Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1444: Wan Dynasty Returned

Perhaps this is the gap in strength, even if Lin Tiancheng minimizes the gap, it still exists.

Nie Weiping's spiritual sense was much stronger than Lin Tiancheng's, and he could clearly feel Lin Tiancheng's every move.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng fell in front of a broken old tree, his breath became extremely weak.

Nie Weiping slowly retracted his powerful left leg, "Hehe! Do you know why you lost? It's because of your arrogance!"

However, before he finished his words, a thunder light several meters wide fell from the sky like a sharp knife, completely shattering Nie Weiping's defensive shield!

Nie Weiping couldn't help screaming, his shoulder-length hair exploded in an instant, and even the shining white beard came upside down.

He was still talking about Lin Tiancheng's arrogance one second before, and the next second he was struck by lightning because of his arrogance!

Indeed, he underestimated the power of high-grade spirit weapons.

I thought that my strength at the peak of the pulse-expanding period would be able to resist the thunder power that Lin Tiancheng attracted with just a barrier!

The power of this thunder is very powerful, blood spilled from the corner of Nie Weiping's mouth, but it was not as heavy as Lin Tiancheng!

Zhao Guzi's complexion changed a little strangely, from Nie Weiping's joy when he was struck by thunder at the beginning to his loss in the back.

He didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be able to inspire the power of Tai'ajian, it should be Tai'ajian that had already admitted that Lin Tiancheng was its master.

When the several meters wide thunder that Lin Tiancheng inspired bombarded Nie Weiping's Tianling Gai, Zhao Guzi's heart was extremely joyful.

He really wanted this thunderstorm to completely kill Nie Weiping. Even if he couldn't, he would at least seriously injure Nie Weiping's old thief.

In this way, Zhao Guzi could even turn defeat into victory, relying on the last bit of strength to kill Nie Weiping.

But when he saw that Nie Weiping only had a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, his hair exploded a bit funny, and his body did not seem to have been severely injured.

At this moment, he felt extremely lost in his heart.

He suddenly felt that he was too whimsical.

Lin Tiancheng is just a middle-stage Tuomai kid with a high-grade spiritual weapon, how could he be seriously injured, let alone kill him.

Nie Wei's face froze, and the look in Lin Tiancheng's eyes became even colder!

Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng humiliated his daughter, just because Lin Tiancheng made him stumble, he will never let Lin Tiancheng get better!

He dragged the nameless sword and walked towards Lin Tiancheng slowly. He first turned Lin Tiancheng over with his left foot, showing murderous intent, "Boy, death is approaching, or honestly hand in the key to open the barrier. Come out! I might still have a whole body of you!"

"take it!"

Lin Tiancheng's body bounced from the ground, and after a 360-degree rotation, three silver needles were shot at Nie Weiping's heart.

Lin Tiancheng repeated the old trick, and wanted to use this trick to overcast Nie Hanyue and then overcast her father.

After being severely injured, he used 360 to kill the virus, and immediately consumed 10 electricity to recover his whole body injury.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng had 54 electricity left.

Nie Weiping's powerful spiritual sense sensed the crisis, and his figure suddenly retreated, but the incident happened so suddenly that three silver needles still pierced the heart.

The three silver needles pierced Nie Weiping's heart accurately, and even if he was a strong man in the Golden Elixir stage, there was no chance of reincarnation.

This sudden scene completely shocked everyone present.

They couldn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could stand up from the ground unharmed and even shot three silver needles at Nie Weiping.

Tan Miaoyin's eyes fell on Lin Tiancheng, and she knew Lin Tiancheng better than many people these days.

That was a scheming and extremely treacherous kid.

In fact, she suspected from the beginning that Lin Tiancheng's conditions to the master and his old man were not nonsense.

Nie Hanyue, who was like an old monk entering Ding, saw that Lin Tiancheng had ingested three silver needles in her father's heart.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

Nie Weiping's body suddenly straightened, and the three silver needles in his heart rebounded onto a towering old tree.

At the same time, the clothes on his body were also torn apart by this powerful infuriating force, revealing a silver-white armor inside.

"Iron lock armor?"

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help being disappointed. He didn't expect that the old thief Nie Weiping was still wearing a low-grade spiritual weapon and iron chain armor.

Not to mention that this is a low-grade spiritual weapon, even ordinary armor, it is difficult to penetrate with the strength of Lin Tiancheng's throw.

"Interesting, you guys have any tricks you can do!" Nie Weiping still showed disdain on his face.

The only thing he felt strange was that Libra was clearly injured by himself, and he could stand up without incident.

He guessed that Lin Tiancheng must have a high-level healing technique to recover his injuries in a short time.

As long as Lin Tiancheng is killed, not only is Tai A Jian belonged to Nie Weiping, but also this high-level healing technique.

"Then I will fulfill you!"

A raging flame burned on Lin Tiancheng's body, and the flame rose up, forming a four to five meters high giant around it.

"Father, be careful, this kid is using the Profound Rank Fire Flame Art!" Nie Hanyue reminded quickly, not being able to recover from her injuries.

"Xuan-level Fire Flame Art? This kid is really getting more and more interesting!" Nie Weiping showed a greedy smile on his face.

No matter how many treasures Lin Tiancheng has, how many exercises, Nie Weiping will accept it today.

Lin Tiancheng's palm burned a fire ball, and this fire ball started to expand and grow a little bit under the operation of Lin Tiancheng's true energy.

The temperature of the entire square at this moment has suddenly risen by several points.

Zhao Guzi was shocked and speechless.

Lin Tiancheng, this kid, started from under the Cliff of Broken Soul.

He was just a martial artist who had just stepped into the base building period, but in only one year, he had actually increased his strength to the mid-stage of the extension. It didn't matter if he didn't think about it carefully.

But thinking about it carefully, it was too terrifying, Lin Tiancheng was simply the enchanting genius in the entire cultivation world.

If he does not stand up and clamor today, given time, he will surely become a giant in the cultivation world.

After feeling the flame of Lin Tiancheng, Nie Weiping's eyes were filled with surprise.

He immediately squeezed the Wuming Sword, drawn a sword shadow out of thin air, and shot it towards Lin Tiancheng.

The aura of this sword shadow was extremely fierce, and after colliding with Lin Tiancheng's fireball, a powerful energy was blasted.

But before Nie Weiping continued to accumulate his energy, the sky full of fireballs crashed down towards it.

It seems that the inexhaustible fire attribute elemental energy in Lin Tiancheng's body can continuously help him change this powerful fireball.

Nie Weiping's right leg retreated half a step, holding the hilt of the nameless sword in both hands, the expression on his face became more solemn.

He felt the threat from Lin Tiancheng!

At this moment, it seemed that the aura between heaven and earth was attracted by the nameless sword in Nie Weiping's hand, and all gathered on the blade.

Nie Hanyue beamed with joy, and said in surprise, "Ten thousand dynasties return to the sect! Unexpectedly, my father would have practiced Shushan Jianjue to the seventh form!"

There are seven styles of Shushan Sword Jue. The white cloud comes out of Xiu, the stone breaks through the sky, the gentry hangs upside down, the cloud breaks through the Qinling Mountains, the white rainbow runs through the sun, the phoenix comes to the rite, and the dynasties return to the sect.

The return of the Wan Dynasty to Zong is the last form of the Shushan Sword Art. It has almost gathered all the power of the first seven forms. It is the most terrifying move of the Shushan Sword Art.


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