Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1440: Bold ideas

Because there is an ancient unicorn beast living in the Chiyang Crystal Mine, whose strength is immeasurable, no one dared to enter it hastily, so naturally they would not want to mine the Chiyang Crystal.

After Lin Tiancheng left the vicinity of the Chiyang Jing Mine, he consumed one more electricity and transformed himself into Wei Yuan's appearance. As a result, he only had two electricity left.

Lin Tiancheng desperately needed electricity, and when he returned to the Yiqi Sect, he had to talk about the wonderful music and rectify the Fa on the spot, otherwise his life would be in danger at any time.

But before he returned to Yiqizong, he heard the direction of Yiqizong shouting and killing.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help speeding up his pace, looking at the blood stains along the way, and those Yiqizong disciples lying all around, he seemed to have some clarity in his heart.

Things were as he thought, Nie Hanyue really brought the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect to encircle Qizong.

Wei Yuan humiliated her and caused her to be ashamed as never before. She vowed to kill Wei Yuan and put an end to the Qizong.

However, what puzzled Lin Tiancheng was that Nie Hanyue's Hanyue Arrow had been destroyed, and the Hanyue Bow had already fallen into Tan Miaoyin's hands. What capital she still had, she clamored in Yiqi Sect.

Is it just because there are more disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect than Yiqi Sect?

After these few days of competition, Yiqizong's disciples suffered heavy losses. This is an indisputable fact.

However, even so, the Shushan Sword Sect still had a lot of difficulty in order to destroy Yiqi Sect.

When Lin Tiancheng came near the sect of Yiqi Sect, he realized what was going on.

It turned out that Nie Weiping of the Shushan Sword Sect left the customs ahead of schedule!

When Nie Weiping heard the news that his daughter and son had been severely injured by Wei Yuan, who was a sect of anger, he burst into flames and rushed to Qi Yunfeng with a large number of disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Because the time of retreat was relatively short, Nie Weiping didn't seem to break through to the early stage of Jin Dan, but his swordsmanship seemed to have improved a lot.

The one who was competing with him was the Yiqi Sect Master Zhao Guzi.

Zhao Guzi is more fortunate that in these few days of retreat, he has successfully broken through to the peak of the Tuomai Period, but compared with Nie Weiping, his strength is still too different.

Zhao Guzi was already covered in blood, and was forced to retreat step by step by Nie Weiping's fierce offensive, but he still clenched his teeth.

Of course he can't fall. He is the pillar of the entire Yiqi Sect. Once he falls, the entire Yiqi Sect's disciples will be slaughtered by Nie Weiping.

Tan Miaoyin's situation is not optimistic, although she has already practiced the Shushan Sword Art to the third form, but compared with Nie Hanyue, she is still too far apart.

Nie Yuanfeng's boy did not appear. It is estimated that he was hit hard by the combined force of Lin Tiancheng and Tan Miaoyin, and he is still lying in bed still complaining.

Lin Tianzhi wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but he had a bold idea.

He wanted to take this opportunity to support Yiqi Sect, and then, instead of Zhao Guzi, sit in the position of Yiqi Sect Master.

The next step is to defeat Nie Weiping of the Shushan Sword Sect, and merge the two factions with each other and bring them all.

In this way, Lin Tiancheng has two great sect forces as support, and they are also one of the best in the entire sky market.

At that time, even if the barrier collapses, what Lin Tiancheng needs to deal with is the forces that have rushed over from it.

This idea is a little bold, but it is feasible.

The biggest difficulty was to deal with Nie Weiping of the Shushan Sword Sect. His strength had reached the peak of the Tuomai Period, and he was only one step away from the Jindan Period.

However, Lin Tiancheng's strength should not be underestimated.

He has broken through to the middle stage of the extension vein, and at the same time has learned the Profound Stage Fire Flame Jue of the Fire Cloud Sect, and the Profound Stage Frost Ice Technique of the Yun Family in the Capital!

In addition, his own Nine Transformation Going Sheng tactics, and all kinds of mobile apps!

