Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1466: Return to the blood

Yun Xiangyang cast an unkind look and sneered at Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, don't you say that my father can't win the **** mother-in-law?"

Several Yun family disciples behind Yun Xiang also cast strange eyes to Lin Tiancheng.

"That is, a kid in the middle stage of the development of veins, dare to criticize the strongest person in the golden core stage! I am not afraid of being laughed off!"

"I don't know how the Patriarch thinks that this kid can save our Yun family. It seems that Patriarch will sometimes misunderstand people!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Tiancheng didn't change his face, and in the face of everyone's criticism, he said quietly, "The two only came back, do you think they really won?"

A suspicion flashed through the corner of Yun Xiangyang's eyes, but he quickly relieved, "You kid wait! The truth will be revealed soon! Even if you know the Patriarch, I will drive you out of the Yun Family!"

Yun Xiangyang has already filled Lin Tiancheng and Refining Zongla with hatred, and he can guarantee that Lin Tiancheng will never leave Zhongdu!

These are things for the future, Yun Xiangyang really wants to see Lin Tiancheng slap her face, and find an opportunity to drive him out of the Yun family and isolate him from Yun Menggu!

Lin Tiancheng looked complacent.

After Yun Zhongzi landed, Yun Xiangyang and all the children of the Yun family quickly greeted him.

Yun Xiangyang hurriedly asked, "How is your father? That old witch must have died miserably!"

Yun Mengyao also asked anxiously, "Where's my aunt! She should be back to Tianshi first!"

Yunmenggu has developed her own power in Tianshi. If the crisis of the Yun family is lifted, she will naturally return to Tianshi!

The expression on Yun Zhongzi's face has always been frozen, like a calm lake, without the slightest ripples!

Everyone looked at him with eager eyes, hoping that he would give everyone the answer they wanted!

After a long time, Yun Zhongzi sighed for a long time, and waved his hand toward the sun, "Hurry up and organize all the children of the Yun family, I have something to announce!"

At this moment, the Yun family children in the entire courtyard cheered, and their faces showed long-lost smiles, as if they had been reborn!

Yun Xiangyang stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "Boy, wait for me to organize the Yun family first! I'll find someone to blast you out of our Yun family later!"

Yun Mengyao came to Lin Tiancheng in two steps and made one step, bowed at him and said, "Although you did not come forward to rescue my father, but you helped my aunt improve her strength, I still have to thank you !"

Yun Zhongzi's eyes were blurred, his appearance looked in a trance!

"Everyone is quiet, I want to announce a bad news to everyone! Our Yun family has been defeated, completely lost to the blood clan! Therefore, I can only take you back to the Yun family to return to the blood clan now! This is my incompetence!"

Yun Zhongzi's face was full of guilt.

As soon as the words came out, the whole spacious house was silent.

All the children of the Yun family opened their mouths, staring blankly at Yun Zhongzi on the high platform, unable to speak for a long time.

Yun Xiangyang's expression was even exaggerated, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

He couldn't believe what his father said was the truth.

How could it be possible that the two strong men in the early days of the Golden Core, a strong alliance, could not be equal to the old witch.

Yun Mengyao glanced at Lin Tiancheng, and hurriedly asked her little grandfather, "Where is the aunt? Why didn't she come back with you?"

This sentence is a reminder to everyone, could it mean that Mother-in-law Blood had already killed Yun Menggu?

"Menggu was taken by the grandson of the **** mother-in-law. She wants to marry our Yun family! So she was left in the Yun Mansion!"

Lin Tiancheng's expression finally fluctuated, and he didn't expect such a nonsensical plot to appear in it.

She was like a piece of sweet pastry, when she smelled it, everyone wanted to take a bite.

But Yunmenggu was already Lin Tiancheng's power bank, and if he just gave it to Gu Chengwu, Lin Tiancheng would naturally refuse to agree.

He already had a decision in his heart, even if it wasn't for Yunzhonghe, he still had to visit Yunfu.

In fact, he himself is not sure whether his kindness to the blood mother-in-law for the whole blood clan will still be seen by the blood clan people!

If so, he should be able to easily rescue Yunzhonghe and Yunmenggu.

If not, Lin Tiancheng can only find another way.

Yun Xiangyang was dumbfounded at once, and his cousin was cut off by others.

In this way, what would he marry the Refining Sect!

When the time comes, the elder Ouyang Jie in the refining device will be blamed, and Yun Xiangyang will definitely not be able to afford it.

Not to mention Elder Ouyang Jie, even if the two brothers Ji Linxuan blamed him, Yun Xiangyang could drink a pot.

"Okay! Everyone pack up as soon as possible, and we will rush back to Yunfu tomorrow!"

After explaining this, Yun Zhongzi was about to turn around and leave, but Lin Tiancheng stepped onto the high platform.

"Senior Yun! I once had a relationship with the blood mother-in-law. If Senior Yun believes me, I might be able to contribute to the Yun family!"

Yun Zhongzi didn't speak, shook his head, turned and left.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, even if Lin Tiancheng really has friendship with Mother-in-law, it is impossible to save the Yun family.

And he has promised Mother Blood to bring the children of the Yun Family to his sect. If she repents over and over again and angers Mother Blood, it is very likely that the Yun Family will be destroyed.

The children of the Yun family also left the house in twos and threes.

They didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could save the Yun family from the beginning, and when they reached this point of view, no one believed Lin Tiancheng.

However, Yun Mengyao patted Lin Tiancheng on the shoulder behind him.

"Sorry, what you said is right! Although everyone doesn't believe you can save our Yun family, I believe it!"

Yun Mengyao was still quite moved.

Lin Tiancheng has been ridiculed by these people since he came to her little grandfather's house.

But he still didn't leave here, and was willing to stand up to help them Yun Family until the last moment.

Yun Mengyao already had a decision in her heart. Regardless of whether Lin Tiancheng went to Yun Mansion this time, Yun Mengyao would be willing to let go of Lin Tiancheng's feast.

Lin Tiancheng smiled lightly at Yun Mengyao, "If that's the case! Let's lead the way!"

Yun Mengyao called Zijin Butterfly again, and went to the Central Capital Yunfu with Lin Tiancheng.

The flying speed of the purple gold butterfly is extremely fast, it can almost be said to shrink to an inch!

The scenery below was withdrawn backwards like flowing water.

The regional territory of the Central Capital is very large. Without some flying spirit beasts, or the strength above the Golden Core Stage, it would be a great trouble to cross the boundary.

Lin Tiancheng learned from Yun Mengyao later that they are still on the plane of the earth, but the realm of cultivation in Zhongdu belongs to a different world on earth.

When the Zijin Butterfly appeared in the sky above Yunfu, Lin Tiancheng felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

A strange breath caused Lin Tiancheng's consciousness to tremble constantly, as if the blood in his body was also affected at this time.

Yun Mengyao seemed to have discovered something incredible, and pointed towards the backyard of Yun Mansion, "Look, what is that?"


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