Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 141: Punish you

Su Yan of Huoyun Sect was kind, and kindly persuaded them to leave, or everyone would sit down and have a nice wedding drink!

Everyone can see that the general situation of the Yun family is gone, even if Yunzhonghe is here, it is impossible to deal with Ouyang Jie!

What's more, the Refining Artifact Sect is still the entire Dongcheng District of the central capital, except for the Alchemist Association, the largest silver rank power!

"Don't worry about you, today I just spared this old life, and I also want to take my niece away from the sea of ​​fire!" Yun Zhongzi raised the long sword in his hand, pointed at Ouyang Jie, and said loudly.

Ouyang Jie just smiled indifferently, "Interesting."

From beginning to end, Ouyang Jie did not take Yunzhongzi in his eyes!

Seeing Ouyang Jie's harmless appearance of humans and animals, Yun Zhongzi felt a suffocating killing intent, which made him couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

Yun Xiangyang was suppressed by this terrifying breath and took a few steps back.

Yun Menggu repeatedly tried to persuade her uncle and cousin to back down, but they seemed to have decided!

"Old thief Ouyang, look at the sword!"

Yun Zhongzi's figure burst out, and the true energy that spread from his body was extremely powerful, as if he had directly used his ultimate move.

However, Ouyang Jie just stopped, and his body shook suddenly!

With him as the center, a wave of air was formed that directly shattered the long sword in Yun Zhongzi's hand into powder.

Yun Zhongzi, who shot towards Ouyang Jie in the air, watched the long sword in his hand turn into powder, and had to turn his fist into a palm.

Ouyang Jie sneered, and directly confronted him.

The moment the two wide palms hit each other, the breath released from Ouyang Jie's body immediately annihilated the cloud neutrons like a tsunami.

In just one round, the strength gap between the mid-Jindan and the early-Jindan was fully manifested.

Yun Zhongzi fell on the ground and vomited blood, staring at Ouyang Jie with unwillingness in his eyes.

The elders of the major sects shook their heads one after another, showing contempt for Yun Zhongzi who fell on the ground.

"I said that you are not an opponent, so you have to toast and not eat fine wine!"

"Even if the crane in the cloud appears here, it is impossible to be the opponent of Elder Ouyang. What is a small cloud in the cloud?"

It really complies with the old saying: When people are in despair, even dogs want to bully you.

Before the accident, the Yun family could be compared with these sect forces, and some of them even had three points of fear of Yunzhonghe.

When Yun Xiangyang saw that his father was knocked down by Ouyang Jie, the sword he was holding tightly fell to the ground.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

Yun Xiangyang shivered, sat down on the ground, and kept moving outside the hall.

The place where his body moved unexpectedly left a long moist, stinking odor!

A disciple of the Refining Artifact Sect found that Yun Xiangyang was scared to pee, and couldn't help shouting, "Look, Yun Zhongzi's son was scared to pee!"

When this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Ouyang Jie walked slowly towards Yun Zhongzi, who fell to the ground, with a little killing intent in his eyes.

Yun Menggu ran over quickly, knelt in front of Ouyang Jie, and pleaded with him, "Please let my uncle and cousin go! I will agree to whatever you want me to do!"

"Bitch, you have to force me to do it, right?" Ouyang Jie snorted coldly, holding up his generous slap.

Ouyang Jie was also annoyed. Which of the women he had always liked was not always obedient to her!

Tell her to lie on her stomach, she must not be like a dog!

Tell her to kneel, and you must not treat Ouyang Jie as an ancestor!

But this aunt Yunmeng insisted on having trouble with herself, so Ouyang Jie naturally wanted to show her some color!

Even if Ouyang Jie's slap hadn't hit Yun Menggu's face, everyone could feel the strength of the slap.

They couldn't help but frown slightly, and even closed their eyes!

Yun Menggu is a well-known beauty in the entire Dongcheng District of Zhongdu. After this slap, her cheeks are still not enough.

Aunt Yunmeng bit her silver teeth and closed her eyes tightly, with tears showing through her eyes.

Just at this time! ! !

A large golden broadsword passed through the spacious refining hall, and stuck directly on top of Nalan Rongruo's head, less than a finger's distance away.

Above the blade, hot blood dripped onto Nalan Rongruo's face!

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Ouyang Jie's slap did not fall, but the palm of his right hand was directly shot through by the big golden broad sword, blood gurgling out.

"Who?" Ouyang Jie wiped the blood on his palms, his eyes revealed a murderous intent.


At this moment, there was a loud noise!

The door panels on both sides of the hall were shattered by a strong force!

Lin Tiancheng squeezed a disciple of the Refining Device Sect covered in blood in his left hand, and rushed in from outside the gate.

Lin Tian's achievements at this time seemed to crawl out of a pool of blood, and his eyes were as fierce as a tiger.

"Help, help!"

The disciple made the last faint cry for help among the two refiners pinched in Lin Tiancheng's palm.

Lin Tiancheng's gaze was like a torch, staring at Ouyang Jie, his sharp gaze revealed his murderous intent.

"Ouyang Jie, if you dare to hurt her a bit, I, Lin Tiancheng, will not punish you, and swear not to be a man!"

Ji Linxuan and Ji Lingfei took a step forward at the same time, pointing to Lin Tiancheng and said, "Master, he is Lin Tiancheng, and my Wumeng hammer was destroyed by him!"

Ouyang Jie quickly understood that the one who bullied his two apprentices and the one who wanted to marry Yun Menggu was Lin Tiancheng, and he was right in front of him!

Ouyang Jie wiped the blood from his fingertips onto his lips, and walked slowly towards Lin Tiancheng!

Seeing Ouyang Jie's posture, he was ready to take action against Lin Tiancheng.

However, Lin Tiancheng was not afraid of the danger, and instead squeezed two disciples of the Refining Device Sect covered in blood and walked over slowly.

"Let them go to me!" Ouyang Jie yelled softly. This is not a discussion with Lin Tiancheng, but an irresistible order.

Lin Tiancheng just snorted coldly, "Shameless old bastard!"

Only two crackling sounds were heard, and the two disciples in the refining device were really gone.


Extremely arrogant!

Lin Tiancheng actually killed Ouyang Jie's disciples like Tugou in front of Ouyang Jie, and even called Ouyang Jie an old cock!

The anger in Ouyang Jie's eyes increased again in vain.

Lin Tiancheng was not only making trouble in his marriage, but even slaughtering the disciples of Refining Tool Sect in front of him.

If he didn't frustrate Lin Tiancheng today, he would not be called Ouyang Jie.

This sudden scene can not help but let the big sects talk about it.

"Who is this kid? You dare to make trouble at the wedding of Master Ouyang, the training sect, it's really fatal!"

"This kid is simply looking for death, but he is just a kid in the middle stage of the development of veins!"

"Hehe! I really want to know how Elder Ouyang will deal with this kid!"

Yun Menggu was also stunned, she didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to appear here.

However, even if Lin Tiancheng appeared here now, she couldn't save her Yunmenggu.

Lin Tiancheng was only able to expand his mid-term strength, while Ouyang Jie was already a mid-Jindan power player, and the two were simply not comparable.

Lin Tiancheng was able to appear here, her heart was already very relieved!

Even Yun Zhongzi and Yun Xiangyang are not Ouyang Jie's opponents. What did Lin Tiancheng do against Ouyang Jie, and what did he use against the entire Refining Sect?


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