Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1458: Black earth

Before crossing the tribulation against the sky, it is divided into four levels, namely the foundation building period, the expansion period, the Jindan period, and the Mahayana period.

During the foundation building period, the emphasis is on refined gas!

What the Tuomai period pays attention to is Qihuashen!

And Yunmenggu is now in the early stage of the golden core, and the lotus heart has developed into a true essence, which can affect the mind of the cultivator, and he has truly entered the palace of the cultivator.

As for the Mahayana period, it is a virtual entrance!

Yun Menggu's inhalation and combination seemed to be able to affect the aura between the heavens and the earth, and her chest was undulating violently like a bellows!

This feeling was somewhat similar to when Lin Tiancheng met the blood mother-in-law of the blood race, but the aura of the golden core stage power she revealed was still much weaker than that of the blood mother-in-law.

Then, as Yun Menggu's body moved slightly, the powerful aura she exuded completely disappeared!

That's right, this is the powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage, able to control his own breath through his own consciousness.

In this way, it is not that simple for another cultivator to see her true strength.

At the same time, this is also a manifestation of enhanced spiritual consciousness.

After Lin Tiancheng fought a few powerful men, he also understood the importance of the power of divine consciousness to a cultivator.

That is simply a stepping stone to a person's path to cultivation. Only by strengthening his own spiritual consciousness can he go further on the path of cultivation.

The soul-raising wood planted on the red soil can be worn on the body to nourish the soul primordial spirit, gradually increase the spiritual consciousness, and can also live in the soul to ensure that the mind remains.

It's not yet mature, Lin Tiancheng is not in a hurry yet!

Just now, Lin Tiancheng rushed 60 electricity from Yun Menggu's body, plus the previous 25, Lin Tiancheng now has 85 electricity.

This is quite impressive.

In addition, Lin Tiancheng can basically control Yun Mengyao, so in the near future, for him, the battery is still very sufficient.

So he put his mind on the farmer application, ready to open up another piece of land to see if the farmer application can be upgraded again.

As for what new tricks there will be after the upgrade, he is also very much looking forward to it.

As for what Lin Tian became before, he didn't immediately open up new soil so that the farmer could upgrade his application. That was because he especially needed electricity to exchange seeds to improve his strength.

He can't blindly upgrade the farmer regardless of his own level.

In the final analysis, what Lin Tiancheng needs to do the most is to rely on the farmer's application to improve his own strength. This is the foundation of cultivation.

Now he has 85 electricity, click to open up a new red land without hesitation!

However, the farmer app has a prompt at this time that the land reclamation permission is insufficient and the farmer app needs to be upgraded.

Just as Lin Tiancheng was about to open up red land, the farmer applied a reminder.

"Insufficient rights for land reclamation, need to upgrade the farmer application, upgrade requires 30 electricity, do you want to upgrade?"

Lin Tiancheng knew that his land reclamation had reached the upper limit under the current level of the farmer application.

The last time Lin Tiancheng upgraded the farmer app, the app unlocked the pet store for him, but what difference will this upgrade bring?

Lin Tiancheng is looking forward to this.

If the upgrade is not continued, the functions of the Sanlord application are limited to this, and Lin Tiancheng cannot continue to develop red land.

Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth and completed the upgrade of the farmer's application after consuming 30 electricity.

After the upgrade, the app gave Lin Tiancheng the permission to open up black land.

However, a piece of black land would cost Lin Tiancheng 40 electricity, twice the amount of red land, which is almost like robbery.

As for what this black land can do, Lin Tiancheng is full of expectations again.

Gritting his teeth again, Lin Tiancheng consumed another 40 electricity, and a piece of black land was opened up beside the two pieces of red land.

As a result, Lin Tiancheng has only 15 electricity left. If he is buying seeds, he will be troubled by insufficient electricity.

However, the black land that had been spent on huge sums of money, if he didn't figure out its role, Lin Tiancheng would feel like a cat's paw in his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Tiancheng's mind flashed.

Can you transplant the soul-raising wood seed that was just planted on one of the red land on the black land?

I clicked on the red land where the soul-raising wood was planted, and the words that could be transplanted appeared.

Lin Tiancheng had a little excitement in his heart. He carefully transplanted the soul-raising wood planted on the popular land to the black land.

A miracle happened!

After the soul-raising wood seeds arrived on the black ground, they quickly took out the shoots, and then opened the branches and scattered leaves.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the soul-raising tree had grown to a height of nearly one meter. This growth rate was really terrifying.

Lin Tiancheng was extremely surprised. He didn't expect this black land to have such a magical effect.

Lin Tiancheng realized later that he had done a very right thing.

The soul-raising tree is different from simple numbers. It must grow to nearly a thousand years before it has the effect of strengthening the consciousness and condensing the soul.

If Lin Tiancheng has been planting it on red soil, although it may not take a thousand years to mature, it will take at least 500 years.

Before crossing the robbery and becoming immortal, Lin Tiancheng's life span would not reach 500 years anyway.

It just so happens that the miraculous effect of this black earth is to shorten the maturity period of plants and enhance the effect of certain heaven and earth spiritual materials.

On the black earth, the soul-raising wood grows extremely fast!

From the first sprouting seed, it is now almost one meter high, and dozens of leaves have been calculated.

The leaves are dark green and look a little transparent, warm and moist like jade, very magical.

So far, Lin Tiancheng has two pieces of red land and one piece of black land.

Some spiritual materials that are not in a hurry can be planted on red soil.

The black soil can be used to grow spiritual materials that are urgently needed, or that are extremely long mature.

Lin Tiancheng withdrew his consciousness, Yun Menggu's beauty made him look a little fascinated, he reached out to pick up Yun Menggu's dazzling hair!

At this moment, the door of the room was opened again.

Yun Xiangyang ran in anxiously, staring at his father behind him, pointing his right finger into the room, "Father, this dead girl is too shameless, I kindly persuade her, she will beat me!"

Of course Yun Zhongzi didn't believe that Meng Gu's niece would do such a thing.

Right now, the Yun family is in a troubled autumn, how could Gu Yunmeng still have the mind to have fun with wild men.

When he heard from his son that Yun Menggu had brought Lin Tiancheng into his wing, he was even more unbelievable.

What is Lin Tiancheng's status?

And what is Yunmenggu's identity?

In addition, Yun Menggu is also Bing Qing Yujie, a fairy who does not eat fireworks, how could she be mixed with Lin Tiancheng?

When Yun Zhongzi heard it at first, he only thought that his son was talking nonsense, and even wanted to beat his son who was idle all day long.

If it weren't for Yun Xiangyang to pull him over strongly, he would not care about such unreasonable remarks.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng and Yun Menggu had arranged their clothes and sat on the bed facing each other, Yun Xiangyang looked slightly stunned.

However, Lin Tiancheng was already sitting on Yunmenggu's bed, which was enough that what he said was the truth.

Yun Xiangyang is looking forward to his father's next performance!

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