Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1193: Good guy

Yi Zhimo didn't show much interest in the sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand. Her goal is to get all the resources Lin Tiancheng got in the ancient ruins.

There were chasing soldiers, anyway, Lin Tiancheng was in the hands of Yi Zhimo, and Yi Zhimo was not in a hurry.

After a long-distance attack overnight, Yi Zhimo felt that with her strength, she had already thrown away the large forces behind, and coupled with the fact that it was difficult to track the target in the vast desert, Yi Zhimo could finally make time to deal with Lin Tiancheng .

Although Yi Zhimo's speed is very fast, Lin Tiancheng's body floats parallel to the ground most of the time, but if he encounters a dune area, Lin Tiancheng's body will inevitably rub against the sand.

The clothes on his back are polished.

Lin Tiancheng sat on the ground and sniffed, "Do you smell the scent of barbecue? My meat is cooked."

Yi Zhimo sat down next to Lin Tiancheng and turned his back to Lin Tiancheng, "Whether it is a massage or an injection, you have an hour. If you can't prove yourself, I won't listen to everything you say next."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Enough!"

As long as Yi Zhimo gives up resistance and Lin Tiancheng uses iCloud to connect with Yi Zhimo, he can immediately stand up and call the shots.

Lin Tiancheng put his hands on the ground, moved behind Yi Zhimo, put one hand on Yi Zhimo's back, and turned on iCloud.

Currently, Lin Tiancheng and Master Xiu Nian, Tang Duxiu, Yan Beifan, and Mu Shitao are connected, and iCloud can only connect to four people at most. Among the four, Yan Beifan had the worst strength and was slippery. Lin Tiancheng did not hesitate to disconnect from Yan Beifan.

Next is Yi Zhimo!

Lin Tiancheng seemed to see Victory beckoning to himself, with a smile on his face.

After being enchanted, Yi Zhimo's strength is outstanding among supernatural power realm masters, even the veteran supernatural power realm mid-term masters, she has the power to fight.

This kind of person's perception ability is quite terrifying, in addition to killing intent, you can even feel the sadness and joy in Lin Tiancheng.

Feeling that Lin Tiancheng was overjoyed, a thick ominous wave of ominousness surged in Yi Zhimo's heart. She shook hard, got up and looked at Lin Tiancheng with cold eyes, "Death?"

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng had changed his previous cautiousness, and became more confident.

He looked at Yi Zhimo with a smile but a smile, "Young man, don't talk too much. Remember what happened in Kunlun Mountain?"

Yi Zhimo looked at Lin Tiancheng with a surprised look.

Lin Tiancheng said, "When I was in Kunlun Mountain, I used some tricks to connect with Master Xiunian and others. Any harm that happened to me would be manifested in Master Xiunian and others at the same time."

This was what Yi Zhimo was most afraid of. Because of this, she would abolish Lin Tiancheng's legs first.

However, Yi Zhimo felt that there was nothing unusual about him, so he was dubious about Lin Tiancheng's words.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Let's talk."

Yi Zhimo didn't answer, and he waved a white glow and wiped it against Lin Tiancheng's cheek, leaving a wound on Lin Tiancheng's cheek.

how is this possible?

Seeing Yi Zhimo's delicate pretty face intact, Lin Tiancheng's heart sank to the bottom.

He immediately checked iCloud.

Unknown body, connection failed! ! !

Seeing the prompt from iCloud, Lin Tiancheng almost passed out with black eyes.

However, although Lin Tiancheng felt surprised, it is reasonable. After all, Lin Tiancheng and Yi Zhimo have different genders, and certain local characteristics are also very different. For example, Lin Tiancheng has things that Yi Zhimo does not. That place was injured, iCloud couldn't distinguish sync.

Yi Zhimo breathed a sigh of relief, and her long white hair was in no wind.

Lin Tiancheng sincerely said, "Don't be angry. Helping you to improve your strength is related to my life. You are so powerful now. I am really afraid of you. This mentality is not suitable for me to help you improve. That's why I will have a small talk with you. Just kidding, relieve the pressure."

The shock and disappointment on Lin Tiancheng's face before did not escape Yi Zhimo's gaze.

She knew that Lin Tiancheng couldn't control her by controlling Xiunian and others.

Yizhi Modao's long hair swept across Lin Tiancheng's waist, and immediately left a shocking bloodstain on Lin Tiancheng's body, "This time I just punished you slightly, and let me feel anything wrong."

Having said this, Yi Zhimo paused and continued, "When you were in Fengcheng, do you remember that feeling?"

Lin Tiancheng felt a numb scalp.

In Fengcheng, Yi Zhimo's methods of torturing Lin Tiancheng made Lin Tiancheng feel that a hundred worms were biting his heart and ten thousand ants biting his bones. Lin Tiancheng would never forget it in his life.

Yi Zhimo was very satisfied with Lin Tiancheng's state at the moment, and sat down again with his back to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath and sat down behind Yi Zhimo.

He still has 39 electricity, but Lin Tiancheng knows very well that even if he uses all the electricity to help Yi Zhimo improve her strength, Yi Zhimo will still think that Lin Tiancheng still has the ability to help her improve.

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The only way to help Yi Zhimo continue to improve is to let Yi Zhimo generate electricity for Lin Tiancheng.

However, if Yi Zhimo allows Lin Tiancheng to charge up and Lin Tiancheng can fully upgrade, why waste electricity on Yi Zhimo?

Lin Tiancheng is unwilling to waste too much electricity on Yi Zhimo, but it is necessary for Yi Zhimo to feel the improvement in strength.

Massage was impossible. Next, Lin Tiancheng began to massage Yi Zhimo, and 360 Antivirus was turned on.

Lin Tiancheng kneaded Yi Zhimo’s shoulders, and said, “You are also a martial artist. You should know that you need to be comprehensive in all aspects, and you need to temper your body without leaving dead ends. Therefore, I hope you are mentally prepared. I need help. You do a full body massage."

Yi Zhimo said, "Where there are no acupuncture points, do you need massage?"

"No." Lin Tiancheng answered readily.

People's acupoints are all over the body. When massaging all acupuncture points, Lin Tiancheng's hand can touch any place on Yi Zhimo's body.

After consuming 3 electricity, Lin Tiancheng felt that Yi Zhimo should be able to feel the improvement in strength. He said, "If you can accept it, next, I need to massage your Ruzhong and Jingzhong points. If you cannot accept it, please let me know in advance."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Feeling that her strength is indeed improving, Yi Zhimo has no objection. Anyway, this time, she will kill people after taking advantage of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's hand slowly touched the key part of Yi Zhimo.

37, 38, 39...

Good guys!

Yi Zhimo is a master who has entered the realm of supernatural power. Although separated by his clothes, Lin Tiancheng's power was continuously rising.


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