Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1470: Misfortune to wife and children

Ouyang Jie's mother was named Nalan Rongruo, who came from a scholarly family and was kinder and knowledgeable.

Seeing her son forcing the daughter of a crane in the cloud like a wild man, she was quite critical about it.

And this is not the first time Ouyang Jie has done this. Nalan Rongruo has also persuaded him many times, but this kid Ouyang Jie did not take her words to heart.

Just repeatedly perfunctory Nalan Rongruo, "Don't worry, my old mother, your son is on his own!"

When Yun Menggu heard the emcee yelling "Women and Wife", Yun Menggu's whole body seemed to be stunned and stood up from the ground.

She tore off the hijab directly, and even tore the Feng Guanxia from her body!

"My aunt Yunmeng is dead, and I won't marry an old thing like you!"

After saying this, Yunmenggu, like an arrow from the string, slammed into a huge beam in the hall.

The sudden scene shocked everyone present.

There were no less than ten silver-level leaders in Dongcheng District, the central capital, who came to participate in the marriage of Ouyang Jie.

Among them are Fire Yunzong, Qilin Villa, Blood Sword Hall, Fenglei Pavilion, Unfeeling Valley, Death Valley and other major leaders and valley owners.

When they heard that Ouyang Jie was going to Yunmeng's concubine, they were all shocked.

Soon they got some news that Yun Zhonghe, the head of the Yun family, was controlled by the blood clan.

They were still very sympathetic to Yunmenggu at this time, but sympathy returned to sympathy!

Today they came to the Refining Sect to drink Ouyang Jie's wedding wine. Although Yun Menggu wanted to escape with death, they were sympathetic at best, and no one would stand up and speak for Yun Menggu.

This is the reality. Once the Yun Family Patriarch fell, no one would put their Yun Family in their eyes.

You must know that the Refining Artifact Sect is the largest silver-level force in the entire Eastern Capital Dongcheng District except for the Alchemist Association. Naturally, they are too late to cheat!

Ouyang Jie raised a smirk at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand, and a cyclone shot out from the palm of his hand.

"It's not that easy to want to die!"

The cyclone was like a rope, pulling back Yunmeng who was only a finger apart from Liang Zhu.

Ouyang Jie has been coveting Yun Menggu's beauty for a day or two, and the critical moment of the bridal chamber is about to come. How could Ouyang Jie let Yun Menggu die easily.

The emcee waved his hand and laughed, "Marriage will inevitably have bumps and bumps, but after all, it will be happy! Let us continue to witness the beautiful love of the bride and groom!"

"Husband and wife worship!"

Aunt Yunmeng is almost desperate, she now has no right to die.

At this moment, Ouyang Jie and Yun Menggu, who were full of tears, were kneeling in opposition!

When Ouyang Jie heard the instructions from the emcee, he naturally laughed from ear to ear, and quickly bowed himself.

However, Gu Yunmeng was like a wooden stake nailed to the ground, no matter how hard the two maids beside her worked hard, they couldn't let her worship.

She knew that once she lowered her head, it meant that she really became Ouyang Jie's wife!

She is unwilling, her heart is a hundred unwilling!

The atmosphere in the entire hall became extremely embarrassing!

The emcee couldn't help winking at the two maids beside Yunmeng Gu, but the two maids were helpless!

Yun Menggu slowly turned around, she looked out of the hall through her thin hijab!

She didn't know what she was waiting for, just ask who else could save her from the fire at this time!

The figure that flashed in her mind turned out to be Lin Tiancheng!

Perhaps the person she expected to appear in her shallow consciousness was Lin Tiancheng!

But how could this be possible? Lin Tiancheng saved himself from the blood of the blood race people. Whether he can get rid of it is still a question!

Ouyang Jie, with his head down, was also extremely embarrassed, after all, there were many other sect bosses sitting in this hall!

If Yunmeng aunt continues to stand in such a stalemate, it will be their entire refining sect who is ashamed!

"Bad girl, don't you want to save your father anymore? If you know you, hurry up and finish the wedding with me! Otherwise, I will kill your Yun family immediately!" Ouyang Jie whispered!

The figure staying in Yunmenggu's subconscious was so rebuked by Ouyang Jie that it dispersed like a bubble!

Two lines of clear tears flowed down her eyes, and her body moved slightly!


At this moment, a scream of killing came from outside the door.

Yun Zhongzi Yun Xiangyang took a dozen of Yun family disciples and directly joined the refining hall.

Yun Zhongzi squeezed the long sword, pointed at Ouyang Jie, and sternly shouted, "Old thief Ouyang, you don't know the shame, but you still want to marry my niece. I will fight with you today!"

"Yes! I don't want your stinky things, I want to fight with you!"

Yun Xiangyang threw the middle-grade spiritual weapon that Ouyang Jie had given him directly in front of Ouyang Jie, and drew a long sword from his waist.

After a lot of internal struggles, Yun Zhongzi decided to fight with these people from the Lianqi Sect.

If the eldest brother is not here, as Yun Zhongzi's younger brother, he should naturally protect his daughter and the children of the Yun family.

How could Yunmenggu be humiliated by the old man like Ouyang Jie?

At this time, even if the final strength of the Yun Family was exhausted, they would not hesitate.

Yun Xiangyang looked at Yun Menggu with a guilty expression on his face. In fact, he really didn't know that he had been making wedding dresses for the old thief Ouyang.

You had to know earlier that Ouyang Jie and his cousin were involved, even if he was killed, he would not do it.

Sudden changes caused the big sects who came to the wedding to stand up.

Aunt Yun Meng didn't expect that his uncle and cousin would actually come to save herself.

"Uncle, cousin, let's go! Menggu doesn't blame you!"

Gu Yunmeng knew that the dozens of Yun family children brought by Yun Zhongzi were all Yun family elites!

You know, Ouyang Jie has the strength of the mid-Gold Pill period, coupled with the two elders and third elders of the Refining Sect in the early period of the Gold Pill period standing on both sides, the appearance of Yun Zhongzi and others is simply seeking a dead end.

These children of the Yun family are already the last hope of the Yun family, and Yun Menggu doesn't want them to die in vain!

Ouyang Jie patted the dust on his knees, slowly stood up from the ground, waved his hands and smiled at the heads of the major sects, "Sit down, everyone! Let everyone laugh. I will deal with it soon. Okay, this thing!"

Ouyang Jie's words were so plain that he didn't seem to put Yun Zhongzi in his eyes at all.

He suddenly turned around and smiled and said to Yun Zhongzi, "Put down the sword in my hand, I will treat you as my in-laws, and a toast! Otherwise..."

Nalan Rongruo sat on the high hall, sighed and shook his head.

"Then what if I don't!" Yun Zhongzi took the long sword in his hand and took a step forward.

This sentence immediately caused a burst of laughter from the elders of the major sects.

Everyone knew that the Yun family had gone, and that Yun Zhongzi was just lingering.

They even dared to enter the Refining Artifact Sect, this is simply death.

The master of Fenglei Pavilion stood up and said to Yun Zhongzi, "Yun Zhongzi, in my opinion, Elder Ouyang and Yun Menggu are a match made in heaven! Now that your Yun family has gone, you can use this marriage to climb into the refining sect. , Maybe it can help you Yun Family come back to life!"

The elder of Huo Yun Sect, Su Yan, arched his hand at Yun Zhongzi, "In my opinion, it is better for Brother Yun to make peace with Elder Ouyang, otherwise, Brother Yun is afraid it will be difficult to get out of the Refining Sect!"


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