Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1414: Disaster

Early the next morning, Lin Tiancheng opened his sleepy eyes and found that the two fairies had already left!

It seemed that they were worried that they would be embarrassed to see Lin Tiancheng after waking up, so they left early.

The first thing Lin Tiancheng got up was to make himself Wei Yuan. In order to avoid being discovered by others, especially Tan Miaoyin, he must return to Yiqizong as soon as possible.

But before going back, he still had to do one thing, and that was to find Wei Yan's body.

Since Lin Tiancheng wanted to bring troubles to Nie Yuanfeng, he had to make things perfect.

Tan Miaoyin saw with her own eyes that Lin Tiancheng had died under her own sword, then Lin Tiancheng would be even more comfortable doing things as Wei Yuan in the future.

Lin Tiancheng returned to the reed bush where Wei Yan was chasing him, and it didn't take long before he dug out his uncorrupted body from the crypt.

Lin Tiancheng first used 360 anti-virus software to repair Wei Yan's skin. After all, Wei Yan was torn by the fangs of the Phoenix-Crowned Double-headed Snake. It is inevitable that Tan Muoyin will see the flaws.

Then, he learned the sword technique that Nie Yuanfeng used to fight against Yi Qizong disciples that day, and made a few strokes on Wei Yan's body.

The next moment, Lin Tiancheng took Wei Yan's body and appeared in the hall of Yiqizong.

The Yiqizong disciples who were still doing morning exercises heard the news that the second senior brother had found the body of the senior brother and rushed over from the training ground.

What made Lin Tiancheng a little strange was that the Sect Master Zhao Guzi of Yiqi Sect never appeared.

Later he learned that Zhao Guzi heard that Nie Weiping of the Shushan Sword Sect was preparing to retreat and break through the pinnacle of the Tuomai level. This made Zhao Guzi panic completely!

He originally planned to wait until Wei Yuan's injury healed and hand over the affairs of Yiqizong to him, and he began to retreat.

Zhao Guzi was no match for Nie Weiping, so he couldn't wait to enter the retreat.

When Tan Miaoyin saw his second senior brother Wei Yuan came back, the worry on his face was finally removed.

The second brother Wei Yuan was penetrated by Lin Tiancheng's abdomen. Although he took Jin Chuangdan, it was still very serious.

Tan Miaoyin found out that Wei Yuan had disappeared yesterday, and felt a little worried. He thought that the second brother was going to avenge Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, she went down the mountain just to find Lin Tiancheng's trace and ended him by the way.

It seems that Wei Yuan, the second senior brother, should be looking for the corpse of the senior brother, after all, he is like a brother to the senior brother.

But when Tan Miaoyin saw the big brother lying in the hall covered with sword wounds, she was deeply saddened.

Although she has never liked Big Brother, Big Brother loves herself very much!

She stepped forward to support the second senior brother's arm, and comforted, "Second senior brother, the sorrow and change, Lin Tiancheng has been killed by me!"

Wei Yuan shook his head, his eyes full of murder, "No, it was not Lin Tiancheng who killed the big brother, but a member of the Shushan Sword Sect!"

The disciples of Yiqizong also gathered around one after another, carefully studying the sword wounds on the senior brother.

"Yes! Before he died, Lin Tiancheng also told me that it was the kid Nie Yuanfeng who killed the big brother!"

Seeing the sword wound on the body of the big brother, talking about the wonderful sound is clearer than anyone.

Because what she cultivated herself was Shushan Sword Art.

This set of Shushan Sword Art of Tan Miaoyin was originally given to him by Zao Wou-ki.

She heard from his master that Zao Wou-ki's wife, who was also Zhao Guzi's mother, was actually the sister of Nie Weiping, the lord of the Shushan Sword Sect!

Therefore, it is understandable that Zhao Guzi's mother understands the Shushan Sword Art.

It was a love-hate entanglement of the previous generation, and Tan Miaoyin also knew little about it.

Wei Yuan pretended to be surprised, "Lin Tiancheng is dead?"

Tan Miaoyin nodded uneasy, "Yes, I killed him myself!"


