Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1441: Fish on chopping board

Tan Miaoyin prayed silently for her second brother, hoping that he could escape Nie Hanyue's claws and leave the last fire for Yi Qizong.

Otherwise, a century-old master will completely fall in the small realm of Tianshi!

Zhao Guzi's most beloved disciple is Wei Yuan, except for talking about the wonderful sound.

Wei Yuan's personality is mature and stable, and he has extremely high talents along the way. Zhao Guzi has even thought about it. When he is old, he will abdicate the position of Yiqi Sect Master to Wei Yuan.

However, the old thief Nie Weiping wanted his daughter to kill Wei Yuan and completely destroy the last fire of Yiqi Sect. Of course, Zhao Guzi was not willing.

Even if he tried his last breath, he still had to keep Wei Yuan and his hopes of Qizong.

"Zhao Guzi, I wanted to deal with you a long time ago, don't you think you have any hope of survival?"

Nie Weiping suddenly lifted his hips, and his heels slammed into Zhao Guzi's Tianling Cap, making it bombard the ground like a cannonball!

When the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect saw that Wei Yuan wanted to escape, they all showed contempt.

"It turns out that you are a greedy person who is afraid of death. At this time, you think you can escape the palm of our eldest lady?"

"It's just a rubbish, this old thief Zhao wants to save his life! What a joke!"

The Yiqizong disciples are also ashamed of the second brother Wei Yuan's escape.

The former Yiqi Sect was once oppressed by the Shushan Jian.

But in the past few days, the second senior brother Wei Yuan was like a divine helper, not only breaking the Qi training technique to the realm of transforming Qi, he even severely injured Nie Yuanfeng and Nie Hanyue.

Wei Yuan's performance made the Yiqi Sect disciples think that they could get rid of the oppression of the Shushan Sword Sect disciples, and even trampled them under their feet.

But who would have thought that Wei Yuan, the second senior brother, was running away!

If he and Zongmen work together to fight the Shushan Sword Sect, there may be a silver lining!

Such a greedy person and fear of death really disappointed the Yiqizong disciples.

Tan Miaoyin wanted to step forward to stop Nie Hanyue, so that her second senior brother could escape!

But she was surrounded by disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect!

A smile finally appeared on Nie Hanyue's face. Wei Yuan in front of her was like a dying fish on a chopping board, still struggling.

"You were too slow to escape! Didn't you escape very fast last time?

I want to see how far you can escape! "Looking at Wei Yuan's back running desperately, Nie Hanyue's mouth lit up with a sneer.

Last time, Nie Hanyue's Hanyue Arrow could not catch up with Wei Yuan's figure, which really surprised her.

But now Wei Yuan was obviously much slower than before, and he was able to catch up with him with only 30% of his power.

She was not in a hurry to kill Wei Yuan, because Wei Yuan fled in embarrassment and could release her resentment towards Wei Yuan!

But Lin Tiancheng suddenly stabilized his figure and turned around with a smile on his face, "Hehe, I think you are going to fall into my hands again!"

Nie Hanyue's heart was slightly startled, but quickly relieved.

She felt that Wei Yuan had self-knowledge and knew that she could not escape her palm, so she gave up the dying struggle.

"Boy, you can say something like this when you die, I appreciate your courage, but arrogance often comes at a price!"

However, Lin Tiancheng was extremely playful and turned his attention to "Yima Pingchuan" on Nie Hanyue's left chest.

Nie Hanyue saw Lin Tiancheng's ill-intentioned look, and her anger instantly reached its extreme.

This is simply the biggest humiliation to her!

Thinking of Wei Yuan's dirty claws touching her body indiscriminately, she wished that she could delaminate the skin like a snake and remove the places Lin Tiancheng had touched.

"Very well, I will let you kneel down and beg for mercy!" Nie Hanyue tried her best to contain the anger in her chest, pointing at Lin Tiancheng with the Hanyue bow in her hand.

Lin Tiancheng was in a hurry and didn't want to waste time with her anymore, the flames on his body rose up, forming a giant burning man over four meters high.

Nie Hanyue's expression moved slightly, and her body stepped back unconsciously, "You, you're not Wei Yuan, how can you use Fire Yunzong's Huoyan Art?"

When Nie Hanyue was cultivating at Zhongdu Academy, she had met many disciples of the sect and the techniques they were good at.

Su Nan and Su Lan of Huoyun Sect are quite famous students in Zhongdu Academy, and Huoyan Jue of Huoyunzong is extremely famous throughout Zhongdu!

It is not surprising that Nie Hanyue understands this.

Lin Tiancheng did not answer her question. With five fingers on his right hand, he shot five fire dragons towards Nie Hanyue who was a few meters away.

Nie Hanyue felt Wei Yuan's endless killing intent, and immediately displayed the first formula of the Shushan Sword Art, Bai Yun came out of Xiu!

The long dragon transformed from the sword qi collided with the five fire dragons of Lin Tiancheng, turning into a burst of blue smoke and dissipating.

And Lin Tiancheng's five fire dragons took advantage of the trend and drowned Nie Hanyue in the sea of ​​fire.

Lin Tiancheng still kept a hand, otherwise Nie Hanyue would be burnt, but there would be no way to charge it.

Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng's current strength has reached the middle stage of the vein expansion, and he has already learned the Huoyan Jue of the Huoyunzong, and it is almost impossible to deal with Nie Hanyue without a spiritual weapon.

"I advise you to use your full strength, otherwise you may not be able to resist my move!" Lin Tiancheng put his hands on his chest, and looked at the sweaty Nie Hanyue in the sea of ​​flames.

Nie Hanyue was so angry that the true energy in her body surged to form a defensive shield around her.

A fierce sword intent flew out of the sea of ​​fire suddenly, and the Hanyue bow came with a strong wind, seeming to want to kill Lin Tiancheng with one blow.

"Death to me!" Nie Hanyue soared into the air in the sea of ​​flames, almost using her whole body's solution, using the Hanyue bow to shoot this sword intent.

However, the result was far beyond her expectations.

Lin Tiancheng even stood still on the spot, but the zhenqi filled with Chi Yang Lingyuan in his body was slightly released.

The flames around the body rose again, became extremely hot, and even melted the Hanyue Bow directly.

Although the Hanyue Bow, which had lost the Hanyue Arrow, was not a spiritual weapon in itself, it was also made of meteorite, and it was easily melted by the flames released by Wei Yuan.

This made Nie Hanyue feel complete despair, and she knew that she was no longer Wei Yuan's opponent.

But when she saw Wei Yuan's unkind eyes, she knew that once she surrendered, she would definitely be defiled by this beast inferior.

So she can't admit defeat, she must defeat this fake Wei Yuan and expose his conspiracy.

Nie Hanyue used her hand as a blade, leaving a few afterimages behind her, and arrived in front of Lin Tiancheng in an instant.

However, the scorching temperature emitted by Lin Tiancheng's body was completely unable to get her close!

Lin Tiancheng slowly raised his hand and struck Nie Hanyue's chest with a palm. A soft touch made Lin Tiancheng's heart tremble.

The power has been directly changed from 2 to 5.

But Nie Hanyue's body blasted to the ground like a cannonball, smashing a hole that was neither deep nor shallow.


Nie Hanyue spit out blood, and her entire body collapsed to the ground weakly!

Just a palm of Wei Yuan has completely lost her ability to fight. She can't imagine how terrifying the fake Wei Yuan is.

After realizing that Nie Hanyue had no power to fight back at all, Lin Tiancheng also searched her body deliberately for safety, and found nothing like a dagger.


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