Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1434: Blood Vessel Suppression

Furthermore, if Su Lan had just taken the fatal blow of Huo Qilin with her body, Lin Tiancheng might have been injured.

And now, Lin Tiancheng's body has absorbed a large amount of Chi Yang Lingyuan's fire attribute energy, and has officially been promoted to the mid-term strength of Tuomai.

Although it was impossible to resist Huo Qilin's move, at least there was a glimmer of hope.

"No, I won't leave, I don't have many friends with Su Lan, I am very happy to meet you!"

Two fire dragons suddenly appeared in Su Lan's palm, and she was ready to fight back.

"Well, if that's the case, then we will fight this beast!" Lin Tiancheng's thoughts moved, and the shining Lei Mans Tai'a sword appeared out of thin air in his palm.

It is impossible to escape right now, only to fight to the death with this ancient fire unicorn.

Sitting and waiting for death has never been Lin Tiancheng's style.

"Come on!" Lin Tiancheng snorted softly.

Afterwards, the will of fire in Su Lan's bloodline burst out, and a raging flame burned on the surface of her body.

From a distance, the flames looked like a giant burning man.

Above the sword held by Lin Tiancheng, the shining thunder light was even more violent!

After blasting two tongues of fire in Su Lan's hands, Lin Tiancheng mixed the ten thousand thunder mans in Tai'a sword on top of the two fire snakes.

The two fire snakes entangled with each other and turned into a huge monster like an ancient giant python.

This is the fusion of two elemental energies, and the power is far stronger than any of them.

After using this trick, Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan collapsed a little, after all, this trick consumed too much energy.

However, this massive attack did not cause the ancient fire unicorn to the power they imagined.

A group of flames spit out from the huge abyss of the ancient fire unicorn, instantly turning the combined blow of the two into nothingness.

Moreover, that huge flame formed a strong pressure, causing the two of them to move somewhat slowly, and it was very difficult to avoid them.

This is the coercion of the ancient fire unicorn, which is beyond doubt and inviolable.

Watching the huge fireball bombard his chest, Lin Tiancheng turned around to protect Su Lan in front of his chest, facing the huge flame with his back.

At the same time, the body-protecting method formed a dark yellow defensive cover to shelter the two of them.

Despite this, Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan were bombarded by this powerful flame force like a cannonball.


At the same time, Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan's chests rose and fell violently, and blood spurted to the ground.

Because the defensive cover had taken off a part of the force, although Su Lan hit the rock wall, it was much lighter than Lin Tiancheng.

The Pi Xiu beast was lying on the edge of the pool, his eyeballs rolled round and round, and he gazed at Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan, "It's really useless!"

Su Lan was shocked when he heard that Pi Xiu Beast spoke.

Lin Tiancheng saw the appearance of the Pi Xiu beast falling into the pit and wanted to cramp it.

If it weren't for its greed for the Red Sun Lingyuan, Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan would not be in danger and end up in such embarrassed appearances.

Pixiu Beast dragged its chubby body to the Huo Qilin staggeringly.

Lin Tiancheng endured the sharp pain in his chest and sternly reprimanded, "Don't come back soon!"

In addition to being able to absorb the spirit of this brave beast, it has no combat effectiveness.

It walked in front of the ancient fire unicorn now, it was simply looking for death.

However, something magical happened!

The flames on the surface of the ancient fire unicorn gradually dimmed, and this behemoth, more than three meters high, knelt down on the ground with a loud bang, looking at the brave beast with a pious face.

The posture of the ancient fire unicorn at this time is almost like the appearance of the ancient courtiers seeing the emperor, and he is respectful of the brave beast, even dare not raise his head.

Seeing that their mouths were opening and closing, they seemed to be communicating something, Lin Tiancheng expended 1 electricity and quickly turned on the translation wizard.

"This is my trash master, you don't want to hurt him!" Pi Xiu Beast glanced at Lin Tiancheng, and said arrogantly.

Huo Qilin knocked his head to the ground, and replied respectfully, "Yes, Beastmaster!"

Shock! incredible! ! !

Lin Tiancheng no longer cared about Pai Xiu Beast saying that he was the owner of the waste!

I didn't expect that the ancient fire unicorn with such terrifying strength would kneel down in front of a small brave beast, treating it as an emperor.

Later, Lin Tiancheng learned that the spirit beast family had blood pressure suppression.

The Pixiu beast may be a more ancient and noble spirit beast than the ancient fire unicorn.

Even though its strength may not be as powerful as that of the fire unicorn, the ancient blood vessels flowing in it are far more precious than the blood vessels in the ancient fire unicorn, and can suppress it.

Because the bloodline of the Pixiu Beast is more ancient than that of the ancient Fire Qilin, the Fire Qilin calls the Pixiu Beast the Beast King, but the Pixiu Beast is not really the King of the Beasts.

And this kind of bloodline suppression only exists in some older bloodline inheritance!

After thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years have passed, this ancient bloodline has either disappeared or evolved into a new bloodline inheritance. Naturally, there is no such thing as bloodline suppression.

This can also explain the reason why the Pi Xiu Beast could not stun the spirit of the beast and tiger in the Wumeng Hammer.

After dealing with these things, Pi Xiu Beast felt that he was not interested, and with a move of spiritual thought, he went directly into Lin Tiancheng's recycling bin.

This made Lin Tiancheng ashamed and annoyed!

The Pi Xiu Beast can freely enter and exit the recycling bin through Shen Min, and is not under Lin Tiancheng's control.

And it didn't seem to recognize Lin Tiancheng as a master, otherwise he wouldn't say to Huo Qilin that he was a waste master.

Lin Tiancheng frowned. It is normal for things like beast pets to have their own thoughts. Lin Tiancheng can only improve his own strength, and try to be better with it, and still get its approval.

However, I have to say that this time if it hadn't been for the Paixiu beast to suppress the blood of the ancient fire unicorn, I'm afraid the two had already become the belly of the ancient fire unicorn.

Before the ancient fire unicorn could react, his son was gone, Lin Tiancheng quickly winked at Su Lan.

Su Lan immediately understood, bent down and put Lin Tiancheng on her shoulders, and hurried out of the cave.

Once the fire unicorn discovers that the little unicorn is missing, I am afraid that even with the blood of the ancient brave beast suppressed, the big guy will be furious.

Lin Tiancheng immediately used another electric torch to turn on the flashlight and scanned the entire Chiyang Crystal Mine. Only then did he see the shortcut to escape the cave.

As a result, Lin Tiancheng had only three electricity left.

Without the battery, his physical strength is very weak, and it seems that he may shut down at any time.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and he collapsed to the ground feebly!

Su Lan was also shocked by the sudden change!

She knew that Lin Tiancheng had just used her body to block the fatal blow of the ancient fire unicorn and suffered much more damage than herself. Lin Tiancheng was extremely weak at this time, and she was really worried that Lin Tiancheng would die.

"Young Master Lin, wake up soon, I, how can I save you!" Su Lan's expression was very anxious!

At this moment, a deafening roar came from behind him.

The ancient fire unicorn found that his son was missing, and seemed to be furious.

Su Lan didn't think much about it. In order to prevent the ancient fire unicorn from discovering the trail, she tried her best to drag Lin Tiancheng to a relatively hidden fork!

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