Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1415: Don't bully honest people

After Lin Tiancheng carefully checked the "Qi Refining Technique" method, he suddenly understood that this was simply a simplified version of the "Herogen Chapter" of the Jiu Zhuan Zhisheng Jue.

The Jiuzhuan Wangsheng Jue is divided into "Xiangyu Chapter", "Body Protection Chapter", "Dali Chapter" and "Meteor Chapter".

Only a simplified version of "Herogen" can let Yiqizong, a bronze-level force, dominate the sky market.

If Zao Wou-ki had taught his son Zhao Guzi the Nine Transformation Going Life Art at the beginning, wouldn't Zhao Guzi create a silver-level or even a gold-level power?

"Xin Xian Pian" is not simple, it is divided into three levels: sense qi, gather qi, and transform qi.

Gan Qi is about sensing the existence of aura between heaven and earth.

Reiki is invisible and intangible, and even more mysterious than the wind that can be perceived by the senses.

Those who practice "Herogen" must open their minds to perceive the existence of aura!

If he can't even open his mind and eyes, it means he is not suitable for cultivating "Herogen" at all.

And Qi Gathering is about sensing the aura between the heaven and the earth, it can run the zhen qi in one's body to attract the aura between the heaven and the earth into the dantian and transform it into zhen qi.

This part is also divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Reaching the lower realm of qi gathering can only affect the aura between the heavens and the earth, and it is still impossible to introduce it into the body!

After reaching the middle-level realm, the heaven and earth aura interfaces within a few miles of the cultivator are introduced into his body and transformed into true qi power.

When the Qi Gathering reaches the upper realm, the aura between heaven and earth can be dragged by it, so that the true qi in the body will hardly be exhausted unless the aura of heaven and earth is exhausted.

The last step is to transform the qi: the true qi can be transformed from the imaginary into the real, and the form can be arbitrarily changed, or the zhenqi can be transformed into a weapon, or the zhenqi can be transformed into an ancient beast, reaching unimaginable power.

The relatively simplified Qi refining technique, although it also contains these three levels, is far less powerful than "Herogen"!

Although Lin Tiancheng seldom uses Derivatives, he learned it through Thunder Download, and it didn't take much time to get it through.

Surrounded by Tan Miaoyin and a group of Yiqi Sect disciples, Lin Tiancheng came to the barrier under the Cliff of Broken Soul.

Unexpectedly, the guards around the enchantment have many strange faces.

After talking about the introduction of Miao Yin, Lin Tiancheng learned that many of these strange faces are silver rank forces in the capital.

They heard that the map hiding the mysterious energy was in Qi Yunfeng in the sky city, so they all rushed over from it.

A woman with a fiery figure and a flame pattern palace attire attracted Lin Tiancheng's attention.

The decorations on her whole body are fiery red, and even the three thousand soft hairsprings are swaying in the wind like flames.

This person is called Su Lan, and she is the daughter of a silver rank force in the Central Capital Fire Cloud Sect!

The Fire Cloud Sect is a not-so-simple silver rank force in China. They have inherited the ancient fire attribute technique, the will of fire flows in their blood, and the control of flames is even more thorough.

Opposite the Huoyunzong forces were a group of men wearing grey-blue robes. They looked a bit like Taoists, but they all held weird magical weapons.

That's right, they are members of the Silver-level Force Refining Sect in the Capital City.

The Refining Tool Sect and the Alchemist Association are somewhat similar, because they can refine a variety of magic weapons, and like the Alchemist, they are also very popular in the entire cultivation world.

The magical instruments of the cultivation world are divided into four levels: spirit instruments-holy instruments-divine instruments-fairy instruments, each of which is divided into high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade.

The various magical instruments carried by the disciples in that group of refining instruments should have reached the level of spiritual instruments.

Standing in the southeast corner is a group of fairies from the Liuli Sect, among them are Wan'er and Jiang Rong who sacrificed their lives for Lin Tiancheng.

No matter how many people come to the other party, no matter how terrifying the opponent is, Lin Tiancheng's current identity is Wei Yuan, and he can provoke them without fear!

At that time, I will exchange myself back to his original identity, and let Jin Chan escape his shell.

For Yiqi Sect, even if it offends a Shushan Sword Sect, it is enough to make him drink a pot.

Nie Yuanfeng couldn't help but become alert when he saw that the Yiqizong was coming toward him fiercely.

"Stop! Your defeated general, do you still have the qualifications to appear here?" Nie Yuanfeng said unceremoniously.

A few days ago, Nie Yuanfeng's father easily defeated Zhao Guzi of the Yiqi Sect, which greatly reduced the morale of the Yiqi Sect and suffered heavy losses.

Although this is the realm of Yiqizong, Nie Yuanfeng is not afraid of it. What's more, his sister has returned from "Zhongdu Academy".

Upon hearing Nie Yuanfeng's words, the disciples of Yiqizong blushed and tried to **** him.

"Nie Yuanfeng, let me ask you! Did you kill my big brother!" Tan Miaoyin glared at Nie Yuanfeng.

Nie Yuanfeng raised his head and smiled arrogantly: "Hehe! I killed a lot of people that day, who knows which is your big brother!"

Indeed, Nie Yuanfeng did not know Wei Yan, and was still immersed in the excitement of slaughtering Yiqizong disciples.

Seeing the movement here, disciples from all major forces gathered one after another.

However, at a rough glance, there are only a few dozen people in the Yiqi Sect, while the Shushan Sword Sect has nearly a hundred people.

In addition, they saw that Lin Tiancheng's breath seemed weaker than Nie Yuanfeng's, and they felt that the Yiqi Sect represented by Lin Tiancheng had no chance of winning.

A disciple in the refining device said coldly: "As far as I can see, people in the Yiqi Sect should not dare to do it, after all, their strength is too far away!"

Another disciple quickly echoed: "Yes! Even if you do it, you will definitely lose!"

At this time, the girl Wan'er sighed, "I didn't expect Nie Yuanfeng to be able to kill Wei Yan!"

Jiang Rong also nodded, "Well! Even Wei Yan can't deal with Nie Yuanfeng, then this Wei Yuan is probably just..."

Before Jiang Rong had finished speaking, Lin Tiancheng's body moved.

I saw an afterimage of his right hand, and a slap directly covered Nie Yuanfeng's face, causing his cheeks to sink.

Nie Yuanfeng was caught off guard, staggered, and flew out along Lin Tiancheng's left side.

Several other people thought that Lin Tiancheng did not dare to do it, after all, the strength of Yiqizong was placed here.

But I didn't expect Lin Tiancheng's temper to be so violent, he came up to slap Nie Yuan's fan to the ground.

The disciple of Yiqizong stared wide when looking at Lin Tiancheng's back!

They couldn't believe it. This was Wei Yuan, the second senior brother who was silent in his dreams and was cautious in his words and deeds.

There is a good saying: Don't bully the honest people, and annoy the honest people. You don't even have a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy.

After confirming that Senior Brother was killed by Nie Yuanfeng, Miao Yin put down all his worries and prepared to fight with the Shushan Sword Sect.

But she did not expect that the second senior brother with a calm personality turned out to be a ruthless character. Perhaps the death of the senior brother really caused him a great excitement.

The slap on Nie Yuanfeng's face finally released the suffocation that made Tan Muoyin felt in his heart.

At this moment, how stalwart Wei Yuan's back was in her mind.

Before, she couldn't talk about liking the second brother, but she didn't hate it either.

But after this slap, she suddenly felt that the second brother was so heroic!


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