will Hurry up and find another place to hide."

"You go quickly."

Lin Tiancheng chose a direction arbitrarily, used the strength of the milk, and began to run wildly.

Lin Tiancheng believes that Yi Zhimo has been chasing Costin for most of the day, even if Yi Zhimo is a master of supernatural power, his energy is not endless, he still has the opportunity to escape.

Two hours later, Lin Tiancheng hid in an oasis in the desert.

In order to prevent Yi Zhimo from being aware of his own breath, Lin Tiancheng curled up on the ground, motionless, closed his eyes, and calmed his mind.

"come out!"

Before long, Lin Tiancheng heard Yi Zhimo's cold voice.

Lin Tiancheng didn't know if Yi Zhimo really found himself, he didn't show up.

Yi Zhimo let out a disdainful snorted, "I used to think you were so strong, and I didn't expect you to be a greedy and fearful of death. If you obediently hand over the resources, I can keep you a dead body."

Lin Tiancheng remained silent.

Yi Zhimo said again, "Presumably you have seen it too. There are at least a hundred masters of Huajin Peak on their way. The masters who have stepped into Huajin are unknown. If you fall into their hands, there will be absolutely no consequences. Will be what you want."

In the dark, Lin Tiancheng felt a terrifying coolness coming. He opened his eyes and saw the strands of white hair attacking him like a poisonous snake. He immediately said, "If you have something to say, don't do it first."

Seeing Yi Zhimo's gray hair receding, Lin Tiancheng walked out from behind a bush, "Yi Zhimo, can you keep calm first and let me finish?"

Yi Zhimo did not answer, but did not do anything.

Lin Tiancheng sorted out his thoughts, "I did get an adventure, but it was different from what you imagined. What I got was not tangible resources, but the inheritance of ancient medical skills. I can heal all diseases, and I can also use massage and acupuncture. Help talented people improve their strength."

Seeing Yi Zhimo getting angry, Lin Tiancheng immediately added, "You are very talented. As long as you cooperate, I can immediately raise your strength to a higher level."

Yi Zhimo said, "Do you think I will believe you?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Every sentence is true. If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you now! If I can't do it, you will not be too late to torture me."

Although Yi Zhimo's current strength can easily crush Lin Tiancheng, she is still a little afraid of Lin Tiancheng when she thinks of Lin Tiancheng's incredible methods.

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Slightly pondering, the two strands of white hair on Yi Zhimo's head turned into an invincible spear, piercing Lin Tiancheng's legs and knees with lightning speed.

Then Yi Zhimo stepped forward, grabbed Lin Tiancheng's ankle with one hand, looked in another direction, and dragged Lin Tiancheng away quickly.

Looking at Yi Zhimo's back, Lin Tiancheng secretly took out the long sword.

At this moment, a piece of white hair was immediately wrapped around Lin Tiancheng's neck.

Lin Tiancheng said, "This black sword is integrated with meteorite iron from the outer world, forged with modern high-tech, cuts the iron like mud, and cuts everything without cutting. This kind of unique magic weapon in my hands is just a pearl in my hands. With a beautiful woman, I think that only a peerless beautiful woman like you is worthy of this peerless magic weapon!"


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