Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1442: Good your mouth

Seeing that the fake Wei Yuan in front of him didn't seem to be joking with herself, Nie Hanyue, who was unable to fight back, finally began to subdue.

She knew she was hit hard by the other party and was no longer his opponent!

The only thing I can do is beg for mercy!

"Please let me go! I don't know you, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us!"

Lin Tiancheng sneered, "Scream! The louder you scream, the happier I am!"

This sentence completely awakened Nie Hanyue!

Because Lin Tiancheng also said this when he offended her last time, she realized that the consequences were quite serious.

"Please let me go! No matter how young you are, I can catch you!" Nie Hanyue's body kept moving back.

Lin Tiancheng grabbed her ankle and pulled it back, "Sorry! How can those vulgar fans compare to a beauty like you!"

Nie Hanyue would definitely float to the sky with praise if these words were put in normal times.

But at this time, she really hated her parents for giving herself a face that was naturally beautiful and difficult to give up.

Nie Hanyue was so anxious that her tears came out, and she pleaded again, "No, no, how can I be considered a beauty! If the son is interested, I can go to the Liulizong to catch some female disciples for you!"

Everyone in the realm of cultivation knows that the Liulizong in Tianshi is rich in beauties, and all of them are fairies in the paintings and beautiful women through the ages.

Lin Tiancheng sighed, "Hey, there's no way! I just love you!"

Now, no matter what conditions Nie Hanyue gave, Lin Tiancheng would not agree.

Because his battery is in a hurry, if he doesn't charge, there is only a dead end.

Lin Tiancheng was a little surprised by Nie Hanyue's change of attitude this time!

I vaguely remember the last time Lin Tiancheng was charging at Nie Hanyue's place, Nie Hanyue still looked fierce and unwilling.

Indeed, Lin Tiancheng was not her opponent at that time, so she naturally didn't consider it.

Planted into Lin Tiancheng's hands, she only thinks that she is negligent, and she has a chance for revenge at any time.

But this time, she had to admit it.

Because Lin Tiancheng's strength has surpassed her by far, and her father is not around, she can only find a way to get rid of Lin Tiancheng's claws.

Electricity began to rise rapidly.

30, 40, 50...

Because Nie Hanyue was a female cultivator in the mid-stage expansion, and it was the first time that Lin Tiancheng made such a breakthrough, Lin Tiancheng's power soared to 65!

To say that Lin Tiancheng and Nie Hanyue have no deep hatred.

Therefore, after forcibly charging her, Lin Tiancheng still resisted the half-dead Nie Hanyue and returned to the front of Yiqizong's sect.

Of course, he still looks like Wei Yuan.

Nearly two hundred disciples of Yiqi Sect and Zhao Guzi were severely injured by those guys of the Shushan Sword Sect, and fell in front of the sect.

Nie Weiping put his hands on his chest and looked at the dying Zhao Guzi proudly, "Old thief Zhao, you have fought with me for a lifetime! But you have been my defeated opponent for the rest of your life! Haha!"

Zhao Guzi didn't speak, his face was extremely gloomy!

Nie Weiping is telling the truth!

Since Zao Wou-ki handed the Yiqi Sect to Zhao Guzi's hands, the power of the Yiqi Sect began to weaken!

Since then, he has been stepped on by the Shushan Sword Sect.

And his own strength has always lost Nie Weiping!

The main reason is that he doesn't practice hard, he wants to take shortcuts, wants to get the map in his father's hands, wants to get that mysterious energy!

Tan Miaoyin was forcibly pressed against the ground by a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect with a sword on his neck, unable to move.

Even though she had thousands of unwillingnesses in her heart, it was the fact that she was defeated at one go, and the defeat was very thorough.

She hoped that the second brother Wei Yuan could escape from the devil's claws of Nie Hanyue's female devil, and wait until the strength was strong before revitalizing the Yiqi Sect, destroying the Shushan Sword Sect, and avenging the Shushan disciples outside the Yiqi Sect after discovering that Wei Yuan had returned. Exclaimed!

Because they discovered that not only did Wei Yuan, who had an angry sect, not escaped, but the dying Shushan Sword Sect Miss came back.

Indeed, instead of running away, Wei Yuan inflicted severe damage on Nie Hanyue. This was simply incredible.

Feeling the endless killing intent emanating from Wei Yuan, the disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect unconsciously moved his body backwards, unexpectedly giving way to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng carried the dying Nie Hanyue and strode towards the sect of Yiqizong!

When he came to Nie Weiping's face, he unceremoniously threw Nie Hanyue's body in front of him.

At this time, Nie Hanyue's clothes were disheveled, her eyes were a little loose, and she looked down on life and death!

"Boy, what did you do to my daughter?" Nie Weiping was furious, and wanted to do Lin Tiancheng directly.

But seeing his daughter's injuries, he immediately bent down to check his daughter's injuries.

Nie Hanyue's injury was very serious, and her breath was extremely weak. Nie Weiping didn't care to teach Lin Tiancheng, and quickly guided his true energy to Nie Hanyue's weight to help him protect his heart.

Then, he sat cross-legged behind Nie Hanyue, using his true energy to treat her injuries.

Both the Shushan Sword Sect and the Yiqi Sect disciples felt incredible about what Wei Yuan had done.

Dare to offend Nie Weiping's daughter, this is a capital crime.

For them, there is no time to escape, so why dare to come back here?

Miaoyin looked at Nie Hanyue, who was on the floor with disheveled clothes, and then at his second senior brother Wei Yuan, what seemed to be thought of?

Before Wei Yan, his elder brother, Wei Yuan had always been upright. He rarely mentioned the love of his sons and daughters, let alone contaminated with women.

Just like a monk in an ancient temple deep in the mountains, regardless of Hong Chen.

But since the death of the older brother, Wei Yuan's temperament has changed drastically.

His strength has gotten a qualitative leap, and he even took the initiative to confess his feelings.

Even said, eagerly wanting to happen to her.

Tan Miaoyin only regarded the second brother's disposition drastically because of his death, and did not have much doubt.

Until she saw the enlightened Nie Hanyue, she began to seriously suspect that the person in front of her was not the second brother.

However, Zhao Guzi was the first step to tell the truth of the matter, "You are not my apprentice Wei Yuan, just say, who are you!"

He knew that his apprentice's character would never do such a thing, and with his strength at the peak of his pulse expansion period, I had already sensed that Wei Yuan's identity was false.

"He is Lin Tiancheng!"

Talking about Miaoyin Bingxue's cleverness, she quickly thought that the person in front of her was most likely Lin Tiancheng!

And what Lin Tiancheng did before was to intensify the contradiction between Yiqi Sect and Shushan Sword Sect, and to keep his map on the other hand.

"No! Lin Tiancheng has obviously been killed by me, this is what I saw with my own eyes!" Tan Miaoyin immediately denied his guess.

Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, and immediately consumed 1 battery, using Meitu Xiuxiu to restore himself to his original appearance.


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