Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1198: Shinto

When he was in free fall, he had to roll frantically, and Xiaoqing felt a lot of pressure.

On the way up, Xiaoqing said, "Boss, the difficulty factor is too high, I'm afraid I can't finish it."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Stop talking nonsense, we are going to challenge the impossible today!"

Thanks to Xiaoqing's strength and strength, he replaced an ordinary Costin, no matter how handsome and mighty he was, it was impossible to complete such a difficult action.

However, even if Xiaoqing is a master of chemistry, continuously challenging the limit and making so many difficult moves, the consumption of energy is huge.

The big masters on the ground also saw that Xiaoqing had a lot of physical energy, and it shouldn't last long.

It's just that, after the foreplay between Lin Tiancheng and Yi Zhimo, more than two hours have passed, which is not easy.

In the end, Costin stopped making any difficult movements, and floated steadily in the void.

The cocoon formed by Yi Zhimo's gray hair also quickly dissolved.

Lin Tiancheng and Yi Zhimo were already neatly dressed, standing on Costin's back.

Although others can't see anything, after all, in front of so many people, Yi Zhimo still feels extremely ashamed, don't go too far, and dare not look at anyone.

At the beginning, Nangong Chun was somewhat worried.

After all, even if Lin Tiancheng is lustful and lustful, it is indeed a bit unreasonable to give up the opportunity to escape like this.

Now, seeing that Lin Tiancheng's spirit and spirit has not changed, Nangong Chun completely relieved his heart. He gave Lin Tiancheng his hand, "Lin Shaoxia is indeed a romantic figure who loves the country and mountains more beautifully. Now Lin Shaoxia has got his wish, is it okay? Have a good talk? As long as Lin Shaoxia is willing to cooperate, what I promised Lin Shaoxia before will still be valid."

Lin Tiancheng did not answer.

He has 55 electricity. If 360 antivirus is used to check and kill the garbage in the body, the next electricity is not optimized enough.

After several inspections and killings optimization, Lin Tiancheng also knows that the overall optimization, the improvement of physical fitness far exceeds the full inspection and killing.

Lin Tiancheng optimization master turned on and chose to fully optimize himself.

Nangongchun's words made Yi Zhimo once again see the crisis in front of her. She felt her strength, and her heart sank suddenly.

During the whole process of Lin Tiancheng giving her the injection, her strength did not improve by a single bit. Moreover, because of Lin Tian's growth time, she is very unwell now, and her combat effectiveness will decrease.

"You lie to me?" Yi Zhimo looked at Lin Tiancheng with cold eyes.

Lin Tiancheng was unmoved, "I didn't lie to you. The frictional electrification is true, and the improvement of strength is true, but I just told you before that as long as you are willing to cooperate, we can easily defeat the invading enemy. Must help you improve your strength."

Under the action of the optimization master, the spirit of Lin Tiancheng's body is also rising steadily, and the air around him also emits waves like water patterns. Among those water patterns, there are faint dragons surrounding Lin Tiancheng's Body wandering.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng stepping into the supernatural power realm, Nangong Chun's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately shouted, "Lin Shaoxia, your car is already at the end of the crossbow, even if you step into the supernatural power realm, the realm is far from stable. There is no supernatural power master present. , Can take you down."

"Really?" Lin Tiancheng's face became more confident.

The optimization master is still working, and Lin Tiancheng's strength is still rising.

After the optimization master fully optimized Lin Tiancheng's body, the dragons surrounding Lin Tiancheng, even though they were in a gasified state, showed their teeth and claws. They looked at the people like Mu Shitao and others with fierce eyes, and then went together. Submerge into Lin Tiancheng's body.

Standing next to Lin Tiancheng, Yi Zhimo clearly saw that the flood dragons did not disappear after submerging into Lin Tiancheng's body. Instead, they turned into tiny dragon patterns, which were caught in Lin Tiancheng's dark eyes.

At this moment, in the depths of Lin Tiancheng's black eyes, a pinpoint-sized flame was burning.

Yi Zhimo could not feel any temperature of the flame, but an unspeakable fear rose in her heart for no reason. In her heart, the needle-point-sized flame in Lin Tiancheng's eye socket was like the primer of a volcano. Come out, I'm afraid it can burn everything in the world.

Lin Tiancheng asked himself, with his current strength, even if he fights alone with Nangong Chun, even if he can't win, Nangong Chun wants to kill him.

If Lin Tiancheng's flashlight is turned on and the speaker is turned on, there will be two more consequences.


Lin Tiancheng carried his hands on his back, lifted his foot and stomped lightly on Hai Dongqing's back.

Costin was ordered to slow down the frequency of shaking his wings, carrying Lin Tiancheng and Yi Zhimo down slowly.

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Everyone was ready to move again.

Although Lin Tiancheng had clearly stepped into the realm of supernatural powers, and before the whole body had transformed into many dragons, everyone did not feel very scared, but secretly increased their vigilance.

Who can chase here, who has no magical means to save his life?

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng didn’t mean to surrender, Nangong Chun didn’t mind letting Lin Tiancheng suffer a little bit. More importantly, at the height of Costin’s current position, Nangongchun had enough confidence that before Costin brought Lin Tiancheng up, he would Costin killed.

Don't miss the opportunity!

A wave of air also waved around Nangong Chun, and then he exerted force with his feet, and his body was like an arrow from the string, shooting towards Lin Tiancheng in the air.

Even though he was full of confidence, Lin Tiancheng did not dare to be careless in the face of a master like Nangong Chun.

He turned on the flashlight, locked Nangongchun's figure, and prepared the most appropriate time, then turned on the speaker and the recycling bin, took out the bronze bell, and appreciated Nangongchun's roar of a lion.

At this moment, Nangong Chun in mid-air suddenly changed her complexion, and a thick ominous wave came to her heart.

Under everyone's eyes, in Lin Tiancheng's eyes, two pinpoint-sized flames actually shot out from Lin Tiancheng's eyes, bursting out two sparks.

In an instant, the strange fire that seemed to be able to melt some ignites in an instant, turning into two huge cones of fire.

Everyone can see clearly that the fire pillar is composed of the flood dragons that surrounded Lin Tiancheng before. It is just that the flood dragons before are made up of air fluctuations, and the flood dragons at this moment are the incarnations of flames, exuding terrifying heat waves. Nangong Chun in the air roared away.


Nangong Chun in midair let out an exclamation of frustration, and blasted the fire pillar in front of him with a punch.


With a loud noise, Huo Zhu and Nangong Chun's fists met in mid-air, and the energy from the impact carried a scorching heat wave.

You must know that the people present are basically masters in the Grandmaster Realm. They are not afraid of the usual cold and high temperature, but at this time they all feel heart palpitations. It is conceivable how high the temperature contained in the two pillars of fire.

The vigorous inner strength turned into an invisible barrier in front of Nangong Chun. At this moment, Nangong Chun was unscathed, but the color of horror in his eyes was stronger.

He suddenly turned his head, "Brother Liao, Brother Min, save me..."


There was another loud noise, and after Nangong Chun exhausted the energy in his body, he was instantly burned to nothingness.


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