Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1439: Generous

Not only Sunan was shocked, almost all the disciples of Huo Yunzong present felt that Lin Tiancheng had problems in his mind.

Things like spirit beasts are precious!

As long as the young spirit beasts make a soul contract, they can become a beast pet for the cultivator.

Even if an adult spirit beast has a soul contract, it is very difficult to tame, and it often brings life danger to the cultivator.

Therefore, a spirit beast the size of a little unicorn is the most suitable beast pet.

What's more, what Lin Tiancheng gave to Su Lan turned out to be a unicorn beast with ancient blood. This kid is so generous!

Su Lan took out all the bottles containing Chiyang Lingyuan with pill from her space ring, "These Chiyang Lingyuan are yours, you take it!"

Since Su Lan got the little unicorn, Lin Tiancheng didn't be polite with her, and collected five bottles of Chiyang Lingyuan.

Lin Tiancheng was about to turn around and leave, but Sunan, the kid uncharacteristically, grabbed Lin Tiancheng with a grin.

"Brother, I think I really misunderstood you just now! Since there was a misunderstanding, I think we should sit down and eliminate this misunderstanding!"

Sunan smiled and pulled Lin Tiancheng to a flat rock beside Sunan.

Seeing some grass clippings on the rock, Sunan hurriedly wiped the flat rock face over and over again with the cuffs of his brocade robe.

"Come here, sit down, I think I must have misunderstood the little brother just now, I'm really sorry!" Sunan kept nodding and laughing at Lin Tiancheng.

Even the man in silver armor trot over and began to massage Lin Tiancheng's leg.

"Xiao Lan, since you also know that Young Master Lin saved the life of the big guy, then Young Master Lin is definitely not that kind of person. You must make things clear between you and him, and you can't be wronged!"

Sunan pulled her sister to the side of the rock, pressed her hands on Su Lan's shoulders, and forced her to sit beside Lin Tiancheng.

"Yes! Miss, Young Master Lin looks extraordinary, how could he be someone like Ji Linxuan and Ji Lin Fei?" The man in silver armor thumped Lin Tiancheng's leg and looked up at Lin Tiancheng with a smile.

Lin Tiancheng was really overwhelmed by the sudden change in Southern Jiangsu, and quickly got up and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but Lin has something to do, let's say goodbye!"

I don't know what Sunan's thoughts were playing, but he put his hands on Lin Tiancheng's shoulders, pressed him on the rock, and sat down.

He didn't accuse Lin Tiancheng, but instead angrily rebuked his sister, "Sister, when I see Shao Lin is not like that, otherwise he wouldn't be able to give you such a precious unicorn! I guess you must Is there a misunderstanding, can't you just say it?"

Su Lan snorted, looking at Lin Tiancheng a little shyly, "Are you really not going to explain?"

"No, I really want to explain, but some things are really unclear!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to lie, but even if he really said the matter of the unity of his own power, who would believe it?

"Forget it, maybe we are destined to be unable to become friends! It doesn't matter if we keep that good for each other!"

Lin Tiancheng got up again to leave.

Sunan and the disciple in silver armor were anxious.

"Xiao Lan, if you don't speak, Shao Lin will leave!"

"Yes, Miss, you can't just let Lin Shao go! You must explain the misunderstanding clearly!"

Really the emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is in a hurry.

Of course Lin Tiancheng knows what the two people are thinking about!

This is not because he has five bottles of Chiyang Lingyuan.

Otherwise, how could they treat themselves so friendly.

The most disgusting thing was the man in the silver armor. Lin Tiancheng saved his life, but he didn't seem to treat him much.

Until Su Lan handed over the five bottles of Chiyang Lingyuan to her hand.

Just as Lin Tiancheng lifted his leg to leave, Su Lan stood up and said, "I can understand you, as if nothing happened before, we can still be friends in the future!"

In fact, since Lin Tiancheng handed the little unicorn to Su Lan's hands, Su Lan had already forgiven him.

If Lin Tiancheng was really the kind of lustful person, he would attack himself when he first entered the Chiyang Crystal Mine.

Why do you have to go through several ghost gates before you have such an idea.

Lin Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, turned around and nodded at Su Lan.

Sunan’s face was full of smiles, happier than Lin Tiancheng's relationship with his sister.

He patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Since you are my sister's friend, then you are my Sunan's friend! If you come to Zhongdu in the future, just report my Sunan's name. To you!"

After saying this, Sunan touched his nose with some guilty conscience.

In fact, from the moment Lin Tiancheng displayed the Huo Yan Jue, he lost.

"Thank you then!" Lin Tiancheng smiled at Sunan non-committal.

In fact, this thank you was directed at Su Lan.

Su Lan also arched her hands at Lin Tiancheng, "Now we are going back to the enchantment side, don't pass this time!"

The boy from Sunan turned Lin Tiancheng's shoulders and said mysteriously: "Since we are brothers, should we have blessings and difficulties between brothers?"

Su Lan saw his brother's ghostly thoughts, and quickly reached out to hold him back, "Brother, you are not ashamed, you just yelled at others for killing, why are you so embarrassed to ask them for Chiyang Lingyuan!"

Chiyang Lingyuan is indeed precious, I am afraid it is extremely rare in the entire cultivation world.

However, Lin Tiancheng had already given her a little unicorn, and Su Lan would feel a little too greedy if she asked Lin Tiancheng for the Chiyang Lingyuan.

The corners of Sunan's face twitched slightly, and his face was a bit ugly.

"Isn't it a misunderstanding? Now that we are brothers, what's so embarrassing about that, right? Tiancheng!"

Lin Tiancheng knew that if he didn't give Sunan this boy Chiyang Lingyuan today, he might be troubled with himself in the future.

Maybe, with this kid's disposition, people would secretly murder themselves.

After all, things like Chiyang Lingyuan are too precious!

Su Lan felt that her brother's face was too thick, "Brother, you are really shameless! Tiancheng is obviously my friend, when will you become your brother!"

Su Nan was speechless, and his chest was about to explode with anger, but he could only smile at Lin Tiancheng.

"Okay, okay, don't make fun of your brother! This Chiyang Lingyuan was brought back together by us, and you should have a copy!"

Lin Tiancheng took out two bottles of Chiyang Lingyuan from the recycling bin and handed them to Su Lan and Sunan respectively.

Lin Tiancheng didn't want this kid to pester himself forever.

"Okay, then I will leave first!"

The man in silver armor standing on the side looked fiery.

"Eh! I..."

Sunan slammed his head with a thud, and shouted sternly, "Dog stuff, I and Tiancheng are brothers, what are you and him! Are you embarrassed to ask him for this baby?"

The man in silver armor nodded repeatedly, not daring to reply.

He felt that the young master's face was thicker than that of the city wall. One second would cost his life, and the next second would be embarrassed to be here to call others brothers and sisters.

Sunan held the Chiyang Lingyuan in his hand, looked and looked, smelled and smelled, and his heart was very happy.

He felt that as long as he took this bottle of Chiyang Lingyuan, he would soon be able to break through to the initial strength of the Golden Core.


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