To deal with Nie Weiping, I'm afraid it's just a lack of power.

Then you can only find a way to charge.

In addition, Lin Tiancheng wanted to do this but also took into account another point.

Yiqizong was founded by Zao Wou-ki's predecessors, and it can be considered that he has exhausted all his life's efforts.

When Zao Wou-ki delivered the Jiu Zhan Wang Sheng Jue and Tai A Jian to Lin Tiancheng, he told him: If Zhao Guzi is really incompetent, he only wants to get the mysterious energy in the map.

Zao Wou-ki hopes that Lin Tiancheng will take the place of Zhao Guzi and lead his sect to glory.

From here, Lin Tiancheng felt Zao Wou-ki's feelings for Yiqizong, after all, it was the world he had exhausted all his life and hard work.

Right now, because of Zhao Guzi's incompetence, Yiqi Sect was about to be annexed by the Shushan Sword, and Lin Tiancheng naturally did not want to see it.


Standing in the air, Nie Hanyue suddenly dropped her gaze on a figure outside the battlefield, her eyes instantly showed a cold chill, "Wei Yuan!"

Tan Miaoyin grasped the flaw, holding the Hanyue bow to bully him.

"Second brother, go! Yiqizong can't keep it, you can't forget Master's will!"

Now, the strength of the Shushan Sword Sect is far better than the Yiqi Sect, and the Yiqi Sect has reached the moment of its destruction.

After seeing the figure of Wei Yuan’s apprentice, Zhao Guzi continued to scold him, "Hurry up, Wei Yuan, you must avenge Master!"

As soon as Zhao Guzi's words fell, Nie Weiping's vigorous palm slapped his chest heavily.


Zhao Guzi spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he almost knelt on the ground with a **** appearance all over his body.

Once he was not Nie Weiping's opponent, he is still not.

The Shushan sword sent Nie Weiping to defeat the Yiqi Sect Master Zhao Guzi, which meant the destruction of Yiqi Sect.

No one can save Yiqizong anymore, it will be completely lost in the torrent of history.

Nie Hanyue grabbed the Hanyue Palace in Tan Miaoyin's hand, kicked it sideways, and hit Tan Miaoyin's neck hard, causing it to bombard the ground like a cannonball.

Lin Tiancheng did not leave, but strode towards the center of the battlefield, exuding endless fighting spirit!

"Han Yue, did this kid hurt you and Yuan Feng?" Nie Weiping pointed at Lin Tiancheng with his thick carrot fingers.

Nie Hanyue nodded, "It is this beast! Father rest assured that Hanyue will take his life this time and avenge her younger brother!"

"Okay, kill this kid, I will let you sit in Qi Yunfeng from now on! Become the deputy master of the Shushan Sword Sect!" Nie Weiping said.

He was still very proud of his daughter. At the age of 16, he had reached the early stage of Tuomai, and then joined the Zhongdu Academy, which is simply the pride of the entire Tianshi.

Nie Hanyue had already explained to his father the reason why he left scars on his chest during the last battle with Wei Yuan.

It was Wei Yuan who was cunning by nature and deliberately pretended to be dead, that barely hurt her the slightest!

So, since Wei Yuan badly injured Nie Hanyue, Nie Hanyue must teach Wei Yuan personally, let him know that my old lady's tofu is not so delicious.

Lin Tiancheng saw that Nie Hanyue's deception was approaching, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he flew out of the battlefield.

With his current strength, it was easy to deal with Nie Hanyue.

However, Lin Tiancheng wanted to do some ulterior things with Nie Hanyue in order to achieve his purpose of charging.

Then, using these hard-earned electricity to teach the old guy Nie Weiping, it would really kill two birds with one stone.

Zhao Guzi knew better than anyone about the strength of his apprentice Wei Yuan.

His strength is only in the early stage of Tuomai, how could he be Nie Hanyue's opponent?

"Old Thief Nie, you are deceiving too much, I want to fight with you!"


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