The disciples of Yiqizong looked extremely angry, and shouted, "Kill Nie Yuanfeng, revenge for Senior Brother!"

"Yes, kill Nie Yuanfeng!"

Tan Miaoyin stopped speaking, "No, after the last battle, we suffered a heavy loss! Moreover, I also heard that Nie Yuanfeng's sister has returned from the'Zhongdu Academy'!"

‘Zhongdu Academy’ is an academy jointly founded by several gold-level forces in Zhongdu.

It was created to be able to continuously send power to the major forces.

Of course, this also provides opportunities for the students who enter here, but any disciple who can join the Zhongdu Academy may join the gold rank force.

What a terrifying existence of the gold rank forces in the entire cultivation world, how many people in the cultivation world dream of joining them!

However, entering the Zhongdu Academy has extremely harsh conditions.

That is, the disciples participating in the assessment must reach the realm of the expansion stage before the age of sixteen.

Nie Yuanfeng's sister, Nie Hanyue, is such a monster, who officially entered the realm of the expansion phase at the age of 16.

Now, her strength has reached the mid-stage of expanding the veins, and in addition, Zhongdu Academy has many profound steps that are not available in silver ranks, and even ground-level techniques!

It is conceivable that Nie Hanyue's return will bring a deterrent to many forces in the sky city.

If Yiqizong rushed to find Nie Yuanfeng for revenge now, he would have to consider the terrifying existence of Nie Hanyue.

"So what? We are a lamb to be slaughtered!" Lin Tiancheng raised his head and said, with a bit of chill in his eyes.

The stronger the Shushan Sword Sect, the better. What Lin Tiancheng wants to do now is to use Wei Yuan's identity to stir up disputes between Yiqi Sect and the major forces!

Then, provoke disputes between the major forces that want to obtain the map.

At that time they will gather all their hatred on Yiqizong.

In this case, even if Lin Tiancheng didn't take action, Yi Qi Sect would be swallowed by other forces.

Lin Tiancheng can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Tan Miaoyin looked at her second senior in shock.

The second brother is usually docile and cautious, and it is impossible to say such angry words.

"Could it be that the death of the big brother changed his temperament?"

Tan Miaoyin had more favorable impressions of the second brother than the first brother, and she couldn't bear to see the second brother like this.

Tan Miaoyin turned Wei Yuan's body around and said, "Second Brother, you have to cheer up! Senior Brother is dead, even if you kill Nie Yuanfeng, he will not survive!"

Master his old man has been in retreat. If the second brother's temperament changes drastically because of the death of the senior brother, it is very likely to ruin Yiqizong.

"No, only by killing Nie Yuanfeng can my eldest brother stare under Jiuquan!" Lin Tiancheng directly broke free of the shackles of Tan Miaoyin.

"Yes, kill Nie Yuanfeng and avenge Big Brother!"

"Kill Nie Yuanfeng!"

Before the retreat, the master handed over the affairs of the sect to the second elder brother, but she couldn't refute it, so she decided to support the second elder brother once.

It's not that the Yiqizong has been swallowing his anger!

"Well, if that's the case, then I will go with you!"

Tan Miaoyin was worried that Senior Brother Nie could not be the enemy of Nie Yuanfeng. Knowing that Nie Yuanfeng has almost the same skill as Senior Brother, she decided to accompany her to find Nie Yuanfeng for revenge.

At this time, Nie Yuanfeng was not in the Shushan Sword Sect, but led some of the Shushan Sword Sect's disciples to guard around the barrier.

Lin Tiancheng's current identity is Wei Yuan, so when fighting Nie Yuanfeng, of course he can only use Yiqizong techniques.

From the moment Tan Miaoyin came into contact with him, Lin Tiancheng used the Thunder Download to consume 5 electricity to download the unique "qi refining technique" of Yi Qi Sect.

However, what surprised Lin Tiancheng was that Yiqizong's \"Qi practice\" and the "Xiangpian" in the Jiuzhuan Wangsheng Jue that Zao Wou-ki first taught him, are somewhat similar!


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