Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1473: I'm late

After Lin Tiancheng was hit by Ouyang Jie's punch, he collapsed in a pool of blood like Yun Zhongzi, and his injuries were even more serious!

Ouyang Jie's anger towards Lin Tiancheng has reached its extreme, so he did not reserve the punch just now, and almost punched Lin Tiancheng's chest!

At this time, no matter how Yun Menggu begged Lin Tiancheng for mercy, Ouyang Jie would be indifferent!

It is a foregone conclusion that Yun Menggu will marry Ouyang Jie, and Lin Tiancheng's life is just a little embellishment on this wedding.

Ouyang Jie stepped on Lin Tiancheng's chest, and directly attracted Lin Tiancheng's Tai A sword that was flying above the hall!

"A high-grade spiritual weapon! It's a pity that I followed the wrong owner! Go to hell!"

Without even blinking his eyes, Ouyang Jie raised Tai'a sword high and pierced Lin Tiancheng's chest!

Upon seeing this, Yun Menggu almost fainted, her petite body convulsing constantly, tears had already wetted her makeup.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous snowflake in the hall broke the silence!

The cultivators of the entire hall seemed to have suddenly arrived in the extremely cold place of the ice and snow.

There were more and more ice debris on Ouyang Jie's body, and the ice layer quickly crawled all over his body like vines, and in an instant it froze him into a sculpture.

"Menggu, Tiancheng, I'm late!"

In a daze, Lin Tiancheng saw a black shadow passing by his side.

The next moment, Ouyang Jie, frozen into a sculpture, bombarded the corner of the hall like a cannonball.

"Crane in the cloud!"

The masters of all major cultivation masters all stared at this old man who suddenly appeared!

Everyone knows that the blood clan captured the Yun family and imprisoned Yunzhonghe.

So, why is he here now?

Moreover, the breath did not feel any signs of injury at all.

"Father!" Aunt Yunmeng wiped the wet corners of her eyes, wondering if it was blood or tears.

It seemed that Lin Tiancheng really rescued his father from the blood clan.

She realized that not only her, but also her uncle, everyone underestimated Lin Tiancheng.

Your father is right, he didn't mistake Lin Tiancheng.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was still lying in a pool of blood, dying, but his eyes revealed unwillingness and rebelliousness.

What kind of man was this, Yun Menggu couldn't see through at all.

After the second and third elders saw Yun Zhonghe, their control over Yun Menggu was much lighter.

The two elders were also not ashamed of Ouyang Jie's behavior of eating tender grass.

However, Ouyang Jie was the great elder of the Refining Sect, and his strength also overwhelmed them.

In addition, the refining sect master is not in the sect all the time, so Ouyang Jie almost monopolizes the power, and the two elders have no right to speak.

If they can, they don't want the Refining Tool Sect and the Yun Family to forge Liangzi.

Gu Yunmeng broke away from the control of the two elders immediately, and walked quickly to Lin Tiancheng.

Regardless of the muddy blood stains dirtying the clothes, Yun Menggu directly pounced on Lin Tiancheng's body.

She looked at Lin Tiancheng's fractured right hand and the deeply sunken chest, her lips trembled.

She put Lin Tiancheng in her arms and kept talking to him, for fear that he would fall asleep like this and would never survive.

\"Lin Tiancheng, you can't die, don't you keep saying that I am your person? As long as you can live, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you, as a slave.\" Lin Tiancheng's internal organs have been affected by Ouyang Jie's severe damage, even if Yun Menggu swayed slightly, the blood could not stop spilling from his mouth.

Yun Zhonghe patted Yun Menggu's shoulder, then squatted down, pouring the true energy into Lin Tiancheng's body, protecting his heart.

Lin Tiancheng was seriously injured, and even his internal organs were destroyed by Ouyang Jie's punch, and there was only one last breath left.

"Protect Tiancheng, I will take you away later."

Yun Zhonghe was grateful to Lin Tiancheng.

Had it not been for Lin Tiancheng to come forward, I'm afraid Yun Zhonghe would have spent the rest of his life in the Yun family's sky prison.

