Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1416: Shocked

"I am as close to my big brother as brothers, if you kill my big brother, then you deserve to die today!" Lin Tiancheng pointed at Nie Yuanfeng and said coldly.

In fact, Nie Yuanfeng and Lin Tiancheng still have some friendship, but on that day, in order to get the key to open the barrier from himself, this guy drew a sword at himself.

In that case, Lin Tiancheng had nothing to keep.

The heavier he started today, the deeper the entanglement between the Shushan Sword Sect and the Yiqi Sect. This is what Lin Tiancheng really wants to achieve.

"You want to kill me because of your trash. If you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't be able to forgive you!" Nie Yuanfeng squeezed his almost dislocated chin and pointed his sword at Lin Tiancheng.

He had never heard of Yiqizong having such a ruthless character!

Keeping such a person will be a great harm to the Shushan Sword Sect in the future.

Even if Wei Yuan really knelt down in front of him begging for mercy, Nie Yuanfeng definitely wanted to kill Wei Yuan for that slap.

Lin Tiancheng didn't say much, raised his hand and used his **** to flick Nie Yuanfeng's brow.

A nearly substantial cyclone was like a silver needle, between the electric light and flint, it came to Nie Yuanfeng's eyebrows.

"This is the state of transforming Qi of'Qi practice'!" Seeing this astonishing scene, Tan Miaoyin exclaimed.

She finally understood why the second senior brother Wei Yuan had such a strong confidence!

It turned out that the second brother had already broken through the Qi refining technique to the third level, which was the transformation of Qi that Master had shown in front of them.

In fact, a long time ago, the three brothers and sisters of Tan Miaoyin had already reached the state of gathering Qi by refining qi, and spiritual qi a few meters away from the body could be pulled into the body and transformed into true qi.

However, the three of them were still unable to break through the last level of Qi refining technique taught by Zhao Guzi, which was the transformation of Qi!

This reminded Tan Miaoyin suddenly of a passage that Wei Yuan had said with him.

"Junior sister, I seem to understand the profound meaning of Qi refining technique, but I can't use the true Qi in my body!"

In other words, the second brother actually took this step very early.

It is very likely that the death of the big brother stimulated him, causing him to break through the Qi refining technique to the realm of transforming Qi.

The disciples of the Yiqi Sect saw this scene suddenly rise in morale, and everyone shouted, "Second brother is mighty, second brother is mighty!"

Seeing a cyclone flying from the center of his eyebrows, Nie Yuanfeng's pupils suddenly shrank, and while pressing his right hand long sword against the center of his eyebrows, he condensed a protective shield against the center of his eyebrows.

Despite this, he was still knocked out a few meters away by Lin Tiancheng's cyclone.

This is just the terrifying aspect of Qi Refining Technique and Qi Transformation. Lin Tian avoided making Tan Miaoyin suspicious, and did not urge Xian Pian Fa Jue to use this cyclone.

Huo Yunzong's body was red and hot, Su Lan couldn't help but glance at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan's strength is only in the early stage of the expansion period, but the terrifying power displayed is that she is a little afraid of a strong person in the middle of the expansion period.

"This guy is not easy!"

Nie Yuanfeng was immediately annoyed. He patted the dust on his body, wrapped in countless gang winds, and showed Lin Tiancheng the first formula of the Shushan Sword Art: Baiyun is out of Xiu.

Shushan Sword Jue is divided into seven styles, namely: the white cloud comes out of Xiu, the stone breaks the sky, the gentry hangs upside down, the cloud breaks through the Qinling, the white rainbow runs through the sun, the phoenix comes to the instrument, and all dynasties return to the clan.

It is actually a pretty good set of profound-level swordsmanship, and its power is not trivial. If it is paired with the aura created by the refining sect, I am afraid that with Nie Yuanfeng's current strength, it can match the powerhouse in the mid-stage expansion.

When Tan Miaoyin saw Nie Yuanfeng's violent approach, he immediately greeted him, "Second brother, be careful!"

