Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1485: Three days later

Since the black soil has already planted the soul-raising tree, the seeds of the soul-gathering fruit can only be planted on the red soil.

The three-day period is indeed a bit hasty, and applying some fertilizer on the red soil should be enough.

Head Mu, however, mistakenly thought that Lin Tiancheng wanted to break into the realm of confusion alone to find the Spirit Gathering Fruit.

After all, in the cognition of Head Mu, only the Zhonghuan area, which has the reputation of Blurring, has the Spirit Gathering Fruit, and there are extremely powerful spirit beast guardians.

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and said, "As for how to obtain the Spirit Gathering Fruit, Leader Mu doesn't have to worry about it. After three days, he will still be in Yunfu, and then Leader Mu will know if Lin Tiancheng is playing with you!"

Head Mu frowned and thought for a while, "That won't work, unless the blood mother promises that you won't be able to hand over the Spirit Gathering Fruit in three days, and the 200 spiritual crystals just now belong to me. Otherwise, I don't have that many. I want to play with you here!"

Mu Tuan is long and thick, but his brain is very shrewd.

He knew that Lin Tiancheng must be looking for the Spirit Gathering Fruit in the Blurred Domain that he had broken into alone!

Head Mu was a desperate like Lin Tiancheng before the bloodthirsty mercenary group was brought out.

Compared with those powerful mercenary groups, these single-handed desperadoes will offer lower prices, and employers naturally prefer them.

But desperadoes like those who work alone often give rations to the spirit beasts in the Misty Realm, and they rarely succeed.

There is no loss for the employer.

If the desperadoes complete their tasks, the employer can get what they want at a lower price.

If the desperadoes cannot complete their tasks, the employer will not pay pennies, including the deposit.

The deposit is only relative to those mercenary groups, like these desperadoes, only after completing the task will they get the reward.

So in the eyes of Head Mu, Lin Tiancheng wanted to break into the realm of confusion alone, that was a life of nine deaths.

If Lin Tiancheng went there, there would be no news, wouldn't the head of Namu be teased by Lin Tiancheng like a fool.

Lin Tiancheng nodded at the blood mother-in-law, hoping that he would help himself this time.

Mother Blood thought for a while, and finally agreed to Leader Mu's request, "Yes, I believe my vision, since Tiancheng wants to do this, he must be extremely sure!"

Lin Tiancheng's kindness to the blood race is more than 200 spiritual crystals!

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In addition, the blood mother-in-law admired Lin Tiancheng very much from beginning to end, so it was natural to help him with such a small favor.

Gu Chengwu took a long breath. He really worried about Lin Tianchengbai. It turned out that this kid had already thought out a countermeasure!

Leader Mu drank the last glass of wine and glanced at Lin Tiancheng, "After three days, I hope you can come out of the realm of confusion!"

Then he gave an offering to the blood mother-in-law and strode out of the Yun Mansion.

In fact, Head Mu hadn't gained nothing during this trip.

At least the 100 spiritual crystals that the blood mother gave him as a deposit have fallen into his pocket.

And Chief Mu is even more looking forward to hearing about Lin Tiancheng’s death three days later, so that he can not only get the 200 second-order spiritual crystals that the blood mother just put on the table, at the same time, he can continue to help the blood mother Find the task of gathering spirit fruit.

No matter from which aspect, Head Mu only makes money but not loses.

"Arrogant boy, when you wear open pants, I have already walked this road, and want to grab my rations, then you can ask for more blessings!"

After seeing Mu Shan leave, Mother Blood suddenly became serious.

Although Lin Tiancheng was kind to the blood clan, the blood mother-in-law could not continue to mess around with Lin Tiancheng.

The blood family has not yet gained a firm foothold in Zhongdu. Right now is the most critical moment. The blood mother must race against time to improve her strength and expand the blood family's influence.

I believe that the news of the blood family returning to moderate will soon spread. Those enemies 30 years ago think it will not take long to come to the door, and they must prepare as soon as possible.

Lin Tiancheng got up and filled a glass of wine for Mother-in-law, and said respectfully, "Mother-in-law Blood has trust in Tiancheng, and Tiancheng can't repay him. I will definitely find the Spirit Gathering Fruit within three days!"

"You kid..." The **** mother-in-law pointed to Lin Tiansong and sighed, with a disappointed expression on her face.

She had high expectations for Lin Tiancheng, always felt that he was not a simple person, and wanted him to join the blood clan very much, but Lin Tiancheng refused.

However, Lin Tiancheng's behavior today disappointed her a bit.

She knew that Lin Tiancheng did this not for 200 second-order spirit crystals, but to keep the crane in the cloud.

But if Lin Tiancheng wants to find the Spirit Gathering Fruit, he has to venture into the desire for confusion. This is a very big idea.

Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng's strength is only in the peak state of the Tuomai period, even a strong man like the blood mother who is only one step away from the peak of the Jin Dan period dare not rush into the domain of confusion!

"Tiancheng, you are so desperately trying to keep the Yun family. It seems that you really like Aunt Yunmeng! Since you are the benefactor of our blood clan again, then my **** mother-in-law should also be a gift!"

Lin Tiancheng puzzled!

Mother-in-law Blood is a very shrewd woman. Lin Tiancheng knows very well that no matter how much kindness he has to Mother-in-law, Mother-in-law will not open up and regard Lin Tiancheng as a friend.

Facing such a woman, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but become vigilant.

"Reliance is that I not only promised you to release the crane in the cloud, but I will also leave the Yun family with the children of the blood race! However, the condition is that you must find the Spirit Gathering Fruit within three days!" The blood mother said solemnly.

Lin Tiancheng's eyes couldn't help but brighten, but his brain started to work quickly.

In his heart, he thought to himself, "The Yun Family is already a duck with a mouth to the blood clan, and it just makes no sense to choose to give up just because of a soul gathering fruit!"

If Mother Blood gets the Spirit Gathering Fruit, she can break through her strength to the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and it is not a problem if she wants to quickly gain a foothold in her.

However, even if the blood mother-in-law did not evacuate the Yun family with her blood, Lin Tiancheng had to fulfill his promise to hand over the Spirit Gathering Fruit.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng felt that the blood mother must be making some calculations behind her back.

Gu Chengwu's expression seemed a little nervous, of course he didn't want the blood mother-in-law to lead the blood clan's children to leave Yunfu.

However, he and Lin Tiancheng are also very good friends, so it is naturally difficult to express their reluctance.

Then, the **** mother-in-law said, "I want you to help me rule the Yun family and become a vassal of our blood clan!"

Lin Tiancheng was about to refuse, because he had never thought of joining any forces or becoming a vassal of any forces.

Mother-in-law said, "You don't have to refuse, in fact I have already heard that you have become the master of the two sects of Yiqi Sect and Shushan Sword Sect!

I know your little guy's ambition is not small!

If you can become the Patriarch of the Yun Family, then you can have your own power in Zhong, and no one will dare to move you easily in the future!

The premise is that you have to take this blood evil pill and help our blood clan build up power within three months. Then the antidote will naturally be given to you, and the entire Yun family will be yours!

You can think about it! "

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