Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1433: Successful promotion

What a bad thing!

The call of the Pixiu beast spread through the caves extending in all directions.

Presumably, Fire Qilin will follow the voice soon!

At that time, if it knew that its son was arrested by Lin Tiancheng, it would be even more angry.

Lin Tiancheng took out a few empty pill bottles from the recycling bin, and threw them directly to Su Lan, "Hurry up and get some Chiyang Lingyuan Spring! When I grab this little thing, we will leave here quickly!"

The situation was extremely urgent, Lin Tiancheng couldn't take care of it too much, and directly rushed towards the Pi Xiu beast who was lying beside the small pond and yelling.

Lin Tiancheng threw himself into the air and planted directly into the small pond of Chiyang Lingyuan Spring.

And the Pi Xiu Beast also got into the Chiyang Lingyuan Spring, the liquid inside was like blood, and Lin Tiancheng couldn't find its trace.

What happened next was too strange!

The fire elemental energy in Chiyang Lingyuanquan was too powerful, and even penetrated Lin Tiancheng's skin pores into his body.

The feeling was as if he had fallen into the magma, his whole body was extremely hot, and Lin Tiancheng's body surface was also hot red.

Lin Tiancheng immediately urged the "Protect the Body" in the Jiu Zhuan Wangsheng Jue to isolate these extremely pure fire elemental energy.

But, little effect!

Even after Lin Tiancheng's body felt the energy of Chiyang Lingyuan Spring, he actually began to actively absorb this energy!

His chest began to rise and fall violently, and the pores all over his body sucked and closed, seeming to **** this energy to his heart's content.

Lin Tiancheng didn't know whether his body could bear it after absorbing this energy. If he couldn't, he might explode and die.

The zhenqi in 830 acupoints in Lin Tiancheng's body began to circulate rapidly. These fire-attribute elemental energy was mixed into Lin Tiancheng's zhenqi power, and Xiao Zhoutian was circulated in Lin Tiancheng's body.

Because it was too hot, Lin Tiancheng wanted to crawl out of the small pond, but his body was a little collapsed by the burning sensation, and he couldn't move half a step.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's body flushed red, Su Lan was shocked. She wanted to stretch out her hand to pull it out, but found that Lin Tiancheng had something wrong.

After a quarter of an hour, Lin Tiancheng could feel the energy in his body extremely full, and his whole body seemed to have a sense of swelling.

If he keeps absorbing it, he is likely to explode because he cannot withstand this powerful energy.

Lin Tiancheng's body of Jiu Zhuan Wang Sheng Pian Fa Jue actually started to operate actively under this situation.

The body-protecting formula helps Lin Tiancheng isolate a part of the fire elemental energy, and the derivative formula is to convert these fire elemental energy into the true energy power in his body.

"Are you going to be promoted?" Su Lan found that Lin Tiancheng's body was abnormal, what did she suddenly think of?

Although Lin Tiancheng had just stepped into the initial stage of the Tuomai, the overbearing energy of the Chiyang Lingyuanquan was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

I am afraid that other cultivators will not get a drop of Chiyang Lingyuan in their entire life, but Lin Tiancheng's luck is so good that he directly planted in Chiyang Lingyuan Spring!

This is indeed a bit violent.

Lin Tiancheng's body was extremely inflated, and he couldn't help shouting angrily, a ball of flame spewed out from his mouth, and the whole body was also emitting white smoke.

At this moment, Pi Xiu Beast suddenly began to help Lin Tiancheng transfer part of the energy, and it sucked Lin Tiancheng's excess fire attribute elemental energy into his body.

I have to say that Pi Xiu Beast is indeed amazing!

Its sense of smell is extremely keen, and it smelled the aura of Chiyang Lingyuan Spring from the beginning, which left Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan.

After Lin Tiancheng felt the subtle changes in his body, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This can be considered a blessing in disguise, and the strength has finally reached another level.

"Roar..." With a loud shout, a cloud of monstrous flames ejected from the tunnel of the cave.

The temperature in the entire cave suddenly rose by a few minutes, and a giant claw the size of a millstone directly slapped Lin Tiancheng's Tianling Gai.

Girl Su Lan paled with fright, and she jumped up, actually wanting to rely on her will of fire to help Lin Tiancheng resist this fatal blow.

Lin Tiancheng is currently in the promotion stage, and he definitely can't bother him, otherwise he may get confused.

Even if you don't get caught up in it, it will leave irreparable hidden dangers on the road of cultivation and proof.

But the speed of Huo Qilin was too fast, and its giant claw hit Su Lan's chest like a hard rock.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, instantly dyeing the white men's clothing Lin Tiancheng gave to Su Lan, and at the same time the blood also splashed on Lin Tiancheng's body.

The slap of Huo Qilin directly broke Su Lan's two ribs, making Su Lan's breath extremely weak.

After Huo Qilin saw someone break into its lair, the flames rising from its body became even hotter.

Its huge nostrils continuously sprayed two hot flames.

When the fire Qilin's other giant claw was about to arrive, the 830 acupuncture points in Lin Tiancheng's body finally formed a line, and the pure qi power in the meridians also began to circulate rapidly.

A stream of pure fire elemental energy burst out of Lin Tiancheng's body, and the calm lake surface suddenly stirred up ripples.

At the critical moment, Lin Tiancheng finally broke through to the middle stage of the extension.

He jumped up, and directly embraced Su Lan, who had flew out, into his arms.

"You go quickly, otherwise you and I can't go!" Su Lan tried hard to break free from Lin Tiancheng's embrace.

Su Lan knew that the heavy blow of the ancient fire unicorn was fatal to her, and it was impossible for her to leave here alive.

The strength of the ancient fire unicorn is too terrifying, just the breath it emits has made it difficult for Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan to breathe, let alone a trick or two with it.

Lin Tiancheng saved his life, so now, he can be regarded as paying Lin Tiancheng's life.

Su Lan didn't want to hurt Lin Tiancheng, she decided to use the last trace of the will to fight for Lin Tiancheng some chance to escape.

I have to say that the character of this girl Su Lan is deeply loved by Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng felt ashamed for Su Lan, if he hadn't had to enter this Chiyang Crystal Mine cave, Su Lan would not encounter the current life and death crisis.

Just now, if it hadn't helped him block the fatal blow of the ancient fire unicorn, he might have failed in the promotion, or even become crazy.

Since she didn't want Lin Tiancheng to take risks alone, it was even more impossible for Lin Tiancheng as a man to let a woman die for him.

"Stop talking, I still have a pill here, you take it first!

Wait a minute, I'll delay the time, you leave here with the brave beast!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't wait for Su Lan's consent, and directly stuffed a pill into her mouth.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng turned on 360 Antivirus, and it took a full 25 electricity to heal Su Lan's fatal injury.

Just treating the fatal injury, Su Lan still felt the pain in her body.

Otherwise, Lin Tiancheng's pill may be too bad.

She still had to let Su Lan recuperate for a while to recover before she would not arouse her suspicion.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng still had 5 batteries left, and he was ready to fight Huo Qilin to the death.

This matter can only be blamed on myself for being too abrupt, taking Su Lan into the depths of the Chiyang Crystal Mine so presumptuously.

However, if he really wants him to abandon Pai Yao, he still feels reluctant.


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