Not only that, after Lin Tiancheng rescued Yunzhonghe, he even spared his life to protect her daughter!

Yun Zhonghe already had a decision in his heart, as long as they can get out of the Refining Sect alive today, then he will definitely give way to Lin Tiancheng, the head of the Yun family, and follow him loyally.

Ouyang Jie's body shook suddenly, the thick ice layer on his body burst open, and his body was intact by the palm of the cloud crane.

He walked slowly toward the cloud crane, without showing the slightest fear on his face!

You know, he also has the strength of the golden core mid-term, and also has a frightening high-grade spiritual weapon.

Yunzhonghe is the father of Yunmenggu. Logically speaking, Ouyang Jie should call Yunzhonghe "Father-in-law"!

However, things have reached this stage, and Yun Zhonghe cannot recognize Ouyang Jie as his son-in-law.

Ouyang Jie didn't mind taking a little effort to kill Yunzhonghe, and then marrying Yunmenggu as his wife.

Even though this is a bit of injustice, but Ouyang Jie has done a lot of injustices. There is no more than one, and one less is a lot.

"Haha! Yunzhonghe, are you here to drink the wedding wine between me and Menggu?" Ouyang Jie walked slowly towards Yunzhonghe with a smile on his face.

"Old thief Ouyang, the old man is here to give you the end today!" Yun Zhonghe's true Qi power surged like a wave.

Although the Yun family was hit hard by the blood clan, it wouldn't be so bullied by others!

This must be put in the past, with the status of Refining Artifact Sect in the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, Yunzhonghe really did not dare to run into the Qi Refining Sect to go wild!

But for today's matter, even if the Sect Master of Refining Tools came forward, he would kill Ouyang Jie, an old cunt.

Some other sect bosses felt the strong smell of gunpowder and stood up one after another.

When the Yun family was killed, they did not help. Instead, they drank the wedding wine between Yunzhong and their daughter.

They are naturally worried about Patriarch Yun's revenge!

Yunzhonghe's strength is also not for Xiaoxu. It is difficult for everyone to decide who is better than Ouyang Jie.

What the big sects need to do is, of course, not to be guilty of both sides, to be a good man, so that he can be alone.

If Crane in the Clouds defeated Ouyang Jie, he would definitely settle accounts with these heads who came to have a wedding drink in the future.

"Patriarch Yun, the Yun family was oppressed by the blood clan, and we deeply sympathize! Elder Ouyang did a little too much in this matter today! In my opinion, everyone sat down and had a cup of tea in a friendly manner. Don't hold it!"

"That's right! We are all of the same generation, there is no need to make a red face about this matter! Moreover, if we continue to make trouble, I am afraid that we will only lose out!"

A giant ice axe appeared out of thin air in Yun Zhonghe’s left hand, and he scolded these polite guys: "Shut up! Why didn't you say that when this old thief Ouyang bullied my daughter? When he wanted to kill Lin Tiancheng, Why don't you say that? Today, if anyone dares to say anything, I will let him be buried with Ouyang Jie!"

These big sect lords stepped back one after another, never daring to say a word.

"Yunzhonghe, you are too big! Is it because Ouyang Jie is really afraid that you will not succeed?"

"Master, let our two brothers deal with this old guy!" Ji Linxuan, Ji Linfei holding a middle-grade spiritual weapon in his hand, immediately rushed out.

As Ouyang Jie's apprentices, they couldn't watch Yun Zhonghe act on Master.

The crane in the cloud stretched his ten fingers, and two sharp chills spread from the palm of his hand, and the temperature of the entire hall dropped a bit.

Brothers Ji Linxuan and Ji Linfei felt the endless killing intent and quickly took out two middle-grade spirit weapons.

Because Ji Linxuan's Wumeng Hammer was destroyed by Lin Tiancheng, Ouyang Jie rebuilt a Wumeng Hammer for him!

Although the names of the two hammers are the same, the spirit beast souls imprisoned in the Wumeng Hammer are very different.

Chapters 1469 to 1471 have been revised. Well known.


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