Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1479: Naranjongru

Realizing that the sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand hadn't been cut off, Ouyang Jie struggled and turned around, with a smug look on his face!

"I think you really have this ability, but you're just a slapstick!"

There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death, no matter how reckless Lin Tiancheng is, he does not have the guts to be an enemy of the entire Refining Sect!

However, when Ouyang Jie completely turned around, the arrogant smile on his face suddenly froze, and the only eyeball was bloodshot!

"Mother!" He looked at Nalan Rongruo with sorrow.

It turned out that just when Lin Tiancheng’s Tai A sword fell, Nalan Rongruo was eager to save his son, and he knelt directly in front of Lin Tiancheng, and forcibly carried Lin Tiancheng’s sharp Tai A sword on his shoulders. !

The sudden scene even Lin Tiancheng did not expect!

However, fortunately, Lin Tiancheng managed to control the strength of Tai'a Jian in time, otherwise, Nalan Rongruo would most likely be cut in half by Lin Tiancheng.

Tai Ajian fell on Nalan Rongruo's shoulder, but the blood splashed onto Ouyang Jie's face!

"Young man, I'm just such a son, please spare his life! If you must be held accountable, the old man is willing to pay for his life!"

The tears in Nalan Rongruo's eyes fell rustlingly, her hands were actually placed on Lin Tiancheng's Tai'a sword, and she kept pressing down.

At this time, not only her shoulders spilled blood, but her hands were also covered with blood!

Lin Tiancheng did not expect that a wicked person like Ouyang Jie would have a mother who loved him so much!

He drew the sword from Nalan Rongruo's shoulder in time, and said in a cold voice, "This matter has nothing to do with you. This is a sin committed by your son and should be borne by him alone!"

"Mother? What are you doing?" Ouyang Jie's lips trembled. He didn't expect that his mother would not hesitate to exchange her life for himself.

Although Ouyang Jie was evil, he was very filial to his mother.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng actually draped Tai'a sword on his mother's shoulders, Ouyang Jie struggled to stand up and teach Lin Tiancheng.

Nalan Rongruo sternly shouted to his son, "Shut up! You bastard, how many times do you want me to say it before you are willing to listen to me! If you don't want to repent this time, I will only die to make up for you. Sins committed!"

The child does not teach, the father too!

As Ouyang Jie's mother, Nalan Rongruo was at fault for not educating him well and making him a great villain.

"Today, if you don't know how to repent, one day you will die under the sword of others! How can you let me as a mother face your father under the yellow spring?"

Nalan Rongruo couldn't help crying, and slapped her desperate son, regardless of her injuries.

The second and third elders of Refining Sect stabbed Lin Tiancheng with long swords in their hands.

"Boy, toast, not to eat fine wine, watch the sword!"

In the eyes of the second and third elders, Ouyang Jie was punished due to his fault.

If Lin Tiancheng continues to be reasonable and unforgiving, then he is deliberately provoking the Refining Device Sect!

Of course, the second elder and the third elder can't let him be forgotten here.

When Lin Tiancheng was about to turn the derivation of the Nine Transformation to Life Secret Art to the extreme, the aura of heaven and earth in the whole hall poured into Lin Tiancheng's meridians like sea water poured in!

Lin Tiancheng knew that with his strength at the pinnacle of the expansion period, it was impossible to deal with the two strong players in the early Jindan period.

But he still didn't want to back down, even if he burned with them, he would not hesitate.

Aunt Yunmeng frowned, her slender jade hands propped on her chest, and she stood up straight, resisting the pain, "Tiancheng, I will help you!"

Lin Tiancheng can regard death as home for Yun Menggu, so Yun Menggu is willing to go with death.

I saw Nalan Rongruo, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly pulling out a black dagger from his cuff and lay it across his neck!

The sharp part of the dagger has let the skin seep blood.

"Stop! The second elder, the third elder, my son has done a lot of evil and deserves to be punished accordingly. If you attack this young man again, then you will be abusing him!"

Seeing that his mother was so decisive, Ouyang Jie immediately shouted at the second and third elders, "Get back, get back! Let them go."

Nalan Rongruo is Ouyang Jie's only relative in this world, and Ouyang Jie is actually quite filial to his mother.

Seeing that his mother was forced to die, Ouyang Jie finally shed tears of repentance.

He threw himself into his mother's arms as hard as he could, like a child who had made a mistake.

"Mother, no, Jie'er is wrong, Jie'er is willing to accept any punishment!"

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

They didn't expect that Nalan Rongruo, Ouyang Jie's mother, was such an upright, righteous woman.

Nalanrong patted Ouyang Jie's back with her blood-filled right hand, unexpectedly humming a nursery rhyme.

Seeing such a warm scene, even if Ouyang Jie and Lin Tiancheng hate to take their wives, Lin Tiancheng can no longer do it.

Now, the second elder and third elder in the refining device are no longer able to stop Lin Tiancheng and others!

Lin Tiancheng walked to Yunmenggu's side and supported her, and said to the disciples of the Yun family, "Let's go!"

Yunzhonghe's breath was already extremely weak, his skin was already black and purple because of the poison of the dark night spirit python.

Yun Zhongzi was not much better either. He was hit by Ouyang Jie and almost didn't kill him on the spot.

On the contrary, Lin Tiancheng had been dealing with Ouyang Jie for so long only by relying on the strength of the Tuomai Period, and he actually looked like a okay person.

But before Lin Tiancheng stepped out of the hall, Su Yan in the fire cloud hurried over, "Young man, please stay!"

Before, Su Yan's daughter said that Lin Tiancheng defeated the two brothers Ji Linxuan and Ji Linfei in the refining device with her own power, and even rescued him from the cave of the fire unicorn. He was quite suspicious of this.

To this day, Lin Tiancheng's outstanding performance has completely convinced Su Yan.

He thought that relying on his mid-level golden core strength and the will of fire, he could never be Ouyang Jie's opponent.

But Lin Tiancheng did it.

"Is there anything going on, senior?" Lin Tiancheng stopped and looked at Su Yan in confusion.

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"Do young people know my daughter Su Lan?"

Although Su Yan knew that the young man in front of him was Lin Tiancheng, he was not sure whether he was the same Lin Tiancheng as his daughter said.

"Su Lan! So, you are Sect Master Huoyun!" Lin Tiancheng quickly nodded at Su Yan in respect.

Because there are some unexplainable misunderstandings between Lin Tiancheng and Su Lan, they are naturally very familiar with this name.

It suddenly dawned on him, no wonder Senior Su Yan had just been persuading himself not to be reckless, because he was Su Lan's father.

Su Yan seemed to have guessed Lin Tiancheng's thoughts, and said with a smile, "I underestimated Tiancheng's strength. Tiancheng must not blame me for not helping!"

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, didn't Senior Su Yan just know that I met your daughter? Besides, I'm not afraid to wear shoes when I'm barefoot! If Huo Yunzong gets involved, it might be even more troublesome!"

Su Yan nodded with great satisfaction, "Yes, not bad! At a young age, she is not only strong, but also brilliant. My daughter can know a friend like you. I am a father who is happy for her!"

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