Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1201: Pretending to be mysterious

Tang Duxiu naturally still wanted Lin Tiancheng's resources to improve his strength.

Lin Tiancheng has no resources, but he does not intend to speak out. If Tang Duxiu and Mu Shitao know that Lin Tiancheng has nothing, they will become negative.

As for helping Tang Duxiu and others improve their strength? Lin Tiancheng didn't have this plan for the time being. He didn't have enough electricity on his own, let alone Li Rufei and others were waiting for him to help improve.

Tang Duxiu and the others are all injured. Lin Tiancheng has only 2 batteries left, and there is no way to help them heal. Besides, if Lin Tiancheng goes to Tianshan to send, Nangong Shuo may not be able to hand over Nangong night obediently, and there will be electricity at that time. Insurance.

Lin Tiancheng had to postpone his trip to Tianshan.

Where to charge now is a question!

The current situation is that, except for Wang Mengxin, other people who can charge, Lin Tian Chengdu has already fully charged, even if they return to the military area, it is difficult to charge much without using Wang Mengxin's trump card.

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Have you rediscovered a new power bank?

Lin Tiancheng is not an open and casual man in his bones. It is emotionally difficult for him to take the initiative to find a power bank.

Without using Wang Mengxin's hole card, Lin Tiancheng wanted to charge as much electricity as possible, so he could only move the world.

However, Xia Sisi, Wang Zimeng and others, including Xia Xue, would not accept it.

Tang Duxiu saw Lin Tiancheng frown and asked, "Is Shao Lin worrying?"

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Tang Duxiu without speaking.

Tang Duxiu said again, "Lin Shao, everyone is connected now, what else can you not trust me? If Lin Shao really has something on your mind, you might as well say it. Everyone will work together and the problem may be solved."

Lin Tiancheng believes that in addition to Master Xiu Nian, Tang Duxiu and Mu Shitao must have been romantic and suave when they were young, with rich emotional experiences.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said, "Who is proficient in personal emotional issues?"

Mu Shitao coughed, "Lin Shao, although we have had a young age, we are far behind Lin Shao."

Tang Duxiu nodded in approval.

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand, "It's true that there are many confidantes around me, but in this way, I have to face the question of how to choose. To be honest, I don't want to give up any of them. How can I be the fastest? Speed, unite and love them?"

"Find another way and take the initiative!"

Tang Duxiu said, "If you want to be together as fast as possible, you can only find another way and take the initiative. I have an experience that I can tell and share with Lin Shao. At that time I was very young and was the Prince Charming in the hearts of many girls. I took a fancy to three of them, and then things came to light, and the three forced me to make a choice. But can this stump me? Obviously not."

Tang Duxiu's face showed a bit of complacency, "I was self-harming at the time. I told them that I couldn't give up anyone. If they insisted on forcing me to choose, I chose to die. This would be fair to everyone, and I could pay them back. A fresh start."

Lin Tiancheng said, "What happened later?"

Tang Duxiu said, "Later they were not good at being well-behaved, and we successfully formed a happy family."

Lin Tiancheng couldn't replicate Tang Duxiu's experience.

Lin Tiancheng is not the same as Tang Duxiu. Tang Duxiu is a matter of choice, while Lin Tiancheng wants to achieve the goal of moving the world in the shortest time.

No matter what, if Lin Tiancheng wants to heal the injuries of the three of Tang Duxiu, he decided to return to the military area first.

It's just that Tang Duxiu's behavior and Lin Tiancheng can't replicate it, but Tang Duxiu said to find another way, which still inspired Lin Tiancheng to a certain extent.

Back in the military area, Lin Tiancheng first settled down the three of Tang Duxiu, and then gathered 13 members of the "National Blade", except Wang Mengxin.

Lu Ying and others also heard about Lin Tiancheng's encounter in the Jade Girl Palace. When Lin Tiancheng returned safe and sound, everyone's face was filled with a relaxed smile.

Tong Bao'er said, "I knew that the instructor can turn good luck at any time."

Lu Ying was more mature and calm, and asked, "Instructor, are you okay?"

Lin Tiancheng's expression was quite solemn. He glanced at Xia Lu Ying and the others, "If anyone is inconvenient, move around freely, and other people will follow me into the room."

Seeing Lin Tiancheng so serious, everyone's heart hung up again, and quickly followed Lin Tiancheng into the room.

Wang Mengxin was not there originally, besides that, Xi Wenqian and Ran Dongye were inconvenient, and the other eleven people stood neatly in a row in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Lu Ying asked, "Instructor, what happened?"

Lin Tiancheng immediately began to undress, "Don't say anything, everyone quickly undress."

This is the first time that Lin Tiancheng has opened up so directly. Although Lu Ying and the others were surprised, they saw Lin Tiancheng look very urgent and did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to undress.

Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng Ling Moqing, you look at me, and I look at you, they didn't move.

Lu Ying glanced at Xia Sisi, "What are you still doing in a daze? Come on."

Xia Sisi and the others also felt that Lin Tiancheng seemed to be doing something very important. They were a little afraid of destroying Lin Tiancheng’s big thing, and Lu Ying and others had already taken off. Therefore, after a short period of hesitation, Xia Sisi Also began to take off.

Slowly, everyone faced directly.

Lin Tiancheng's face was still solemn, he patted the mattress, "Lu Ying, come here first."

Lu Ying was used to this kind of thing, and hurried to Lin Tiancheng's side, ready to receive Lin Tiancheng's massage or injection.

Lin Tiancheng used a massage technique to knead Lu Ying around, then shook his head, "No."

After speaking, his eyes fell on Tong Baoer, "Boer, come here."

Lu Ying was deeply afraid of affecting Lin Tiancheng's performance, and quickly got up to let him go.

When Tong Baoer came to him, Lin Tiancheng began to knead again, then applied a few needles, and shook his head, his brows frowned, as if he had fallen into a dead end.

Immediately, he shook his head slightly, his eyes fell on Luan Jingzhu's body, "Bamboo, come here."

If Lin Tiancheng said he wanted to move the world, Luan Jingzhu would definitely find it hard to accept, but now Lin Tiancheng feels like he is doing a very important thing. If he doesn’t do it well, Luan Jingzhu can’t afford it. responsibility.

Restraining her inner shyness, Luan Jingzhu stiffened his scalp and came to Lin Tiancheng.

"How could this be?"

"Something's wrong!"

"I seem to understand..."

Next, Lin Tiancheng constantly changed the candidates for interaction, sometimes thinking hard, sometimes showing some clear understanding on his face, sometimes talking to himself.


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