Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1467: The reality of husband and wife

Lin Tiancheng followed the direction Yun Mengyao pointed out and found something incredible!

The huge lake in the backyard of Yunfu is like a dye vat, and it is red with blood!

Had it not been for the children of the Yun family that had already evacuated from Yun Mansion, Yun Mengyao would even feel that the blood in this lake was dyed by their children of the Yun family!

Above the center of the lake pavilion, the old woman was sitting cross-legged in the air, and the terrible aura that Lin Tiancheng had felt before also radiated from her body!


The figure of the blood mother suddenly disappeared, and with her soft drink, the blood of the whole lake was boiling!

Lin Tiancheng had a familiar feeling for the secret method of the ghost woman's cultivation, he guessed that this should be the blood evil technique of the blood race!

Suddenly, several turbulent water columns arose above the lake!

The purple-gold butterfly was hit by one of the blood-colored water jets in the abdomen and shook violently, and then turned into a cloud of smoke in an instant!

Yun Mengyao's figure lost his balance, and he staggered straight down!

"Who dare to peek here?"

The **** mother-in-law arrived, a slap mixed with fierce gang wind, patted towards Yun Mengyao who was falling rapidly!

"Blood mother-in-law, it's me, I'm Lin Tiancheng!"

Lin Tiancheng quickened his figure and stretched out his hand to wrap Yun Mengyao's waist, only then barely escaped the fatal blow from Mother Blood.

"It's you!"

The blood mother of course still remembers who Lin Tiancheng is!

If there is no Lin Tiancheng, I am afraid that the blood family has been completely destroyed by Yunzhonghe.

Mother-in-law was suffering from illness, and when she escaped from Central Capital 30 years ago, she was hit hard. If it were not for Lin Tiancheng's pill, she would never be able to restore her original strength.

After Mother Blood regained her strength, it didn't take long for her to sneak back to Zhongdu with her blood family.

However, she still remembered Lin Tiancheng, the alchemy ghost.

She wanted to bring Lin Tiancheng into the blood clan so much to work hard for the blood clan, but Lin Tiancheng refused without hesitation.

Despite this, she let Lin Tiancheng subdue the blood of Gu Chengwu in the name of Jie Yi.

The blood of the blood people contains the power of blood, which is a very strange power.

This is almost the same as the Blood Sha Pill that Lin Tiancheng encountered back then.

Once taken, the user's strength can be strengthened in a short time, but over time, his xinxing will gradually be disturbed by this bloodline power, until he completely loses his mind.

Eventually it will become a puppet, let the blood race drive.

Mother-in-law had always thought that Lin Tian was an extraordinary person.

If you can't give the blood race hard, it is likely to become the enemy of the blood race.

Of course, Gu Chengwu refused.

He really took Lin Tiancheng as a friend!

At the beginning, when Lin Tiancheng and his marriage ended, he wanted to stop Lin Tiancheng from taking his blood, but he was scolded by the blood mother.

"Tiancheng! When did you come to Zhongdu, this kid didn't say a word to Mother-in-law!" Mother-in-law blood looked at Lin Tiancheng with a kind face.

Lin Tiancheng arched his hands and apologized, "I'm sorry, the two of us unintentionally disturbed the blood mother-in-law's practice. Damn it!"

Lin Tiancheng knew very well that this old woman looked harmless to humans and animals, but she was cruel.

Just now, Lin Tiancheng and Yun Mengyao accidentally saw her practicing the blood evil technique, Lin Tiancheng worried that the blood mother would bear her grudge.

Yun Mengyao didn't seem to be relieved from the shock just now, Lin Tiancheng had to pull at her skirt.

Yun Mengyao realized her irrationality and hurriedly bowed.

"Haha! Tiancheng, you are the benefactor of our entire blood race. Do you think I will care about this little thing with you?"

Mother Blood waved her hand and smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about it! Why did you come to Yunfu this time?"

Mother-in-law Blood certainly didn't think that Lin Tiancheng came to see her.

"I'm here this time for nothing else, just let my wife take me here to visit my eldest brother and blood mother-in-law!"

"Good, good! Your eldest brother is in the hall now, I'll take you there!" The blood mother turned around and walked towards the Yun family hall with a cane.

In the hall, Gu Chengwu took Yun Menggu and returned here.

"Aunt!" After Yun Mengyao saw her aunt, she quickly greeted her.

Yunmeng Gu Ji is Yun Mengyao's aunt and her master.

In this Yun Mansion, she naturally called Yun Meng Gu an aunt.

Lin Tiancheng cast his gaze on Yun Menggu's body, her bright red eyes looked like she had cried.

Yun Menggu touched Yun Mengyao's head and said, "Silly girl, what are you doing here?"

Before Yun Mengyao could speak, Lin Tiancheng walked quickly toward Gu Chengwu, opened his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Big Brother!"

Gu Chengwu's mind was completely put on Yun Menggu's body, and he had not noticed Lin Tiancheng's arrival at the beginning.

"Tiancheng, why are you here?" He patted Lin Tiancheng's shoulder heavily with both hands, looking very excited.

"Hehe! Chengwu, Tiancheng came to see you, the big brother and my old woman. I really didn't expect him to have this heart!" The blood mother stood by and smiled.

Gu Chengwu broke free of Lin Tiancheng's arms and punched him in the chest, "No, you kid, after Yunmengshan's goodbyes, I'm afraid you have already left my big brother behind!"

"How dare you! Am I not traveling all the way from the sky city to visit Big Brother?" Lin Tiancheng smiled apologetically.

There was an incredible look on Yun Menggu's face. He didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to have such a deep friendship with Gu Chengwu, the **** mother-in-law.

And Lin Tiancheng and Gu Chengwu look like brothers!

Lin Tiancheng didn't say a few words, and the other party's face showed unresolved sadness.

"What's the matter, brother? Looking at your frowning face, what's the problem with your elder brother! The eldest brother will definitely help you!" Gu Chengwu said, patting his chest.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head and sighed, "It's true that I don't know the truth, my brother has indeed encountered a difficult problem.

Gu Chengwu slapped Lin Tiancheng's shoulder with a palm, "Tell me, what should I say is inappropriate, I still have such a relationship with Big Brother!"

Lin Tiancheng glanced at the **** mother-in-law, and said bitterly, "I heard that Big Brother wants to marry Yunmeng Gu as his wife?"

"Haha, I didn't expect my brother to get the news so soon. It seems that my brother is going to send blessings to the eldest brother!"

"In fact, eldest brother, Yunmenggu is my wife! And I already have a couple with him!"

Lin Tiancheng's words suddenly blew up in the hall.

Both Yun Menggu and Yun Mengyao were stunned, but they were both ice and wise men, and they soon understood Lin Tiancheng's intentions.

Lin Tiancheng is helping Yunmenggu to dissolve this marriage.

Gu Chengwu's face suddenly darkened like five thunders.

"Your wife?" Gu Chengwu looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously.

"Yes, I didn't expect things to be like this, eldest brother, I..." Lin Tiancheng showed an unspeakable face.

Unexpectedly, Yun Menggu took the initiative to come to Lin Tiancheng's side and took his arm.

"Tiancheng didn't lie to you, I am indeed his wife! You used my father to blackmail me, so I can't refuse you!"

Lin Tiancheng breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this girl Bingxue was smart. Not only did she not reveal her flaws, she knew that she would cooperate with her perfectly.


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