Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1472: Lin Tiancheng's Woman

Feeling the terrifying aura of Ouyang Jie, Yun Menggu shouted to Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, I understand your kindness. You are not his opponent. Go ahead."

Aunt Yunmeng never thought that Lin Tiancheng would come here to rescue him, she was extremely grateful.

However, he was too reckless.

With the strength of the mid-stage Tuomai, even if she comes to the Refining Sect, it will not save her life, but will harm her.

"You are my Lin Tiancheng's woman. Even if you die, I won't let you be defiled by this old cock." Lin Tiancheng's tone was cold, full of murderous aura.

She said she likes Yunmenggu, but that's not enough. However, Yun Menggu is indeed Lin Tiancheng's super charging treasure, and based on this alone, he will not ignore Yun Menggu.

If he didn't make a move, Yun Menggu would be defiled by Ouyang Jie, an old lewd stick, which Lin Tiancheng could not tolerate of course.

Yun Menggu's expression was a bit stunned, she didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to say that she was his woman.

You know, Lin Tiancheng is just a cultivator in the middle stage of the extension vein, and Yunmenggu has reached the golden core stage.

This feeling is like a weak person saying that Yun Menggu is his woman, and he wants to protect himself.

Feeling Lin Tiancheng's "dominant", Yun Menggu didn't want to refute, but her heart trembled.

At this time, Su Yan of the Fire Cloud Sect stood up and shouted to Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, don't kneel down and apologize to Elder Ouyang, you are looking for death!"

He had heard of the name Lin Tiancheng from his daughter.

Su Lan had already told her father Su Yan about Lin Tiancheng saving her life in Qiyunfeng Chiyang Crystal Mine.

When Su Yan knew that the kid at this arrogant moment was Lin Tiancheng, he wanted to help him, after all, Lin Tiancheng had saved his daughter's life.

Of course, there is the possibility of the same name and surname, and Su Yan still wants to save Lin Tiancheng's life.

"The Refining Device Zong bullied the weak and fell into trouble with the Yun family. The old thief Ouyang was disrespectful and forced the women of the good family. Not only did you not sneer at this ugly behavior, you actually helped you to abuse! Don't you feel shameful?"

Su Yan was suddenly speechless by Lin Tiancheng, his face flushed.

"Huh! I don't know what is good or bad guy, I originally thought that your cultivation is not easy, and I want you to retreat if you want to die. If you want to die so, I won't stop you!" Su Yan shook his sleeves angrily and sat in the original position. .

A dozen other sect bosses also glared at Lin Tiancheng eagerly.

"Elder Ouyang, kill this kid."

"I don't have much abilities, and my tone is not small. Elder Ouyang is afraid of getting his hands dirty, I am willing to do it for you!"

Lin Tiancheng not only offended Ouyang Jie, but even angered the public.

You really won't die if you don't do it!

Ouyang Jie was indeed annoyed, his figure resembled a cheetah full of power, and his true Qi power surged towards Lin Tiancheng at the same time.

Na Ran Rongruo suddenly stood up from his seat, and couldn't help muttering, "Inflict evil! Make evil!"

She didn't want her son to be killed or tyrannical, but she was powerless.

Yun Zhongzi, who fell in a pool of blood, shouted to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, you go! You are not his opponent."

Lin Tiancheng did not retreat but moved forward, and Shi unfolded the "Dali Pian Fa Jue" in Xuanjie's "Nine Transitions to Sheng Jue". When his fist hit Ouyang Jie's palm, the humerus made a crisp sound.


A strange arc appeared in Lin Tiancheng's right hand, bone stubble pierced the skin, and blood splashed on Lin Tiancheng's face.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ouyang Jie's mouth, "Boy, you don't want to get out of the Refining Sect alive today."

Seeing this scene, Yun Menggu paled and shouted hysterically, "Idiot, you go! I don't care about it."

She wanted to kill Ouyang Jie, and even die with her, but at this time she was controlled by the second and third elders of the Refining Sect.

Even with a fractured right hand, Lin Tiancheng didn't look painful, but instead rushed forward.

He almost concentrated his entire body's zhenqi power on his shoulders, and at the same time, "Strong Pian Fa Jue" was at its fullest.

At this moment, Ouyang Jie's chest and Lin Tiancheng's shoulder were only a finger apart, and he realized that it was too late for his negligence.


The cold hair on Ouyang Jie's whole body stood up, and a sense of horror hit the Tianling Gai from the tail vertebrae.

Everyone thought that Ouyang Jie was going to slap Lin Tiancheng to death, but the fact is that Ouyang Jie's body seemed to be hit by a wild beast and flew out.

At the same time, his chest was also sunken at this time, which made everyone gasp.

However, Ouyang Jie quickly stabilized his figure. He wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth and sneered, "It's interesting!"

Suddenly, a strange wind blew up the entire hall, and the breath of Ouyang Jie completely submerged Lin Tiancheng like a vast ocean.

Except for Lin Tiancheng, almost everyone was shocked at this time.

The strength of Ouyang Jie Jin Dan's mid-term is not in vain, and he has not yet sacrificed his high-grade spirit weapon.

Lin Tiancheng suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and even the zhenqi in his body couldn't work like a sticky colloid.

Ouyang Jie was suspended in the air, staring at Lin Tiancheng with cold eyes, like a **** of death descending.



"Is that the end?"

In the face of real strength, no matter how Lin Tiancheng struggles, he can't break free of the shackles of this fate.

"It's a pity! This kid has reached the strength of the middle stage of Tuomai at a young age, but he is too arrogant!"

"Indeed! However, he can only be blamed for being defiant! He even uttered wild words to slander Elder Ouyang, and even I am waiting!"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng was right about this matter.

Of course, all the leaders also know that Ouyang Jie is an old and disrespectful, daring, and even downplays the Yun family.

However, he has great strength.

With this alone, he can use white as black and deer as horse!

And Lin Tiancheng has no strength, even if he is really white, everyone will only close their eyes and say that he is black.

Lin Tiancheng tried his best, and with a bite of his silver teeth, he finally started the "Body Protection" legal decision.

However, Ouyang Jie's fist almost used the power of tearing the void to bombard Lin Tiancheng's dark yellow shield.

Compared with the great power that Lin Tiancheng had just used, this power was more than several times that of it.

The dark yellow shield fell apart in a moment, and this powerful force immediately caused Lin Tiancheng's seven orifices to bleed!

He wanted to dodge quickly, but the true energy in his body was completely suppressed by Ouyang Jie's breath!

This fist literally landed on Lin Tiancheng's chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out!

Yun Zhongzi, who fell in a pool of blood, thumped his chest and his eyes were bloodshot, "Stop! Old thief Ouyang, you must die!"

"Ouyang Jie, I promise you, no matter what you ask me to do, I will promise you! Please spare his life!"

Unable to break free from the shackles of the second and third elders, Yun Menggu had to kneel on the ground and kowtow to Ouyang Jie!

Soon, Yun Menggu's forehead was knocked to pieces by her, and the blood was flowing.

This is the first time Yun Menggu cried, and it was for a man, a man whose strength was far inferior to her!

She cried so much that the blood on her forehead couldn't stop flowing out!

Nalan Rongruo saw her eyes hurt in her heart, she had some difficulty holding her chest and even breathing!


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