Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1457: Fastest speed

Yun Menggu felt Lin Tiancheng's restless hand, moved her body slightly, trying to distance him from him.

But, after all, cousin Yun Xiangyang was sitting in front of the bed, and she didn't dare to move too much.

Regardless of the embarrassment of the scene, Yun Xiangyang continued, "Tell you the truth! I have promised to marry you to Master Ji of the Lianqizong! At that time, the elders of the Lianqizong will definitely help rescue your father. Moreover, the elder of the Refining Sect also promised me that he would help us drive those blood people out of the Yun family!"

Yun Xiangyang looked proud, as if he had done something that would make the whole family proud of him.

After listening to Yun Xiangyang's statement, Yun Menggu suddenly became angry, "You give me out, don't force me to do it!"

Because Yun Xiangyang is an offshoot of the Yun family, although he is older than Yun Menggu, his strength is far inferior to Yun Menggu!

Therefore, his position in the Yun family is not as high as Yun Menggu's, and Yun Menggu is not very polite to his cousin.

Yun Xiangyang was so scared that he trembled all over, he was really afraid that his cousin would get violent and would do something, after all, his strength was far from that of Yun Menggu.

But then he gritted his teeth again, stabilized his body and said, "No, that kid won't go, I won't go! You are the one who is going to marry Master Ji, you can't let this **** get dirty!"

Yun Xiangyang has already agreed to the elders of the practice sect to marry Yunmenggu to Ji Linxuan of the practice sect!

Ji Linxuan was very happy about this marriage. If Yun Xiangyang hadn't said that he would go back and tell his sister first, I'm afraid Ji Linxuan could not wait to propose marriage with a gift.

Therefore, before Yun Menggu married, Yun Xiangyang must not let this matter have a slight difference, otherwise the elders of the training device sect would not take him lightly.

After all, the status of their Yun family is not as good as it was before.

"Think about it, think about it! As long as you are willing to marry Young Master Ji, they will definitely help out. By that time, not only your father can be saved. The strength of our Yun family will also increase!"

Although there are many remnants of the blood clan, they have not completely eroded the Yun Family's power, nor have they completely stabilized their foundation in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu.

The strength of the Refining Artifact Sect is among the silver rank forces in Dongcheng District, Central Capital, that is one of the best.

As long as the Refining Sect speaks, it is impossible for the old witches of the blood clan to stay away unless they want to be annihilated again.

Yun Xiangyang felt more and more that his method was the only magic method that could save the Yun family and the fire and water.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly unconsciously, "If you marry Young Master Ji of the Lianqi Sect in the future, you will be flying on the branch. You can't forget my brother in the future!"

Although both the Practitioner Sect and the Yun Family are silver-level forces, the Practitioner Sect is much stronger than the Yun Family, and it is also one of the best silver-level forces in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu.

Yun Menggu's body moved forward abruptly, and Lin Tiancheng's hand was also bounced away in an instant.

This girl was so angry that she covered the scenery with her left hand, and she slapped her cousin's face with a slap in her right hand.

This force is indeed strong, and it directly lifted Yun Xiangyang towards the door.

"Yun Xiangyang, you dare to go against my father's will and leak out the affairs of our Yun family. Are you not afraid that I will inform the people of this matter?"

It has been almost a month since the Yun family was occupied by the blood clan, and the two big families have held this matter tightly for fear of being discovered by others.

As far as the blood race is concerned, they have not completely swallowed the Yun family power and stabilized their foundation in Zhongdu, and they will not make this matter public.

Otherwise, if those enemies 30 years ago knew that the blood race had returned to the Central Capital, they would probably be choked to death in the bud.

As for the Yun Family, they did not dare to expose the matter, otherwise the position of the Yun Family in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu would plummet.

At that time, the children of the Yun family will be like mourning dogs, and even some of the unknown Silver-level forces in Zhongdu might want to bite the Yun family's sweet pastry.

Therefore, before Yun Zhonghe was arrested, he set the rules. Anyone who dared to disclose this matter would be directly expelled from the Yun family and abolished the Yun family practice.

Yun Xiangyang felt his cheeks burning and sore, and he wanted to teach this inexperienced cousin, but his strength did not allow it.

He flung his sleeves angrily and left, but also left a word.

"At this time, I'm still thinking about having fun, how could the Patriarch give birth to you such an unfilial daughter!"

However, Yun Menggu had a clear conscience in her heart. She and Lin Tiancheng did this, just wanting to improve their strength to the early stage of Jin Dan.

But this matter wants to be explained but the explanation is not clear.

If she hadn't obtained the ancient alchemy cheats herself, I am afraid she would not believe that the joy of fish and water can help her improve her strength.

Seeing Yun Xiangyang left, Lin Tiancheng took Yun Menggu this stunner into his arms, the feeling was like a spring breeze.


Yun Menggu's body struggled slightly, but she soon embraced Lin Tiancheng's arms.

Although she was a little angry at Lin Tiancheng's behavior just now, she knew that Lin Tiancheng was also helping herself.

She had to improve her strength as soon as possible, and she felt heartbroken when she thought that her father was still in prison in the Yun Family Heaven Prison.

"Come on! Use your fastest speed to help me improve my strength!"

"it is good!"

Lin Tiancheng can feel the filial piety of this girl. He really wants to consume a part of the power to use 360 ​​to kill the virus, remove the impurities in Yunmenggu, and help her improve her strength to the middle of the golden core period.

However, things are not that simple.

If you continue to help Yun Menggu raise her strength, this will cause the disadvantage of unstable foundation, and it will also bury great hidden dangers for her future cultivation.

Yun Xiangyang paced back and forth in his room.

Because he had just received a slap from his cousin, the more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

He felt that his method was the only way to save the Yun family!

Although it was against the will of the family, if it really couldn't figure out a way to save the Yun family, the Yun family might really be destroyed.

Therefore, in his opinion, concealing this matter is completely unnecessary.

"I can't let that kid succeed, otherwise the Refining Sect will blame me and it will be troublesome."

After thinking about it, he decided to ask his father Yun Zhongzi to come forward to stop his cousin’s stupid behavior.

An hour later, Lin Tiancheng put on his clothes still.

Aunt Yunmeng also straightened her clothes and sat cross-legged on the bed, meditating and practicing.

Lin Tiancheng was a little fascinated by the blushes on Yun Menggu's body after a sweat.

A smile gradually appeared on Yun Menggu's face, because she clearly felt that her strength had indeed reached the early stage of the Golden Core.

The two chaotic true qi had been reconciled by Lin Tiancheng, and they all gathered between her dantian, making her feel that her true qi power was extremely full.


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