She has practiced the Shushan Jianjue, and naturally knows that the first form of the Shushan Jianjue is the power of Baiyun.

I didn't expect that this wonderful talk would protect her second brother in this way.

Lin Tiancheng had a bold idea.

If Tan Miaoyin likes his second brother, can I use her second brother to charge some electricity from Tan Miaoyin's body.

Although Lin Tiancheng still has 30 electricity on his body, he is looking forward to seeing the effect of the farmer's application upgrade.

What will the heaven and earth spiritual materials planted on the black soil look like?

There are also the dazzling array of animal pets in the animal pet shop. If you can buy a few more with different functions, wouldn't Lin Tiancheng have a bunch of little brothers?

It feels like you are walking on the street with a group of Tyrannosaurus rex behind you. Let me ask, who else would dare to be disrespectful to you!

Tan Miaoyin also performed the first formula of the Shushan Sword Art, and Baiyun came out to meet him.

The sword aura flying all over the sky collided together, stirring up a wave of aura in the air, and the towering ancient trees of the entire forest were shattered into sawdust.

Several sword qi hits on the dome of the barrier, but this did not have much impact on the barrier, and the flame-colored runes were still circulating rapidly on the surface of the barrier.

Nie Yuanfeng looked at the Shushan Sword Art displayed by Tan Miaoyin in shock!

"Why did you know the Shushan Sword Art of my Shushan Sword Sect, did you fail to learn it secretly?"

"Hehe! Who said this Shushan Sword Art must belong to your Shushan Sword Sect!"

"Well, since you are unwilling to recruit, then I will beat you down first!"

Nie Yuanfeng raised the fierce long sword in his hand, and directly used the second formula of the Shushan Sword Art: the shock of the sky!

This sword style is extremely powerful, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seems to be drawn by the long sword held high in Nie Yuanfeng's hand!

A near-substantial long sword suspended in the sky above Nie Yuanfeng.

Of course Tan Miaoyin was not to be outdone, and also raised the snake-shaped sword in his hand.

Looking from a distance, it was as if a pale blue ancient python descended from the clouds.

After seeing the power of the Shushan Sword Art, Lin Tiancheng did have such a heartbeat.

He has a sword, and it is a very mysterious sword!

In the Tai Chi Pisces Array, Tai A sword can absorb the power of heaven and earth thunder and it can be seen.

According to the statement in the refining device, Lin Tiancheng guessed that he was at least a spiritual weapon!

However, at present, the swordsmanship is not an urgent need for Lin Tiancheng.

He must find a set of most suitable swordsmanship for Tai A Sword, and at the same time it is in line with Tai A Sword's identity.

A white expanse of sword aura and a pale blue sword aura from the ancient giant python collided together, causing Qi Yunfeng to tremble.

The fierce battle between the two was really wonderful, and the faces of the other forces were full of shock.

However, Tan Miaoyin's strength ultimately fell to Nie Yuanfeng.

When performing the first form of the Shushan Sword Art, the true energy power required is not so strong, and the difference in strength is not so obvious.

But when the two of them displayed the second type of Shushan Jian Jue, the arm that was hit by this powerful force trembled!

The serpentine long sword on the right hand fell to the ground.

Nie Yuanfeng seized the opportunity to deceive him, and the long sword in his hand pointed at the key to Tan's wonderful sound.

In Nie Yuanfeng's eyes, it is absolutely unforgivable to learn the techniques of the Shushan Sword Sect stealthily, not to mention that she is still a sect.

Tan Miaoyin clenched her silver teeth, with big beads of sweat already emerging from her forehead, and she leaped forward, preparing to recapture her snake-shaped sword.

Although she had already cultivated the Qi refining technique of Yi Qi Sect to the upper level of Qi Gathering, that could only ensure that the true Qi in her body would not dry up so quickly.

But Nie Yuanfeng obviously wanted to put it to death, and the Qi refining technique that failed to cultivate to the realm of Qi turned pale and weak.


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