Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1200: Lost madam and broke down

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In the empty desert, only Yi Zhimo was left alone.

Her expression looked a little confused, and with the powerful sixth sense of the master of the supernatural channel, she returned to the Jade Girl Palace in a muddle-headed manner.

Even though Yi Zhimo and others had already become demons, with the increasing number of big masters coveting Lin Tiancheng, the Jade Girl Palace would have experienced a cruel storm.

As Lin Tiancheng fled for the first time, Yi Zhimo also chased Lin Tiancheng away and successfully moved the battlefield. The foundation of the lucky girl in the Jade Girl Palace was not damaged, and the vitality was not damaged.

It’s just that the most talented and powerful disciples of the Jade Girl Palace have become enchanted. They rely on burning lives to stay in a state of escalation every day. One day is a year. If the Jade Girl Palace cannot find a solution in a short time, it will be accompanied by Iraq. Zhi Mo and the others will become incompetent when they run out of oil.

Seeing Yi Zhimo's desperate look, although Zhi Huahua knew the result, she still had some illusions in her heart.

"Zhi Mo, have you got the resources?" Zhi Huahua trembled.

Yi Zhimo didn't answer directly, her eyes regained a bit of clarity, and asked Huahua, "Master, what do we do for martial arts throughout our lives?"

The flower arrangement, "Naturally, it is to help justice and guard the land of China."

Yi Zhimo said, "The modern army is the strongest national defense force on the land of China. So, our position is the same as that of the military. Lin Tiancheng is the chief instructor of the'National Blade' special operations team, even if he has ancient The resources of the ruins are also the blessing of the country and the common people. Why should we force him to hand it over again?"

Branch Flower Flower Road, "Zhi Mo, Lin Tiancheng was originally just an ordinary person, and the resources of the ancient relics are in our hands, so that they can exert their greatest value. As long as we get the resources, it won’t take long before the Republic will become the brightest in the East. Pearl."

Yi Zhimo shook his head, "I can be sure that Lin Tiancheng doesn't have any resources. What he gets is the inheritance of ancient medical skills, which can indeed help people improve their strength."

Zhihuahua's complexion became a little gloomy, and her crutches slammed on the ground, "That won't save his life. The cunning rabbit is dead, and the fool is cooking. If Lin Tiancheng can help others improve their strength, we will not be so important to the country."

A bitter smile appeared on Yi Zhimo's pretty face, "Master, Lin Tiancheng is willing to smash the bones of the Republic, and all you think of is your own gains and losses."

"Presumptuous!" Zhi Huahua reprimanded.

She glared at Yi Zhimo, "Yi Zhimo, I can appoint you as the lord of the Jade Girl Palace, and I can also abolish you."

Yi Zhimo was unmoved.

Zhi Huahua's tone was a little harsher, "In order to help you cultivate the original "Unfeeling Slash", I did not hesitate to exhaust my own cultivation. Now that I am just a useless old lady, will you commit the following? Yi Zhimo, Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for me to pity you, you would never have survived in this world."

Yi Zhimo said, "Master has the grace to rebuild Yi Zhimo, whether I want to step down as the palace lord, or my life, Master just speak."

"Mother-in-law calms down her anger." The girls' disciples all knelt down.

If the flower flower is the same flower flower of the past, seeing Yi Zhimo contradict him like this, he will definitely use tough methods to educate Yi Zhimo.

The current Zhihuahua is not Yizhimo's opponent.

Controlling the anger in her heart, Zhi Huahua's tone eased, "Zhi Mo, the Jade Girl Palace has undergone the drastic changes today, and your thoughts may be a bit confused. Take a break and talk about something later."

Yi Zhimo raised his leg and walked forward, after a few steps, and then stopped, "Master, you have the grace of rebirth for me, but Lin Tiancheng and I are married. If you hurt his life, I have nothing to say. It can be said that other people are going to hurt his life, so it's no wonder that I don't think about the same family."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Zhi Huahua only felt her heart hurt.

She did not hesitate to run out of oil and spirits to help Yi Zhimo and others cultivate the genuine "Unfeeling Slash". The purpose was for Yi Zhimo and others to successfully seize Lin Tiancheng's resources, but she lost her wife and broke down.

Lin Tiancheng has entered the psychic realm, but did not go directly to Tianshan.

Now, Lin Tiancheng and Master Xiunian, Mu Shitao, and Tang Duxiu are still connected. Before in the desert, Yi Zhimo broke Lin Tiancheng's legs. It is estimated that the three masters are in a rather bad situation.

Lin Tiancheng took out his cell phone and dialed Tang Duxiu's number.

"Lin Shao?" Tang Duxiu's voice revealed deep tension and surprise.

When his legs and knees were pierced through, Tang Duxiu knew that Lin Tiancheng was ill-tempered, and almost scared to pee at the time.

Later, although Tang Duxiu's three people did not have any new injuries, they all knew that Lin Tiancheng must be controlled by others, and every second was spent in panic and fear.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Are you all right?"

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's calm tone, Tang Duxiu relaxed a little, "We are all right, where is Shao Lin?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "You have injured your leg. If there is no danger, tell me where you are and I will find you."

Tang Duxiu said about the location, not forgetting to tell, "Lin Shao, you must be careful."

On the way to rendezvous with Tang Duxiu and the others, Lin Tiancheng also met some members of the aristocracy who participated in the pursuit of him. Those people who saw Lin Tiancheng either turned around and left, or pretended not to know Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to grow out of knots, and didn't break it.

In the early hours of the morning, Lin Tiancheng arrived at the meeting place in Tang Duxiu's mouth, but did not see a single figure.

"Tang Duxiu? Master Xiunian?" Lin Tiancheng looked around.

The moonlight is dim, and apart from the sound of insects, there is deathly silence.

"We are here."

Just when Lin Tiancheng was about to call Tang Duxiu again, Tang Duxiu's voice came from a distance.

It turned out that Tang Duxiu and others injured their knees, and they hid them because they were worried about being attacked.

Lin Tiancheng came to Tang Duxiu's trio with apologetics, "I'm sorry, I made them suffer."

Mu Shitao waved his hand, "It's all his own, Lin Shao doesn't need to be polite."

Tang Duxiu is the strongest. He opened his eyes to look at Lin Tiancheng, his face was full of shock, and after a while, he arched his hands and said, "Congratulations to Lin Shao for his magical powers. As expected, Lin Shao is a dragon and a phoenix, and he is talented."

Lin Tiancheng smiled modestly, "What kind of talent is it? I just took a bottle of good luck pills, which is far behind several seniors."

Mu Shitao swallowed.

With the concentration of Master Xiunian, seeing Lin Tiancheng break through such a relaxed and happy breakthrough, his face also showed a little fascination.

Tang Duxiu said directly, "Lin Shao, we are now the target of public criticism. We are exposed to huge dangers at all times. The situation is very urgent. We will not say anything more. We must quickly find a place to hide and practice. "


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