Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1484: Betting

"You..." Head Mu's face was as ugly as Ji Xiang!

Gu Chengwu was frightened by Lin Tiancheng's words. It was the first time that he saw Lin Tiancheng so reckless, that he even dared not pay attention to a strong man in the middle of Jin Dan!

Mother-in-law's reaction was slightly better than Gu Chengwu, but she was also shocked by Lin Tiancheng's answer!

What an arrogant kid, even the blood mother-in-law must be polite to him with the strength and financial resources of the leader!

Head Mu's fists creaked, and both Mother Blood and Gu Chengwu thought he was going to do something to Lin Tiancheng!

However, Head Mu slammed a fist on the tabletop, and sat down in the original position again, saying, "Boy, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this! Look at the **** mother-in-law. For the sake of your face, I don’t care about you!"

Afterwards, Head Mu turned his gaze to the pile of spirit crystals that Mother-in-law Blood threw to Lin Tiancheng, "If this is the case, you dare to make a bet with me!"

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The Bloodthirsty Mercenary Group is an organization of nearly a thousand people. It costs a lot of money every day. A full 200 spirit crystals is not a trivial matter, and Head Mu certainly doesn't want to miss it.

Lin Tiancheng calmed down a little, "Please speak!"

"I bet you can't get the Spirit Gathering Fruit!" Head Mu said arrogantly, spreading his hands.

From beginning to end, he didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could take out the Spirit Gathering Fruit.

After all, Spirit Gathering Fruit is not something that everyone can see, let alone get it.

Even Head Mu, a veteran who has been in and out of the realm of confusion all year round, only occasionally saw the Spirit Gathering Fruit once or twice.

Moreover, such extraordinary heaven and earth spiritual materials are generally guarded by extremely powerful spirit beasts.

Therefore, the head of Mu received the order of the blood mother-in-law but made a great determination.

By now, their bloodthirsty mercenary group had already paid the price of five lives. Although they had been compensated to some extent, he still didn't want to give up.

"What a gambling method?"

"It's very simple, if you can't take out the Spirit Gathering Fruit, these 200 spirit crystals are mine!" Head Mu pointed to the pile of spirit crystals on the table emitting a faint glow and said.

"Then what if I take it out?"

"If you can really get it, I will give you 200 spiritual crystals, and I will never regret it!"

An imperceptible smile flicked across Lin Tiancheng's mouth, "Yes! However, these spirit crystals are my transaction with the blood mother, not Lin Tiancheng! But as long as I lose, I will also pay you 200 A second-order spirit crystal!"

Although Lin Tiancheng still has 18 electricity left, it is completely impossible to buy the Gathering Fruit Seed that consumes 20 electricity, but Lin Tiancheng is sure to charge the electricity from Yun Mengyao.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was so sure of Mother Blood, she naturally smiled.

As long as Lin Tiancheng is willing to take out the Spirit Gathering Fruit, she will have the opportunity to break through her strength to the peak of the Golden Core Stage!

In this way, even if the cranes in the cloud are released and the forces of the Yun family are not annexed, their blood clan can still gain a foothold in the capital.

You know, the sign of the Silver rank power is to have a strong man of the Golden Core period within the sphere of influence.

If the blood mother can break through to the golden core stage peak realm, in time, their blood clan will definitely be able to become a refining weapon sect, or an existence like the alchemist association.

"Okay! If this is the case, then I will be a witness. If anyone loses, they must fulfill their promises!" The girl next to you, mother-in-law, gave a wink and motioned to her to collect the 200 spiritual crystals.

Gu Chengwu stared at Lin Tiancheng with a smile, "Tiancheng, hurry up and take your baby out for everyone to see!"

Gu Chengwu also wanted to know if Lin Tiancheng really had a spiritual gathering!

Lin Tiancheng stood up and said with a smile, "Sorry, I can't take it out yet!"

Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng currently only has 18 electricity. Even if he has enough electricity, it will take a certain amount of time to buy the seeds of the Spirit Gathering Fruit and to grow the Spirit Gathering Fruit on the red soil.

Head Mu was furious, and this time he slammed his punch on the table top, and he stood up awkwardly, "You kid **** me?"

The blood mother thought that Lin Tiancheng was showing off and winked at him, "Tiancheng, don't joke with everyone, if you have one, please take it out quickly! Otherwise, I will annoy Commander Mu, and I won't be able to save it. you!"

If Lin Tiancheng really couldn't get the Spirit Gathering Fruit this time, then he had made it clear that he was the leader of the game.

The fact that Head Mu was able to suppress his anger just now was already up to the blood mother-in-law's face.

And Lin Tiancheng still doesn't know how to repent, and if he continues to play with the head of Mu, the blood mother-in-law is not good to come forward to intercede.

In her heart, she still hoped that Lin Tiancheng was joking, after all, if Lin Tiancheng really had Spirit Gathering Fruit, it would naturally be of greatest benefit to her.

Gu Chengwu walked to Lin Tiancheng's side, put his hand on her body, and whispered, "Tiancheng, you can't play around with leader Mu, his status in Dongcheng District, Zhongdu is not low!"

"It seems that you kid is deliberately finding fault with me. If this is the case, you will not only fulfill the bet, but also accept a small punishment from me!" Head Mu squeezed his wrist, revealing a hideous face.

Afterwards, he said to the **** mother-in-law, "It looks like this kid is your friend, but he was rude to me just now. I have forgotten him for your face!

This time I want to abolish one of his hands. If you want to obstruct it, then it is an enemy of my bloodthirsty mercenary group! "

The blood mother opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say!

What Mission Leader Mu said was entirely reasonable, he had already given Lin Tiancheng a chance, and it was Lin Tiancheng who took the blame.

Seeing that the situation is a bit urgent, Gu Chengwu shook Lin Tiancheng's arm and hurriedly urged, "Tiancheng, don't be stupid, take it out soon!"

Lin Tiancheng broke free of Gu Chengwu's arm, walked up to the head of Mu without hurries, and said with a smile, "My bet with the head of Mu is true, but he did not agree to take it out. Time to gather spirit fruit!"

Head Mu's cheekbones trembled slightly, "What do you mean?"

Head Mu was still a little surprised at Lin Tiancheng's composure.

He had already indicated that he would cut off one of Lin Tiancheng's arms, but Lin Tiancheng was still able to walk towards him with a calm expression, as if he really had a spiritual gathering fruit.

Lin Tiancheng raised three fingers at Head Mu, "As long as you give me three days, within three days, I will definitely hand over the Spirit Gathering Fruit! So, I did not violate the gambling agreement, nor did I play games. Head Mu meant that the meeting will naturally come after three days!"

"For three days, your kid didn't want to break into the realm of confusion alone to find the Spirit Gathering Fruit?" Seeing Lin Tiancheng's words, the head of Mu eased a little.

Lin Tiancheng was right to say that. When they made the gambling contract, they did not specify the time for gathering the spirit fruit.

Moreover, Lin Tiancheng did not say too much time.

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