Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1443: Refinement

Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, "I'm sorry, my life is hard, I may disappoint you!"

From the beginning to the end, the girl who talked about Miaoyin was played in the palm of Lin Tiancheng!

The only regret is that Lin Tiancheng did not complete the last step with Tan Miaoyin's active cooperation!

Zhao Guzi looked dark and stared at Lin Tiancheng fiercely, "Your kid actually knows how to change the face! Could it be that you killed my apprentice Wei Yan and Wei Yuan?"


The grudge between Lin Tiancheng and Zhao Guzi had to involve Qiu Dazheng, and it was nothing to kill his two trash apprentices.

Zhao Guzi wanted to get up and avenge his two apprentices, but the sharp pain in his chest made him gritted his teeth and couldn't stand up.

Tan Miaoyin also felt extremely angry, but was placed on his neck with a sword by a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect, unable to move.

Lin Tiancheng strode towards Zhao Guzi and said with a smile, "Let's put it this way! As long as you promise me one condition, I can protect you from your anger!"

Zhao Guzi immediately sneered, "It's up to you!"

Although Lin Tiancheng was able to defeat Nie Hanyue, even Zhao Guzi was not Nie Weiping's opponent. How could Lin Tiancheng rescue Qizong from the hands of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Lin Tiancheng offended Nie Hanyue, can he survive Nie Weiping?

Not only is he not worried about his life, but instead speaks big words here.

Tan Miaoyin looked at Lin Tiancheng angrily, "Lin Tiancheng, you treacherous villain, deliberately provoking the conflict between us and the Shushan Sword Sect, don't think that nobody knows what you are doing!"

Tan Miaoyin's hatred for Lin Tiancheng is no longer a day or two, that can be described as hatred into the bones.

"Haha! Do you think that the relationship between your Yiqi Sect and the Shushan Sword Sect, I still need Lin Tiancheng to provoke it?"

Lin Tiancheng pulled out Tai'a sword from the recycle bin and inserted it directly in front of Yiqizong's sect. "My condition is very simple. As long as I kill the old thief Nie Weiping, you have to give me the position of Yiqizong lord. !"

Lin Tiancheng was not discussing with Zhao Guzi, but said in an orderly tone!

"Haha! Defeating old thief Nie, relying on your little hairy?" Zhao Guzi couldn't help but sneer.

Of course the disciples of the Yiqi Sect also felt that Lin Tiancheng was talking big!

After all, the strength of Sect Master Yiqi had reached the peak of the expansion period, but he was also defeated by the old thief Nie Weiping, not to mention that Lin Tiancheng was only the strength of the middle period expansion.

Nie Weiping immediately stood up and sternly shouted at Lin Tiancheng, "Little thief! Did you put me Nie Weiping in your eyes?"

He had been healing his daughter just now, and now he barely protected her heart, so he didn't spare time to teach Lin Tiancheng.

"Sorry! I really didn't put you in my eyes! When I took off your head, I would even take your seat as the Sect Master of the Shushan Sword Sect!"

Lin Tiancheng already felt that there was no need to discuss with these two old guys, as long as he used his strength to defeat Nie Weiping, everything would be a foregone conclusion.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guzi suddenly said at this time, "As long as you kid can kill Nie Weiping's old thief, I will give you the position of the Qi Sect Master!"

Of course Zhao Guzi did not believe that Lin Tiancheng could defeat Nie Weiping!

He said that because he wanted Lin Tiancheng and Nie Weiping to fight to the death.

If Lin Tiancheng was beaten to death by Nie Weiping, Zhao Guzi would avenge his two apprentices before he died.

But if Lin Tiancheng defeated Nie Weiping, no, of course it would be impossible.

Therefore, Zhao Guzi's purpose is to use Nie Weiping's hand to help himself get rid of Lin Tiancheng.

However, he hoped that Lin Tiancheng could defeat Nie Weiping.

In this case, it might really be able to preserve the last trace of the Qi Sect, and it will not completely destroy the Qi Sect.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng so arrogant, Nie Weiping shot a blade of the Wuming Sword directly.

