Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1199: The road we have taken

Supernatural powers masters, once they enter supernatural powers, supernatural powers regenerate themselves.

However, anyone who wants to cultivate a means that can be transformed into supernatural powers does not happen overnight. Just like Yi Zhimo's "Unfeeling Slash", after years of hard work, the blue silk can transform into supernatural powers.

Lin Tian has grown into an adult body, he has already stepped into the realm of supernatural powers, but because he has hardly practiced any martial skills, he can be regarded as self-reliant supernatural powers in the true sense.

When Lin Tiancheng was an ordinary person, he was able to see through night vision when he turned on the flashlight. You must know that even the masters of the supernatural power realm cannot really see through. It is conceivable that after Lin Tiancheng enters the supernatural power realm, the flashlight will be turned on and the eyesight will How powerful it is.

However, when turning on the flashlight, Lin Tiancheng only had 5 batteries left.

Just now, Nangong Chun persisted for a while under Lin Tiancheng's eyes that could burn the sky and destroy the earth, consuming Lin Tiancheng 3 electricity.

With only two batteries left, Lin Tiancheng quickly turned off the flashlight.

The huge pillar of fire disappeared invisible, but the heat waves rolling in the air always confirmed the horror scene that happened before.

Lin Tiancheng is still standing on Hai Dongqing's back, but at this moment, he is like a high **** in the eyes of everyone.

All the people present were named by the martial arts world. Lin Tiancheng killed Nangong Chun at a glance. No one had ever seen such a supernatural power.

It is no exaggeration to say that looking at the entire land of China, there are some people who are about the same as Nangong Chun, but there will never be more than ten people who are able to kill Nangong Chun.

Even the top master of the Tianshan School, Nangongchun's father Nangongshuo, wanted to kill Nangongchun, he had to do everything possible.

Lin Tiancheng just glanced at it.

Even though Nangong Chun had a careless element in it, everyone had no doubt that even if Nangong Chun was careful, he would only have to flee in haste when he met Lin Tiancheng.

Everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng's eyes, full of deep jealousy.

They are quite scared. If there are dozens of people, they are likely to run away immediately, but there are thousands of them, and it is really difficult to make up their minds and leave.

Lin Tiancheng's growth rate is too high. If he can't win Lin Tiancheng today, I am afraid he will never find a chance again.

Someone said, "Don't panic, everyone, the evil thief displays supernatural powers, and consumes a lot of his own. Such a fire dragon will definitely not last long. As long as everyone is careful to avoid it, he will definitely be able to win him."

Someone agreed, "Yes, the evil thief was cruel, and he took Nangong Chun's life if he didn't agree with it. I waited for the demon to eliminate the demons and help justice as my duty. How can I let the evil thief leave?"

There are many clamoring people, but no one dares to be the first bird.

With so many people, if they really fight, Lin Tiancheng can only drink hatred on the spot.

However, Lin Tiancheng does not believe that these people can work together.

He opened the recycling station, took out the bronze bell forged from the meteorite iron of the sky, and put it on the back of Costin.

"not good!"

"Brother Gou, run!"

Some people have seen the power of Lin Tiancheng's lion roar. At that time, Lin Tiancheng was just the peak of energization. Now Lin Tiancheng is a master of supernatural power.

What is even more frightening is that the attack of the lion's roar is not effective against a single person, but is fragmentary. If Lin Tiancheng roared out, the consequences would be disastrous.

Some alert people have turned around and ran.

There are also some people who are not so powerful, who saw people who are better than themselves run away, and hurry up to escape.

The rest of the people with high strength and no experience of Lin Tiancheng's lion roar strength were panicked after seeing so many people running away.

A master said, "Don't panic, everyone stays. I, Xu, is willing to take the lead."

Hearing that the master Xu was willing to take the lead, several people stopped, only to find that the master Xu seized the opportunity and immediately ran farther than they did.

But within a few tens of seconds, thousands of masters have disappeared.

Lin Tiancheng has only 2 batteries left, and the state is not very good, otherwise, he really wants to try the power of the lion roar.

Costin landed slowly.

Even though the battery was insufficient, Yi Zhimo was injured by Nangong Chun at the beginning, and later suffered a **** disaster in Lin Tiancheng's hands. His condition was not very good. If Lin Tiancheng was willing, he would surely kill Yi Zhimo.

Standing quietly on the spot, after a while, Lin Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go."

Yi Zhimo also knew that he would not be Lin Tiancheng's opponent, she felt that Lin Tiancheng should kill her because of her torture of Lin Tiancheng.

Yi Zhimo was shocked when he heard Lin Tiancheng let him leave. "You won't kill me?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "In your hands, I have experienced the feeling that life is worse than death, and I also want to kill you. But although we have no bond with hair, we have the reality of men and women."

Thinking of Yi Zhimo’s innocent and ethereal appearance when he first appeared in front of him, and thinking that he and Yi Zhimo already had a love for men and women, Lin Tiancheng’s face was a little sad, "Yesterday, let it go with the wind, and from now on. After that, you and I don’t owe each other."

After finishing Lin Tiancheng raised his leg and left.

Yi Zhimo said, "Where are you going?"


Yi Zhimo's expression changed slightly, "You just killed Nangong Chun, the son of Nangongshuo, the head of the Tianshan School. The strength of the Tianshan School will never be below the Jade Girl Palace. Even if you don't have the resources they expect, Nangongshuo will Will kill you."

Lin Tiancheng said, "So what? Nangongshuo's grandson, Nangongye, stole state secrets and brought immeasurable damage to national security. I want to see if Nangongshuo killed me to avenge his son, or I Zhan Nangong night to worship the picturesque mountains and rivers of the Republic."

Yi Zhimo shook his head slightly, "You are not a soldier, nor do you belong to any family sect, why?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "One inch of mountain and river, one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young men and one hundred thousand soldiers, in the face of national crisis, can't you be a soldier who is not a soldier and can't serve the country faithfully?"

Yi Zhimo said, "Nangong Shuo is still the elder of the Xiuwu Alliance."

Lin Tiancheng just smiled, "The right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life, I just ask for a clear conscience."

Watching Lin Tiancheng's figure drifting away, Yi Zhimo's pretty face showed a little dazed and a little panic.

She suddenly lost her way.

As a member of the armed forces of the Republic, in every grand event she witnessed, there were basically people who emphasized their existence to deter the barbarians overseas, protect the land of Shenzhou, and encourage everyone to practice martial arts and perform their duties better.

In the past, the families of the sects needed to be self-reliant in terms of their livelihoods. Later, after the republic slowly became stronger, all the families of the sects had financial subsidies and only needed to concentrate on martial arts.

However, when the country is in crisis, how many people from a family of sects will really come forward?


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