Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1480: Power shortage

"Sorry, senior, my friend is injured, I will take her back for treatment now! If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely visit Huoyun Sect!"

Huoyun Sect Master Su Yan was embarrassed, "Tiancheng, can you take a step to speak, at most half an hour?"

Yun Menggu nodded at Lin Tiancheng and motioned to let him go!

Lin Tiancheng followed Su Yan to the corner of the hall!

The look on Su Yan's face became extremely solemn, and he said earnestly, "Tiancheng, since you are Su Lan's friend, then I won't go around with you!"

"Yeah!" Lin Tiancheng nodded.

"I want to know if you really have a soul tree?"

Su Yan's words immediately made Lin Tiancheng more vigilant!

The soul-raising tree is one of the three sacred trees, which can enhance people's spiritual consciousness and cultivate the soul!

This kind of heaven and earth treasure is extremely rare in the entire cultivation world, and it is understandable that Su Yan will focus on Lin Tiancheng's Soul Cultivation Tree.

Lin Tiancheng consumed a lot of electricity to open up the black land and purchase the seeds of the soul-raising tree.

Despite the nourishment of the black earth, the soul-nourishing tree still grows slowly, and it must be a thousand-year-old tree to be truly fruitful.

Therefore, even if Lin Tiancheng had a soul-raising tree, he would not easily give it to others.

If Su Yan wants to take advantage of Su Lan and his friends, then Lin Tiancheng must of course be more vigilant.

Su Yan noticed the change in Lin Tiancheng’s expression and quickly explained, “Maybe my daughter has not told you about her mother! My wife got a strange disease in her early years, and her spiritual consciousness was greatly affected. Injury, she has been lying on the sickbed for nearly three years..."

Su Yan and Lin Tiancheng talked about his wife's misfortune.

Su Yan believes that the soul-raising tree can enhance spiritual consciousness, so it is possible to save his wife and wake her from her deep sleep.

He even offered a condition, as long as Lin Tiancheng is willing to give him the soul-raising tree, Su Yan is willing to agree to all Lin Tiancheng's conditions.

"The most precious thing in my Fire Cloud Sect is the Profound Rank Cultivation Method Fire Flame Art. But if you want to cultivate this technique, you must have the Will of Fire of my Su family. However, in addition to this technique, I Fire Cloud Sect also has other profound-level fire attribute techniques! As long as you are willing to give me the soul-raising wood, I am willing to teach you all these techniques!"

Su Yan counted the high-level exercises and treasures of their Fire Cloud Sect one by one, and tempted Lin Tian to sell the soul-raising tree.

In Su Yan's view, although the soul-raising wood is important, it is not a priceless treasure.

Relatively speaking, its function is relatively simple, enhancing spiritual consciousness and conserving soul.

With Lin Tiancheng's current strength, his consciousness is already strong enough!

Therefore, compared to the fire attribute exercise methods given by Su Yan, the soul-raising tree is not so crucial to Lin Tiancheng.

He felt that Lin Tiancheng would not refuse his terms.

The mysterious rank fire attribute technique, even if it is put in the whole, is the dream of many cultivators.

But Lin Tiancheng refused without hesitation, which shocked Su Yan.

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"I'm really sorry, senior! The soul-raising wood is very precious to me, I have never thought of giving it to others!"

If Huoyun Sect Master Su Yan knew that Lin Tiancheng had already learned the supreme Huoyan Sect technique, Fire Flame Art, and the power he displayed was not weaker than that of their Su Clan, I would be shocked and speechless for a long time.

Therefore, the huge temptation given by Su Yan became unnecessary in front of Lin Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, you don’t have to give me an answer so quickly. You may have just stepped into the Dongcheng District of Zhongdu, and you don’t know our Huoyun Sect and the Huoyun Sect’s exercises! When you understand, you might want to talk to me. Make this deal!"

The Fire Attribute Cultivation Technique of the Fire Cloud School is extremely famous throughout.

Cultivators who want to obtain their Fire Cloud Sect's fire attribute exercises are eager for them.

"No, I'm determined, seniors don't have to say any more!" Lin Tiancheng refused again without hesitation.

When he was about to leave, he saw Su Yan's extremely disappointed expression, so he left a sentence, "Junior is not talented, knows a little about alchemy. If the lord doesn't mind, he can diagnose Madam Ling at that time. Something!"

Su Lan is Lin Tiancheng's friend. Because of some misunderstandings with her, Lin Tiancheng still feels guilty.

If Su Lan's mother's illness can be cured, Lin Tiancheng must also be able to completely eliminate the misunderstanding between Su Lan and Su Lan.

However, the biggest problem before him is that Lin Tiancheng's battery is in a hurry.

He still has 6 batteries left. Aunt Yunmeng was seriously injured, and she had made some transactions with the blood mother-in-law, and needed to be charged now.

With regard to the poisonous Yun Zhonghe, he was so angry that he could not return to the Yun family. It was still a question of whether Lin Tiancheng could help.

Preliminary analysis shows that Lin Tiancheng has made great contributions to the Yun family, and Yun Mengyao should fulfill the promise he made to him.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng leaving behind, Su Yan never understood why Lin Tiancheng would reject him!

"It seems that my daughter can only find this kid! If it still fails, then I can only do it myself!"

In the Fire Cloud Sect!

Su Lan, the girl heard that Lin Tiancheng had arrived in the central capital, immediately dropped the practice sword and ran towards Su Yan quickly.

She looked at Su Yan expectantly, "Father, is what you said is true? Lin Tiancheng really came to China?"

Although Su Lan still had a grudge against Lin Tiancheng, it is an indisputable fact that Lin Tiancheng saved her life.

And afterwards, she went through the whole thing in detail, and felt that Lin Tiancheng didn't mean to offend herself.

If he really wants to offend himself, there is no need to enter the Chiyang Crystal Mine with himself, putting himself in danger.

"Huh!" Su Yan was a little shocked by the emotional reaction of his daughter.

"Su Lan, let me ask you, is your relationship with Lin Tiancheng deep?" Su Yan pressed his broad palm against Su Lan's shoulder.

Su Lan frowned slightly, pulling her fingers on her chest, and said weakly, "I have had some holidays with him, and I am not a friend!"

Su Yan squeezed a fist with his right hand, slammed his left palm together, and suddenly realized, "No wonder that kid didn't agree to my terms. It turns out that you and him had some holidays!"

Su Lan looked at Su Yan puzzledly.

Su Yan took Su Lan to the stone pavilion aside and sat down.

He explained all the things he saw about Lin Tiancheng in the Refining Sect in detail.

Seeing Su Lan's expression, it was as if he was listening to a myth and legend.

"You mean Lin Tiancheng defeated Ouyang Jie of Refining Sect?"

Su Yan nodded heavily. If he hadn't seen this with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it was a fact.

"This is not the point. The point is that this kid has a soul-raising tree on his body. He can save your mother!"

Su Yan once again explained in detail his offer to Lin Tiancheng for a deal.

"Lan'er, the soul-raising tree is a great tonic for the divine consciousness. If your mother can get it, she will definitely be able to wake up from her deep sleep! Since Lin Tiancheng is willing to come to our Fire Cloud Sect, then he will definitely treat you Be a friend. Therefore, I hope that no matter what method you use, you must relieve the feast between you and Lin Tiancheng and let him agree to hand over the soul-raising wood!"

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