The sword blade gathered the power of true energy, and after leaving the sword, it suddenly increased several times.

The square in front of the gate of Yiqizong is constructed with a marble back.

Wherever the blade passed, a deep gully was left!

Lin Tiancheng's figure moved, and under Nie Weiping's powerful attack, instead of dodge, he went up instead.

The Tai'a sword in his hand exploded with the power of thunder, which seemed to arouse the true power of its spirit weapon.

Lin Tiancheng never knew which level of spirit weapon Tai'ajian was?

But there is one thing he knows!

Tai A Jian is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak.

After feeling the endless sword intent from Nie Weiping's burst, Lin Tiancheng could feel the Tai'a sword in his hand, like a sleeping dragon!

A melodious dragon roar came from Nine Heavens, causing everyone's eyes to fall on the dark cloud.

Nie Weiping's face was dull, and his eyes were piercing and staring at the sky, revealing an incredible expression.

"This kid turned out to be a high-grade spiritual weapon!"

Zhao Guzi looked at the Tai'ajian in Lin Tiancheng's hand with extremely hot eyes.

Tai'a sword should have been the treasure of their Yiqi Sect, the sacred object of the sect.

Zhao Guzi has always wanted to get this divine sword, but he was extremely angry that his father would rather give it to a kid with a foreign surname than his biological son.

Not only that, his father even taught Lin Tiancheng a profound level technique like Jiu Zhuan Wang Sheng Jue.

"Your kid really has something, no wonder you can defeat my daughter! If you just want to defeat me with a high-grade spiritual weapon, then you are too fantastic!" Nie Weiping's gaze fell on Lin Tiancheng's high-grade spiritual weapon. on.

Although Lin Tiancheng's hand is a high-grade spirit weapon, he still has full certainty that he can defeat Lin Tiancheng.

When Lin Tiancheng was killed, this Tai'a sword belonged to the Shushan Sword Sect, and was no longer the treasure of the Yiqi Sect.

Lin Tiancheng dared not slack in the slightest, the victory of this duel was too important to him!

Once it fails, all previous efforts will be in vain!

With Lin Tiancheng's current strength, even if he was no match for Nie Weiping, he could easily escape by relying on the magic of the mysterious stage "Meteor Chapter".

But what he hopes more is to be able to completely defeat Nie Weiping and rule the two sects of Yiqi Sect and Shushan Sword Sect in one fell swoop, so that Fang has the strength to compete with the silver rank forces from all of them!

When Tai Ah Jian resisted that blade, the shining thunder light became more raging.

The power of thunder above the nine heavens was also attracted by Tai A Jian, as the water from the Tianhe River that burst its bank poured down.

Nie Weiping snorted coldly, and the nameless sword in his hand drew a barrier. "The thunder is loud, and the rain drops! It's just a high-grade spiritual weapon, can it still turn the sky upside down?"

There was a smile on Lin Tiancheng's mouth. In fact, he himself didn't know if the power of thunder could defeat Nie Weiping?

But the more arrogant Nie Weiping is, the more chance Lin Tiancheng has to win.

Grasping the gap between Nie Weiping's resistance to the thunder, Lin Tiancheng's figure jumped up, and the Meteor Technique in his body was also running at this moment.

Several afterimages were left behind, and the next moment Lin Tiancheng appeared behind Nie Weiping.

At the moment when the power of thunder bombarded, Lin Tiancheng stabbed Nie Weiping's back at the same time.


However, with Nie Weiping's powerful spiritual consciousness, he had already sensed Lin Tiancheng's movements.

At the moment when Lin Tiancheng's Tai Ajian was about to come out, he raised his leg and kicked back, kicking Lin Tiancheng out heavily.

This force is indeed strong, Lin Tiancheng's body bombarded several towering ancient trees like a cannonball, which stabilized his figure.

Lin Tiancheng felt that his chest was about to sink, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his throat, and he fell to the ground weakly.


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