Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1469: Ouyang Jie

The strength of the Practitioner Sect is not weaker than the blood clan. If they are really willing to help the Yun Family deal with the blood clan, the Yun Family will definitely be able to survive!

Seeing Yun Menggu's hesitation, Yun Zhongzi knelt down in front of Yun Menggu!

"Gu Meng, please save your cousin! Save our Yun family too!"

Yun Mengyao looked at the two of them at a loss, she didn't know what to say at this moment!

If the practitioners of the Qigong Sect wanted her, she would agree without hesitation, because she could finally do something for the Yun family!

Of course, there was nothing wrong with what Auntie did. She had almost fallen into the blood of the Yun family!

After a long time, Yun Mengyao said, "Auntie, or let's wait! In case Lin Tiancheng really brings my father back..."

Yun Zhongzi said, "Mengyao! Be sober! That guy was able to rescue Menggu from the blood people because he had some friendship with the blood people. As for the Patriarch, he would never do it!"

Yun Menggu's eyes were slightly ruddy, and she nodded softly, "I promise you! I am willing to marry Ji Linxuan of Refining Sect! However, I hope they don't forget to promise the Yun family!"

Yun Menggu also hoped that Lin Tiancheng could bring her father back here, but it was really impossible.

Yun Zhonghe represents the entire Yun family. If the blood people let him go, it means that the blood people give up the chance of recovery, which is absolutely impossible.

Yun Zhongzi quickly got up from the ground, the sadness on his face gradually dissipated, tightly holding Yun Menggu's hand, and repeatedly grateful, "Menggu, I know you will put the overall situation first! You are our Yun The pride of the family!"

Afterwards, Yun Zhongzi left his house and hurried towards the Refining Sect.

He wanted to tell Ouyang Jie of the Refining Artifact Sect of this matter for the first time, so that he would let his son go.

Early the next morning, Ouyang Jie from the Refining Sect rushed to Yunzhongzi's house to marry Yunmenggu with a lot of gifts.

It was not Ji Linxuan who married Yunmenggu, but his master, Ouyang Jie, a horrible old man over half a hundred years old.

Even Ji Linxuan himself had been kept in the dark about this matter. He thought that Master had planned for so long to propose marriage to the Yun family for him.

In the end, he was just a **** of Ouyang Jie, a pretense to deceive Yun Xiangyang.

Otherwise, how could Yun Xiangyang be willing to run errands back and forth in this marriage.

But as a disciple, what can he say!

The welcoming team quickly rushed to Yun Zhongzi's residence, and Ouyang Jie went straight to Yunmenggu's wing.

"It can't be done! Elder Ouyang, it can't be done!" Yun Zhongzi did not expect that it would be Ouyang Jie who wanted to marry Yun Menggu.

"What's wrong with this, don't forget, this marriage is still your son's personal lead. If you dare to obstruct, I will kill you father and son together!" Ouyang Jie shouted sharply.

Yun Zhongzi was shocked by Ouyang Jie's gaze filled with cold light, and hovered stiffly in the air with his hands.

Ouyang Jie's strength has reached the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his Yunzhongzi is only the first stage of the Golden Core, just this look has already made him feel terrified.

If it were the head of the Yun family and Yunzhonghe was still here, Ouyang Jie would not dare to be so arrogant and domineering.

The current Ouyang Jie was going to the Yun family to **** people upright, because the Yun family was no longer the silver rank power that used to be, and even Yun Zhonghe had become a prisoner.

The door of Yunmeng's wing room was heavily opened, and Yunmeng was sitting in front of the dressing table with several maids who dressed and dressed her.

Yun Menggu wore a red phoenix crown and hazel, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

When she saw Ouyang Jie rushing in, she was also frightened and lost her look, and quickly retreated a few steps.

"What do you want to do?"

Ouyang Jie put away his hungry eyes, coughed a few times, and said, "Don’t doubt, the one who wants to marry you is me, Ouyang Jie! As long as you marry me, I can not only make your father immortal, but also help you. The family restores its original status!"

"Don't think about it!"

Yun Menggu's golden core early breath escaped, revealing a fierce killing intent.

A cold light flashed, and a long sword appeared between her cuffs, piercing directly toward Ouyang Jie's throat.

If she really married the kid Ji Linxuan, she would endure Yun Menggu.

Who knows, it will be Ouyang Jie.

Ouyang Jie is a well-known old demon throughout Zhongdu and Dongcheng District. There are three wives and four concubines in the family, and they often steal fishy outside.

Just because he was the elder of the Refining Sect, everyone turned a blind eye to this matter.

What's more, he is over half a hundred years old, which has completely broken Yun Menggu's bottom line.

Several disciples of the Refining Artifact Sect, seeing that Yun Menggu was preparing to do something with Elder Ouyang Jie, they all pulled out their own spirit weapons!

Ouyang Jie waved his hand to stop them, "If you can't subdue your little girl, Ouyang Jie is not worthy to marry you!"

Ouyang Jie stood still on the spot, and when Yun Menggu's long sword was about to pierce his throat, his right hand held the long sword tightly with two fingers.

After all, Yun Menggu was just a cultivator in the early stage of Jin Dan. Even if she poured all the true energy in her body onto the long sword, she still couldn't compete with Ouyang Jie's power.

Ouyang Jie's **** rotated slightly, and the long sword in Yun Menggu's hand appeared a strange arc!

With Ouyang Jie's bullet, the long sword in Yun Menggu's hand was torn apart, and that powerful force overturned the surrounding disciples and flew away.

"Okay! You are not my opponent, don't miss our good time! Come here! Tie her to me on a sedan chair!" Ouyang Jie waved at the disciples next to him, and then swayed away. The wing room.

Yun Menggu's mind was blank, she did not expect things to develop to such a point.

Yun Zhongzi, Yun Xiangyang, and the children of the Yun family watched Ouyang Jie taking away Yun Menggu, but they couldn't do anything.

In the Refining Sect at this time, lights and festoons had already been displayed, and red happy characters were posted everywhere.

Yunmenggu was carried to the main hall of Refining Sect in a sedan chair.

Ji Linxuan stood aside and looked at the wife who was supposed to belong to him, but she became his wife by ghost, and the feeling of this is self-evident.

The wedding went on in an orderly manner, but during the whole process, Yun Menggu was forcibly controlled by the two girls of the Refining Sect.

At this time, Yun Meng Gu's heart was ashamed, she knew that no matter how she struggled, she would not be able to get rid of Ouyang Jie's claws.

It would be better to follow the old man's wish, perhaps he could really save the Yun family.

And the second elder and third elder of the Refining Sect, although they were quite critical of this, they were afraid to speak up.

Ouyang Jie is only the great elder of the refining sect, and above the elders is a refining sect master at the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

However, because Lord Sect Master travels around the world all the year round, he has not appeared in the Refining Sect for a long time.

In addition, Ouyang Jie's strength is higher than the other two elders, so Ouyang Jie alone has the final say in the affairs of the entire sect.

The emcee stood on the side of the hall and shouted loudly, "Worship heaven and earth!"

"Second worship Gaotang!"

"Husband and wife worship!"

Because Ouyang Jie's parents are no longer alive, and Yunmenggu's father is still in the Yun family's jail, so the current Gaotang is the Yuelao picture scroll in the center of the hall.

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